b'64 REGISTRATION SPECIAL STUDIES 2022ONE-DAY ATTENDANCE ACCESSIBILITY PLANNING YOUR VISITNo single-day sign ups are available thisThe following classrooms are accessible byTo learn more about housing available year. Registration is for the full weekelevator, ramp or are at ground level: during your stay, use Chautauqua only and in advance of arriving at theAlumni Hall (all classrooms) Institutions web-based accommodations designated classroom. Arts Quad, Ceramics Studio service at chq.org by clicking on the Carnahan-Jackson Dance Studios Accommodations tab.COURSE TRANSFERS ANDElizabeth S. Lenna Hall For more information about planning your CHANGES Girls Club visit to Chautauqua this summer, go toWithin 24 hours of the first meeting of aFletcher Hall chq.org/plan-your-visit. course, students may, if necessary, electHeinz Beach Fitnessto change or transfer their registrationHultquist Center, Room 101 FEEDBACKby visiting the Special Studies office atHurlbut Church, Sanctuary Chautauqua has a historic commitment to Hultquist Center. All such changes orMcKnight Hall lifelong learning, and we encourage you transfers require a $10 transfer fee perPier Building Classroom to provide us with feedback on learning course. Changes or transfers must bePier Building Lounge experiences you would be interested in made as soon as possible to allow anotherSmith Library Classroom while visiting Chautauqua. Please assist student access to that course. Sports Club us in creating an exciting curriculum Turner Community Center (all classrooms) by emailing your ideas and any other CANCELLATION ANDJohn R. Turney Sailing Center feedback regarding Special Studies to REFUND POLICY If you have any (dis)ability relatedKaren Schiavone, manager of community If a class is canceled by Chautauquaaccommodations, please emaileducation, kschiavone@chq.org, or visit the Institution, we will automatically issue aspecialstudies@chq.org. Advance notice ofSpecial Studies office at Hultquist Center.refund to your original form of payment.at least one week prior to the start of yourYou are also encouraged to complete the Please ensure that Special Studies has yourcourse is greatly appreciated to help us2022 Special Studies survey, which will current contact information by including itmake appropriate arrangements. be emailed upon conclusion of a course. with your registration. Survey data provides important information Participants who request to cancel theirSPECIAL STUDIES GATE PASS to instructors and staff on customer service registration at least eight (8) days inA Special Studies Pass is available onlyissues, registration procedures, and future advance of the class start can receive afor those living outside the grounds whoSpecial Studies offerings. credit voucher for future class purchases,are attending Special Studies classes on the equal to the amount paid for the originalgrounds. There is NO FEE for this pass. NoPHOTO, VIDEO AND SOCIAL MEDIAprogram. access to Amphitheater programs. Photographs and videos are periodically Additional information about CreditTo obtain a Special Studies Pass, bring antaken of people participating in Vouchers: electronic or paper copy of your courseChautauqua Institution programs, classes Credit vouchers will not be issuedconfirmation to the Main Gate Ticket Officeand events. All persons, including once program content has beenprior to the start of your class. No gateinstructors, students or participants and accessed nor within seven (7) days ofpass is required for classes held at Turnertheir child/ward, thereby agree that any the program start date. Community Center. photograph or video taken by Chautauqua Credit vouchers will not be issued onceInstitution may be used by Chautauqua a program is sold out or has reachedGATE PASSES Institution without limitation, and capacity. A Traditional Gate Pass or Grounds Accessincluding, but not limited to, advertising, Credit vouchers will not include anyPass is required of everyone 3 years of agepromotional materials, the Chautauqua additional fees nor discounts appliedor older and is needed for movement onInstitution website, promotional videos, to your registration. and off the grounds and for admission tocourse catalogs, brochures, flyers, social Credit vouchers may take up to 10events on the grounds. For complete gatemedia and other publications, without business days to process after apass information or to purchase a pass, visitadditional notice or permission and without request is received. tickets.chq.org or contact the Ticket Officecompensation to the participant. All photos The credit voucher will be valid for futureat 716-357-6250. and videos are property of Chautauqua purchases on learn.chq.org and must beInstitution.redeemed within one year from the date ofPARKINGissue. Daily$10 More information about Chautauqua Institution policies can be found online by For those from the surrounding communityvisiting policies.chq.org.2023 COURSE PROPOSALS who have classes at Turner Community If you would like to teach a Special StudiesCenter, complimentary parking spaces have class during the 2023 season, please visitbeen designated in front of the building. learn.chq.org and complete the courseThese spaces are reserved for those proposal form by Nov. 1, 2022. Forattending programs at Turner only and additional information, please stop by theare limited to a 3-hour maximum use. This Special Studies office during the season,parking area will open at 7 a.m. and closes at visit learn.chq.org, or contact Karen8 p.m. daily.Schiavone at kschiavone@chq.org.Visit learn.chq.org for complete course descriptions, instructor biographies and to register.'