b'52 INSTRUCTOR BIOGRAPHIES SPECIAL STUDIES 2022C JEROME CHESLEY RUTH GERRARD COLEFantastic Florals in Watercolor (p. 14) Shakespeare and the English Language (p. 36); B.S. and M.S., SUNY College at Buffalo; Univ.Shakespeares Timeless History Lessons (p. 36)of ArtSiena Italy, 20-plus years of teachingB.S., M.A.T., College of Wooster; three additional ANDREA CALI experience, high school and college. Currentlyyears graduate work in supervision, curriculum, Introduction to Tap Dance (p. 18) teaching workshops and teaching in Sarasotagifted, theological studies; 33 years high school B.A., Wellesley College; J.D., Case Westernand throughout Florida. Judge/juror for art showsand college teaching, 19 years gifted coordinator, Reserve University School of Law. Over 20 yearsand exhibitions. 2018 president and signature25 years teaching Shakespeare elective, 10 years of tap dance experience, in both Broadway andmember of Florida Watercolor Society. FSWS teaching English language history; publications in rhythm tap styles. Director of adult tap danceMaster Signature member and past president; onShakespeare, gifted, linguistics; Masters thesis on performance group since 2006. Teaches tapboards of Florida Arts Organizations. Shakespeares histories; 20 years teaching Special dance to adults in the D.C. Metro area. Nearly 35CAROL CLARK Studies and Road Scholar; extensive speaking.years as an attorney for the federal government,Avoiding Financial Landmines (p. 15); MarketNICOLE COOLEYmost recently employed by the Department ofOutlook in Post-COVID 19 Era (p. 15) Writing about the Difficult and Finding Grace in Justice in the immigration law area. B.A., Wesleyan Univ.; M.B.A., Cornell Univ.; CFAPoetry (p. 33)SARITA CARGAS with 28 years of financial markets experience.Nicole Cooley grew up in New Orleans and is Human Rights Successes (p. 46) Clark founded OnCenter Financial to serve thethe author of six books of poems, most recently D.Phil., Oxford University, Mst, Oxford University;wealth management needs of baby boomersOf Marriage (Alice James Books 2018) and Girl M.A., Georgetown University; B.A., St. Johnsand retirees. Vice president at BioEnterpriseAfter Girl After Girl (Louisiana State University College. Eighteen years of experience teachingfor 11 years, where she was managing directorPress 2017). Her poems have appeared recently college students; currently writing one of the firstof a private equity fund that delivered a 72%in Poetry, Scoundrel Time, Tupelo Quarterly textbooks in human rights. IRR. Previously managing director and portfolioand Plume. She has been awarded the Walt manager at Bank of Boston, where she managedWhitman Award from the Academy of American LUKA CARTER a $2 billion portfolio. Poets, a National Endowment for the Arts Grant, Ceramics Experience (p. 10) and the Emily Dickinson Award from the Poetry Luka Carter received his M.F.A. from theDIANE CLARK Society of America. She is the director of the University of Georgia and his B.F.A. fromExplore the Native American Medicine WheelM.F.A. Program in Creative Writing and Literary Colorado College. He has exhibited widely across(p. 44) Translation at Queens College, City University of the United States and has been commissionedB.A. and M.A., Indiana University of Pennsylvania,New York and lives outside of New York City with by the Rockaway Film Festival, Meow Wolf, and33 years of teaching experience, ranging fromher family. www.nicolecooley.comEureka!. Chautauqua Childrens School, elementary and secondary public schools, and the University ofLAURA COOMBSAIDAN CHAMBERLAIN Pennsylvania. Currently director of GreystoneEveryday Blue Zones Solutions (p. 30); Posture Community Brass Ensemble (p. 38) Nature Preserve offering experiential,Camp for Active Adults (p. 30)Aidan Chamberlain is a British educator andenvironmental education to people of all agesB.S., Stony Brook University; M.S., Exercise trombonist living in the Caribbean. He is anand ability levels. Member of the Wolf ClanPhysiology, Queens College. 25+ year career in assistant professor of music at the University ofTeaching Lodge of the Seneca Nation. Speaker atsports medicine with professional experience Trinidad and Tobago and has performed withenvironmental and peace conferences in Europein New York City corporate fitness and physical many internationally renowned ensembles suchand Japan. therapy facilities, Toyota Motor Manufacturing as the London Philharmonic, Royal Opera Houseergonomics, high school and college sports and on London shows such as The Lion King. WENDY COHEN sidelines, and college classrooms. Currently works Dyed Silk Scarves (p. 23); Glass Fusing (p. 22);in Lexington, Kentucky, as a posture coach and WILLIAM CHAMBERLIN Resin Pendants (p. 22) personal trainer who specializes in clients with Fueling Transportation More Sustainably (p. 45) Fifteen years of experience teaching glass fusing,OVER 50 bodies and UNDER 40 attitudes.M.S., B.A., Chemistry, Miami U. (Ohio). Thirty- resin and other craft classes to children and adultswww.ofcourseyourkneeshurt.comfour years R&D at Lubrizol developing lubricantsof all ages in classes and privately. Creates and for advanced power plants and alternative fuels;sells work in Chautauqua and Florida. ExtensiveIRA COOPERMANretired (to consultant) 2004. Fellow, Societyexperience in glass and ceramics. Espionage: What We Can Learn from Spy Films of Automotive Engineers, 2003 Outstanding(p. 46)Chemist of Year Award (Northeastern Ohio Am.HARRY COLE B.A., San Francisco State University. Taught Chem. Soc. Section); 19 publications, two bookBiblical Origins: From Genesis to Revelation (p.history and intelligence courses at U.S. Military entries, 15 U.S. Patents. 44) Academy at West Point, State University of New B.A., Univ. of Baltimore; M.Div. D. Min.,York, Temple University. Has taught for over Vanderbilt University. Fifty-year career in15 years at Chautauqua. Air Force intelligence Parish Ministry for the Presbyterian Churchofficer during the Vietnam War. Worked with the (USA) throughout the United States; 10 yearsCIA. Former investigative reporter with The Los experience in higher education as adjunctAngeles Times.professor at University of Baltimore teaching courses in Biblical History, History of ChristianJENNA CUSHING-LEUBNERThought, American and World Christianity,Wie, bitte? German Conversation (p. 32)Practical and Professional Ethics B.A., Univ. of Wisconsin: Eau Claire; M.A. TESOL, Hamline University; Ph.D., University of Minnesota. Fifteen years experience in language education. Currently assistant professor at University of Wisconsin, Whitewater. Research and teaching focuses on race, language, and power in U.S. schools, heritage language education, and culturally responsive teacher preparation. Recipient of numerous awards for community engaged research.Visit learn.chq.org for complete course descriptions, instructor biographies and to register.'