b'50 INSTRUCTOR BIOGRAPHIES SPECIAL STUDIES 2022InstructorJAN ANANIAN PHILLIP ATTEBERRYThe Journaling Habit: From Diary to Bullet Jour- Masters of the American Song (p. 40)nal (p. 37) B.A., Education, Univ. of Evansville; M.A., English, Biographies B.A., University of Massachusetts, English. PhiWashington Univ.; Ph.D., English, Washington Beta Kappa. Lifelong journal keeper who writesUniv.; 35 years university teaching experience; for pleasure, as a way to capture the moment,currently teaching English, History of Jazz and enhance creativity, and set goals. Student ofIntro to Film at Univ. of PittTitusville. Recipient A journal writing techniques and approaches andOutstanding University Teaching Award, Lincoln the famous diarists who incorporated them.Memorial University, 1989. Contributor and Designed courses and taught writers, courseeditorial consultant to several music publications.MARGO AGUIRRE developers, and trainers how to communicateKAREN AUERMosaics with Tiles (p. 23) effectively through writing. Beginning to Intermediate Hand Appliqu (p. 22)A.A., Art, Peace College; taught art and designLISA ANDALORA B.A. and M.S., Purdue University; 30 years courses at Nova University and Broward College;Cardio Dance (p. 39) biology, chemistry teaching experience; high owned home furnishing store and art galleryExperienced Dance Instructor. school and middle school. Currently retired, an featuring self-created works for four years;avid quilter/sewer/knitter and an active member teaching at Chautauqua for 11 years; currentlyMAGGIE ANDERSON of a large quilt guild. Have shown quilts and won owner of largest interior design/staging firm inWriting with Others (p.33) awards at local quilt shows. Teach quilt classes Fort Lauderdale for the past 25 years. Maggie Anderson is the author of five books oflocally.BRIAN ALLAIN poems, including Dear All, Windfall: New and The Business of Being a Writer (p. 37) Selected Poems, A Space Filled with Moving,EMILY AUSTINM.B.A., Univ. of Pennsylvania; MSEE and BSEE,and Cold Comfort. Anderson has also co- The Theater of You: Autobiographical Perfor-Purdue University; formerly founding director ofedited several poetry anthologies, includingmance for Teens (p. 7)the Frederick Buechner Center; currently ownerA Gathering of Poets and Learning by Heart:B.A., Univ. of S. Florida. Twenty-two years of writingforyourlife.com, publishingincolor.com, Contemporary American Poetry About School.teaching experience K-12 theater performance; compassionatechristianity.org, andHer awards include two fellowships from thecurrently director of performing arts at Bentley howtohealourdivides.com; have produced andNational Endowment for the Arts, as well asSchool in Oakland, California. Curriculum taught led 21 writers conferences and workshops;fellowships from the Ohio, West Virginia, andranges from Shakespeare to filmmaking to independent marketing consultant. Pennsylvania councils on the arts. She servedimprovisation. Active member of TheatreFirst in as the director of the Northeast Ohio MFA inBerkeley.JACK ALPERN Creative Writing (NEOMFA) from 2006 to 2009.RAJAA AYOUBIHeir Conditioning: Making an Inheritance Meanwww.maggieandersonpoet.com Young Artists (p. 12)Something (p. 15) SKYE ANDERSON Rajaa Ayoubi is a practicing artist who lives and B.A. and J.D., The Ohio State University; post- Dog Problems? No Problem! (p. 20) works in South Texas. She is a graduate from graduate courses in basic and estate planning,M.S., Genetics, Univ. of Minnesota. Collegethe University of Texas Rio Grand Valley with a Case Western Reserve University College of Law;instructor. Certified Trick Dog Instructor/ concentration in ceramics and three-dimensional 50 years practicing law and helping more thanProfessional Dog Trainer/Canine Massage (2002).materials. Ayoubis teaching experience comes 3,600 clients plan their estates.CGC/ATT Judge. Reward-based, force-free,from working with children for several years in www.alpernlaw.com dog trainer for 25 yearspuppy socialization,Istanbul, Turkey, sharing various techniques, MARK ALTSCHULER behavior, service/therapy dogs. Active inexercises and life-long experiences that were Saturday Morning Short Story (p. 36); Short Storyprofessional dog training/behavior organizationsfun and engaging. Ayoubi has also worked as a Discussion (p. 36); Baseball Pairs (p. 19); War: As(task force chair, conference staff, book reviewer).curatorial assistant, artist assistant and is a natural Seen by the Other (p. 36) Created EverythingDogBlog. MBTI Certifiededucator in her everyday life.Mark Altschuler has taught for over 30 years atProfessional. Afghanistan veteran.the high school and college levels and for 20Byears in Chautauquas Special Studies program.DIANE ANDRASIKHe has learned that discussion classes workAdvance Your Photography with Five Skills (p. 43); exceedingly well with Chautauqua participants.Better Camera Phone Photography (p. 43); StyleDAVID BAKERand Power through Photo Composition (p. 43) Come to Your Senses: The Sensual As Sacred (p. RION AMILCAR SCOTT B.A. and M.A., SUNY Fredonia; 34 years teaching44)Journey Through Fictional Forms (p. 35) experience high school. Professional portraitB.A., Biola University; M.A., Theology, Talbot Rion Amilcar Scott is the author of the storyand landscape photographer for 40 years, withTheological Seminary. Fifteen years ministry; collection The World Doesnt Require Youwork placed at Chautauqua Bookstore and other22 years private practice psychology; 15 years (Norton/Liveright, August 2019), a finalist forvenues. Thirtieth year instructing in Specialteaching at UCF, Rollins College and The Seattle the PEN/Jean Stein Book Award and winner ofStudies. Author of Arcadia pictorial history book,School of Psychology and Theology. Currently the 2020 Towson Prize for Literature. His debutDunkirk. Member of SNAPP, PPSNYS, NAPP.teaching in the post-graduate program at the story collection, Insurrections (University PressDunkirk City Historian. Tampa Bay Institute For Psychoanalytic Studies; of Kentucky, 2016), was awarded the 2017 PEN/ MEREDITH ANDREWS executive coaching and private practice in Bingham Prize for Debut Fiction and the 2017Toddler Time (p. 6) psychoanalytic psychotherapy.Hillsdale Award from the Fellowship of SouthernB.A. and M.A., Allegheny College; 26 yearsMICHAEL BARNDTWriters. His work has been published in placesteaching experience in elementary school K-4;Ensemble Music in the Baroque Era (p. 40)such as The New Yorker, The Kenyon Review,currently teaching fourth grade at KarigonB.S., Case Institute; Ph.D., School of Business, Crab Orchard Review, Best Small Fictions 2020Elementary School in Clifton Park, New York. Case Western Reserve University. Thirty and The Rumpus, among others. His story,years of university and community teaching Shape-ups at Delilahs was published in Bestexperience; currently classical music writer for American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2020.Urban Milwaukee (a Milwaukee web journal) and www.rionamilcarscott.com organizer (since 2013) of a monthly classical music education series Listening Together.Visit learn.chq.org for complete course descriptions, instructor biographies and to register.'