b'REGISTER NOW AT learn.chq.orgINSTRUCTOR BIOGRAPHIES 59 O MARIA PATTERSON DIANNA PLOOFCorporate Political Power: Citizens United andBeginner Swing and Salsa for Fun (p. 18)Beyond (p. 31) Ed.D., Education, University of Massachusetts. ROBIN OLIVER B.A., History, Davidson College; J.D., ColumbiaRetired assistant professor of pediatrics; A Journey of Discovery through 19th CenturyLaw. NYU Stern School of Business since 2012,co-director, Department of Pediatrics Office French Poetry (p. 36) teaching undergraduate and MBA coursesof Faculty Development at the University of B.A., M.A., M.Ed. (Univ. of Cambridge & DePaul)in law, ethics, and professional responsibility.Pittsburgh School of Medicine; Childrens has been a high school teacher of French,Developed and taught the first course in a majorHospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC. Dance instructor Spanish and Italian for the past 26 years, currentlybusiness school on corporate political powersince 2008, 25+ years of dance experience.at North Atlanta High School in Georgia. Yearlyand spending. Have organized and spoken atHILARY PLUMnominated Teacher of the Year, selected byprograms on corporate ethics and corporateWriting Is a Form of Care (p. 35)Georgia Department of Education to write Frenchpolitical accountability. 30+ years as a corporateHilary Plum (she/her) is the author of several Curriculum at state level. Lived in France forlitigation and bankruptcy attorney. books, including the essay collection Hole eight years, Spain for three years. Also taughtROBIN PAYES Studies, the novel Strawberry Fields, and the work at Alliance Franaise in London and Chicago,Story of Your Life: Journaling through Times ofof nonfiction Watchfires. A collection of poetry, Illinois. Change and Crisis (p. 41) Excisions, is forthcoming from Black Lawrence JACKIE OLLINGER B.A., Washington Univ.; M.A., Univ. of Cincinnati.Press in 2023. She teaches fiction, nonfiction Morning Gentle Yoga (p. 29); Pilates Mat ClassThirty years as science writer, coach andand editing and publishing at Cleveland State (p. 29); Tai Chi (p. 29) consultant working with science organizationsUniversity and in the NEOMFA program, and she Certified 500+ hour instructor with Integral Yogato bring research to life using techniques ofis associate director of the CSU Poetry Center. Training. storytelling through media. Founder and principalRecent work has appeared in Granta, American EDWIN E. OLSON of WordsWork Communications, LLC, a socialPoetry Review, College Literature, Fence, and Consciousness of Wholeness (p. 41) marketing firm specializing in science andelsewhere. www.hilaryplum.comB.A. Philosophy, St. Olaf College; M.S. Pastoraleducation. Edge of Yesterday is her serial teen- RUTH POWELLCounseling, Loyola College; Ph.D., Government,oriented interactive science fiction series inspiringStephen Sondheim: A Study of Sunday in the American Univ. Author: Become Conscious oftransdisciplinary learning through story. Park with George (p. 40)Wholeness: Humanitys Only Future (2021),ANITA PETERS B.M., Illinois Wesleyan University, Organ And God Created Wholeness (2018); FindingThe Humanist Choice: Celebrate Without GodPerformance, M.Ed., University of Virginia. Thirty-Reality: Four Ways of Knowing (2014); Keep the(p. 44) two years teaching experience in Fairfax County Bathwater: Emergence of the Sacred in ScienceVassar College; MIA, SIPA/Columbia U. FoundingSchools, part-time consulting teacher, new and Religion (2009); 40 years university teaching;member (10) and Steering Committee ofteacher mentor and course, Educator of the Year currently adjunct professor, Univ. of Maryland,Humanists and Freethinkers of Fairfield County,for Phi Delta Kappa, 1979, Teacher: The Skillful Global Campus. wholenessconsciousness.com Connecticut. Featured speaker at The AmericanTeacher course, Fairfax County Public Schools. ELIZABETH OYLER Humanist Association 78th annual conference atSang with The Washington Choral Arts Society, A Theater of Ghosts: The Japanese Noh Dramathe Univ. of Miami in June 2019; AHA HumanistWashington D.C. for 11 years.from Medieval Japan to the ContemporaryCelebrant since 2014; Funeral Celebrant,ANDREW PRINZINGWorld Stage (p. 36) InSight Institute; over 20 years of experienceIntroduction to Restorative Practices (p. 42)B.A., Japanese, Univ. of Pittsburgh; M.A.,in international development and secondaryMasters Degree Adult Education, Seattle Japanese, Univ. of Wisconsin, Ph.D., Japanese,education as a consultant and teacher. University; Certificate of Advanced Studies in Stanford Univ. Twenty years teaching experienceMAUREEN PHILLIPS Educational Administration, SUNY Brockport. at public and private universities; currentlyPurposeful Memoir Writing (p. 37) Twenty-two years experience as high school teaching Japanese literature, classical language,Ph.D. English Rhetoric, Univ. of Washington,teacher and school district administrator. and performing arts at the University ofSeattle; M.A.T., English, Univ. of Washington,Currently Restorative Justice trainer in schools Pittsburgh. Student of Heike biwa performance. Seattle; B.A., English/writing emphasis, Univ. ofand communities to improve school culture and Washington, Seattle. Thirty-one years experiencedisrupt the school to prison pipeline.P teaching college writing in all genres. Privatewww.pirirochester.orgeducational consultant since 2012, specializing in coaching doctoral dissertation writers toRRAOUL PACHECO successful completion of their programs. Since Ceramics Experience (p. 10) fall 2018, teaching memoir writing to seniors M.F.A., Ceramics, California College of Artsthrough University of Arizonas Osher LifelongMEGAN RADAKin San Francisco/Oakland. His work has beenLearning Institute. Intro to Cookie Decorating with Royal Icing (p. exhibited throughout the U.S. and is currently16)housed in private collections internationally.MEG PICKARD Cookie Fun 101 offers cookie decorating classes Pacheco currently serves as assistant chair forWater Exercise (p. 29) in the Huntsville area. Participants work hands on the Department of Art and Design at AugustaACE Certified Personal Trainer. Director ofwith Royal Icing to decorate a set of appropriately University in Augusta, Georgia. Recreation, Chautauqua Institution. themed cookies. Cookie flavors, shapes, sizes, DENISE PALGUTA DEB PINES quantities, and color schemes vary by class. Bit by Bit: Incremental Collage Studio (p. 24);Self-publishing 101 (p. 37) Classes are typically held in local craft stores. Exploring Creativity and Wellness (p. 27) A.B., English, Brown Univ. Award-winningMegan has extensive experience teaching that M.S. Occupational Therapy, Virginiaheadline writer for The New York Post andinclude many years teaching high school history Commonwealth Univ.; B.S. Indiana Univ. ofauthor of nine self-published Chautauquaand culinary arts, being a top achiever and leader Pennsylvania. Over 10 years experience teachingmurder mysteries, top sellers at the Chautauquawith Pampered Chef for 18 years, and 5 seasons variety of courses at a homeschool co-op,Bookstore. A former newspaper reporter, Pinesas a special studies instructor in Chautauqua. including English, science and art. Creativeis thrilled to be teaching again in Chautauqua.In 2019 she launched Cookie Fun 101 holding interests include bookmaking, art journaling,www.debpines.com decorating classes locally at several different painted pages, collage, watercolor, hand- independent venues and creating custom cookies building with clay and facilitating creative groupfor events and milestones.experiences.Additional classes may be added. For current class listings, visit learn.chq.org'