b'18 SPECIAL STUDIES 2022 REGISTER NOW AT learn.chq.orgGAMES, RECREATION & SPORTS 19 Games,BRIDGE FOR ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS JUSTICE FOR THE NEGRO LEAGUES: Hugh Butler HOW MLB WOKE UPRecreation &You may not know a trump from a finesseGary Gillettebut youll be learning and playing thisWe will examine the history of the Negro most fascinating of partnership cardBaseball Leagues through their demise in Sports games in just four 75-minute sessions. Nothe 1950s, as well as more recent efforts partner needed. No materials needed orto acknowledge and honor contributions required just you and your enthusiasm toBlack players made to the game of baseball learn and play! Ages 14+. and to American history. Using a variety BRIDGE: 2 OVER 1 GAME FORCE Week 2, 7/47/7 / Week 3, 7/117/14 of media, including a collection of Negro Grant Vance M, Tu, W, Th / 3:304:45 p.m. League Baseball cards and rare reference Learn to bid like the experts. TopicsSheldon Hall of Ed. 201 books, plus poignant personal stories of the include: 2 Over 1 basics; 1NT forcing Fees: 4 sessions$85 Negro Leagues players themselves, we will the work horse of 2 Over 1; 4th Suit Forcing;explore the history of Black baseball from Bidding Game and Bidding Slam; Semi- MAH JONGG FOR BEGINNERS discrimination to integration and, finally, to forcing NT; and Invitational Jump Shifts.Susan Evans vindication in 2020. Ages 16+.Ages 14+. Bams, craks and dots, oh my! Winds,Week 4, 7/197/21 / Tu, W, ThWeek 1, 6/277/1 / M, W, F dragons and flowers, too. These might12:30 p.m. / Turner 10514 p.m. / Sports Club be unfamiliar terms, but they are notFees: 3 sessions$75Fees: 3 sessions$79 difficult to learn. Mah jongg is a delightful game which continues to gain popularity.INTERMEDIATE BRIDGE PLAYAGILITY JUMP START While its not a difficult game, it is unlike anyHugh ButlerMisa Martin other. Lessons will greatly shorten the timePlay pre-dealt lesson hands illustrating If you and your dog have ever wantedit takes to understand the basics and getprinciples of declarer bidding and play, to try the exciting sport of Agility,you started playing a game that will bringdefensive bidding and play. Players this course is a great introduction.you years of enjoyment. This is a wonderfulshould have one or more years of playing Learn agility foundation essentials: bodyopportunity to learn in a friendly, stress-freeexperience, plus a firm understanding of the awareness, footwork, and training that is theand supportive environment. Roll the dicestandard American bidding style. We will ground work for great teamwork! Positiveand deal the tiles, lets play! Ages 14+. explore recent bidding innovations without methods only, reward-based family friendlyWeek 2, 7/47/8 / Week 4, 7/187/22judgment. Ages 14+.training. Ages 12+. Week 6, 8/18/5 / Week 8, 8/158/19 Week 4, 7/187/21 / Week 5, 7/257/28Week 2, 7/47/8 / M, Tu, W, Th, F M, W, F / 12:30 p.m. / Sports Club M, Tu, W, Th / 3:304:45 p.m.23 p.m. / Turner 105 Fees: 3 sessions$79 Sheldon Hall of Ed. 201Fees: 5 sessions$89 / Materials fee$5 Fees: 4 sessions$85BASEBALL PAIRSMY DOG CAN DO THAT! Mark Altschuler & David Moriah REEL BASEBALL AND REAL Misa Martin Numbers are important in baseball. InBASEBALL: MYTH AND REALITYDo you and your dog like to try newthis course, the number is two. BaseballLee Lowenfishthings? Are you looking for new wayspairs such as Ruth-Gehrig, Rachel-JackieThe class will examine the historic to enrich your dogs life? Well try a newRobinson, Maris-Mantle, and Giamatti- connection between baseball and dog-friendly activity each day: NoseWorkRose illuminate. By learning about andHollywood. The often-conflicting demands (perfect for dogs of all ages!), Fitness andlooking closely at some of these pairs,of realism, fantasy, story-telling, and Tricks, and Dog Agility 101. Try somethingwe can contemplate what they meannostalgia will be discussed in such works new with your dog in a welcoming, low- about baseball and larger societal issues,as the silent movies of Buster Keaton and pressure environment using positiveAmerican culture, and maybe even theHarold Lloyd, 1940s feature films Pride of reinforcement training techniques.human condition. Ages 16+. the Yankees, It Happens Every Spring Ages 12+. Week 3, 7/117/14 / M, Tu, W, Th and Angels in the Outfield and such late Week 2, 7/47/8 / M, Tu, W, Th, F 9:1510:30 a.m. / Smith Library Classroom 20th-century films as The Natural and 3:154:15 p.m. / Turner 105 Fees: 4 sessions$89 Field of Dreams. Excerpts from movies Fees: 5 sessions$89 / Materials fee$5 will be a feature of every class. Ages 14+.Week 5, 7/257/29 / M, Tu, W, Th, F3:305:30 p.m. / Hultquist 201BFees: 5 sessions$115= Visit learn.chq.org for required materials = Youth under 18 may attend = Materials fee applies'