b'36 SPECIAL STUDIES 2022 REGISTER NOW AT learn.chq.orgLITERATURE & WRITING 37 Writing THE NURTURING NATURE OFWRITING OUR OWN PROFILES IN WORDSAND OUR WORLD COURAGEMaureen Ryan Griffin Maureen Ryan GriffinSELF-PUBLISHING 101 Reconnect with the natural worldWhen have you experienced Deb Pines through the words of writers who invite uscourage your own, or anyone elses? Learn how to publish your own booknointo a reciprocal, healing relationship with it,What was its source? How can we become matter your budget, computer know-howincluding Henry David Thoreau, Mary Oliver,more courageous? Come explore these or writing experience. A decade-longWendell Berry and Robin Wall Kimmerer.questions, and others, through holistic, self-publishing veteran will: (1) demystifyWell use passages of their works to inspirewhole-brain methods of writing that will the process, (2) offer practical nuts-and- writing about our own experiences withopen your mind, heart and spirit to your bolts tips on book covers, titles, pricing,nature, and to deepen our appreciationown growth, and to our human potential editing, marketing and more, (3) give youfor its gifts. Well also explore a number ofto keep growing. Ideal for those interested an invaluable take-home resource sheet,fun, easy methods to help your words flow,in expanding their writing and their and (4) offer lots of encouragement andwhatever your level of writing experience.relationship to self, others and the worldinspiration. Ages 14+. Ages 16+. for personal expression or publication. Week 2, 7/57/7 / Tu, W, Th Week 7, 8/88/11 / M, Tu, W, Th Ages 16+.910 a.m. / Turner 105 3:305:30 p.m. / Hultquist 201B Week 8, 8/158/18 / M, Tu, W, ThFees: 3 sessions$59 Fees: 4 sessions$119 3:305:30 p.m. / Hultquist 201BFees: 4 sessions$119PURPOSEFUL MEMOIR WRITING USING YOUR PHOTOS TO WRITE Maureen Phillips FAMILY STORIES FROM NOVICE TO NOVELISTThe objective of this course is to helpSharon Santillo John DeDakisyou either begin or gain traction inEvery family has stories that need toDeconstructs and demystifies the novel-the writing of your memoir. It will involvebe preserved and passed on. Researchwriting process for struggling and/or a week of learning about the memoir asis bearing out how important these storiesaspiring writers, from getting the nub of a genre, followed by writing exercises,are for future generations. In this writingan idea to getting your book published. tips, resources and peer review to receiveworkshop, we will make it fun to write ourLearn how to stay organized, write in the structured, objective feedback. At the endfamily stories by taking inspiration fromvoice of another gender, the art of rewriting, of the week, well discuss resources forfamily photos, from photos on our phonesand how to overcome your writing and getting published. Memoirs can be aboutand in shoeboxes, from interviewing livingmarketing fears. By weeks end youll be all of ones life, a remarkable period in onesrelatives, and from online references. Ideasprepared to begin work on a novel and life, or even a thematically related seriesfor easy visual techniques to create familywill be equipped with the skills to perfect of reflective essays. All writers are treatedstory books will also be shared. Ages 14+. it. There will be time for writing and being respectfully and encouraged to find theWeek 7, 8/98/11 / Tu, W, Th critiqued. Ages 14+.enriching pleasure of memoir writing.8:4510:15 a.m. / Turner 103 Week 9, 8/228/26 / M, Tu, W, Th, FFees: 3 sessions$85 / Materials fee$10 8:3010:30 a.m. / Hultquist 201AAges 14+. Fees: 5 sessions$129Week 2, 7/47/8 / Week 3, 7/117/15M, Tu, W, Th, F / 3:305:30 p.m. / Turner 103 THE BUSINESS OF BEING A WRITERFees: 5 sessions$119 Brian AllainIn the old days an author could write a THE JOURNALING HABIT: FROMmanuscript and throw it over the wall to DIARY TO BULLET JOURNAL the publisher who would take care of the Jan Ananian rest. That is no longer the case! Not only Journaling is an opportunity to helpdoes an author need a platform, they must us become mindful and also capture theenter the market very strategically. They sights, smells, and sounds that allow us,must operate like an entrepreneuragile, like Anais Nin, to taste life twice, in theflexible, and creative in their business. This moment and in retrospect. It allows us tocourse covers (1) an overview of publishing re-live vacations and serve as companionand reasons to consider self-publishing, for traveling or dining alone. This course(2) market strategy, including messaging, reviews techniques to harness our memories(3) marketing tactics, including attracting and also explores the power of bulletfollowers (platform development), and (4) journaling, a tool to help people get thingsentrepreneurial principles. Ages 16+.done and expand creativity. Because manyWeek 8, 8/158/18 / M, Tu, W, Th8:4510:15 a.m. / Turner 103people start journals and abandon them,Fees: 4 sessions$99it also focuses on ways to establish and maintain a journaling habit. Ages 16+.Week 4, 7/197/21 / Tu, W, Th45:30 p.m. / Hultquist 201BFees: 3 sessions$85= Visit learn.chq.org for required materials = Youth under 18 may attend = Materials fee applies'