b'8 YOUTH SPECIAL STUDIES 2022BE HERE NOW: MINDFULNESS, MEDITATION, AND YOGA FORYOUNG WRITERS INSTITUTETWEENS AND TEENSKatie HoffmanWe feel happy when we are completelyThe Young Writers Institute is a five-day immersive, prose and poetry creative writing present and in the current moment. This isday camp for students 14 to 18 years old. Spend a week developing your voice in mindfulness: paying attention to the verythe Young Writers Institute writing workshop. In this course, we will learn elements of moment we are in without judgment. Thiscraft that will help bring your ideas to life on the page. Through writing exercises and week-long course will explore differentexperimentation, close reading of established and emerging writers, and feedback types of mindful practices relevant tofrom your instructor and peers, you will craft stories and poems with intentionality todays tweens and teens. Each techniqueand heart. You will also learn revising and editing techniques to make your pieces taught and practiced will create antheir absolute strongest, and will conclude the five-day course with an anthology of extensive tool kit to bring mindfulness intoyou and your classmates very best work.every day. There will be an opportunity toThe Young Writers Institute will be offered in Week five (Poetry) and Six (Prose) of practice outdoors in nature and materialsChautauquas summer season (July 2529 and August 15) and welcomes young will be provided for journaling and creatingwriters from all across the country. Young writers, no matter their experience, may art. Ages 813. enroll.Week 6, 8/18/5 / M, Tu, W, Th, F12:451:45 p.m. / Heinz Beach Fitness Studio 2 Daily ScheduleFees: 5 sessions$79910:30 a.m.: ClassFINANCIAL FUNDAMENTALS FOR10:45 a.m.12 p.m.:Class, or, depending on topic, attend a lecture in the AmpSAVVY TEENS 121 p.m.: Break for lunch and/or attend brown bag lecture programSheila Schroeder 1:30-4:30 p.m.: Class or attend CLSC presentationThis class is for high school, college, and recent graduates who are ready to beginFacultynavigating their personal finances with confidence and is led by Sheila Schroeder,Kim Henderson is the author of The Kind of Girl, which won the a 25+ year veteran of Wall Street andSeventh Annual Rose Metal Press Short Short Chapbook Contest. Her the financial markets. She teaches withstories have appeared in The Kenyon Review, Tin House Open Bar, the belief that economic empowermentThe Texas Observer, Cutbank, River Styx, The Southeast Review, New begins with financial knowledge. We willSouth, H_NGM_N, Flash Fiction Online and elsewhere. From New cover financial basics such as budgeting,Mexico, she now lives with her husband in Southern California, where investment portfolios, setting up regularshe chairs the creative writing program at Idyllwild Arts Academy. and retirement savings plans (such as 401(K) and IRAs), managing debt and buildingKenyatta Rogers is a Cave Canem Fellow and has been twice savings. Join us! Ages 14+. awarded scholarships from the Bread Loaf Writers Conference. He Week 6, 8/18/4 / M, Tu, W, Th has also been nominated twice for both Pushcart and Best of the Net 12:451:45 p.m. / Hultquist 201B prizes, and his work has been previously published in or is forthcoming Fees: 4 sessions$79 from Jubilat, Vinyl, Bat City Review, The Volta and PANK, among others. He is an associate editor of RHINO Poetry and currently serves on the creative writing faculty at the Chicago High School for the Arts.GRAPHIC NOVELS AND COMICS: WRITING IMAGES AND DRAWINGRegistrationWORDSSally Levine Visit learn.chq.org to register for Young Writers Institute. Fees: 5 days$275Whether you like to write, to illustrate, both or neither (but youre interested in learning to develop writing and illustration skills), you can produce a mini graphic novel.FLASH FICTION WORKSHOP WHATS MY LINE? IMPROV FOR KIDSThis class takes a step-by-step approachDoria Wohler John C. Barthelmesto creating a graphic novel taking place atIn this class, students will be writing short-shortSo a funny thing happened on the way to Chautauqua, developing a clear narrative,stories (otherwise known as flash fiction orthe . Cant remember the rest of the joke? drawing engaging characters, producing asudden fiction), which generally run betweenImprovise! Make it up! Youll learn what story board and ultimately formatting the250 and 1,500 words. Most of these storiesimprovisation is and how to successfully final work. Ages 6+. will be prompted by exercise assignmentsimprov a scene thatll make everyone laugh! Week 7, 8/88/12 / M, Tu, W, Th, F provided daily at the beginning of class.Learning improv techniques can help you 23:30 p.m. / Pier Building Classroom Students will have the opportunity to discussout in school presentations and speeches, Fees: 5 sessions$115 / Materials fee$8 these stories in a round-table discussion,and on stage in plays and musicals.providing feedback and sharing ideas forAges 818.potential revisions. Ages 14+. Week 9 / 8/228/26 / M, Tu, W, Th, FWeek 7, 8/88/12 / M, Tu, W, Th, F 45 p.m. / Girls Club23:30 p.m. / Turner 105 Fees: 5 sessions$89Fees: 5 sessions$115Additional classes may be added. For current class listings, visit learn.chq.org'