b'60 INSTRUCTOR BIOGRAPHIES SPECIAL STUDIES 2022PAUL RADER LIZA RIVERA LEN SAUERSAppalachian History and Culture (p. 31) Introduction to French Language and CivilizationEnvironmental Sustainability (p. 45)B.S., Pikeville College; M.Div., Union Theological(p. 32) Ph.D., Toxicology. Adjunct professor of Seminary; D.Min., Columbia TheologicalPh.D., Romance Studies, University of Parissustainability, Xavier University. Retired vice Seminary. Thirty years of ministry in theSorbonne; M.A., French University of Rennes;president of global sustainability, The Procter & Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in Kentucky, WestM.A., Spanish and Latin American Civilization,Gamble Company.Virgina and Tennessee, including six years asM.A. Spanish, University of Reims; Over 20 yearsSUZANNE SCHMIDTdirector of the Coalition for Appalachian Ministry.of teaching experience at high school, collegeThe Soul of Aging: Claiming the Gifts of Old Age Author of numerous articles and writings onand university level in France and the United(p. 41)Appalachia. Congregational consultant forStates. Teaches Spanish and French in WesternPh.D., M.Div. Founder of The Heart of Aging churches in Appalachia. Former secunded staffNew York. and dedicated to accompanying those on the for the Commission on Religion in Appalachia. ADILENE ROSALES journey of growing older. Completed major JAYASHREE RAO, MD Ceramics Experience (p. 10) research study on retired clergy women in 2021. Mindfulness in Wellness and Illness (p. 30) Adilene Rosales is a ceramic artist based inTrained facilitator for The Soul of Aging. Served Jayashree Rao is a retired pediatricMission, Texas. She received her B.F.A. in studioas adjunct professor at the University of Maryland endocrinologist who spent 30 years teaching,art and minor in psychology from The Universityand has taught courses at Chautauqua.researching, and practicing medicine at LSUof Texas Rio Grande Valley. She is currentlySHEILA SCHROEDERHealth Sciences Center and Childrens Hospitalworking on her M.F.A. at the same institution inFinancial Fundamentals for Savvy Teens (p. 8)in New Orleans, Louisiana. Having receivedstudio 3D with a concentration in ceramics. Sheila Schroeder has been working in the training in Mindfulness Based Stress ReductionNANCY ROSENBERGER financial services industry for 25+ years. She is (MBSR), and other courses by Mindful Schools,Yoga for Flexibility (p. 27) business development officer for Private Ocean Mindful Leader, and Mindful Education, she nowB.A., College of Wooster; Ph.D., UniversityWealth Advisors working with executive women teaches others employing techniques offered byof Michigan. Kripalu-certified teacher ofand their families. Prior to that she was a senior psychotherapist Dave Potter. Yoga, specializing in mindful yoga. Thirtyinstitutional equity salesperson in the Asian KOHENET MIKI RAVER years experience teaching and researching inequity markets. She lives in San Francisco with Listen to Her Voice: Women of the Hebrew Biblecultural anthropology. Zen practitioner, lifelongher husband and their twin children. She is an (p. 44) Chautauquan, hiker. avid runner and hiker.Kohenet Miki Raver graduated from EmersonKATHERINE RYBAK TORRES DONNA SCHUELECollege. She is author of Listen to Her Voice:Beginner Copperplate Calligraphy (p. 23); Callig- The Battle Over the Ballot: Past, Present and Women of the Hebrew Bible, a Jewish bestseller.raphy Signage (p. 23); Uncial Calligraphy (p. 23) Future (p. 31)She serves on the clergy team of Burbank TempleB.A. Providence College. Has been doingPh.D., Jurisprudence and Social Policy, Emanu-El and is Director of Camp Isabellacalligraphy for 30 years and remembers fondlyJ.D., University of California, Berkeley; B.A., Freedman. Her interactive lectures touch thecourses at Chautauqua with Joan Belz. Owner,Mathematics and History, Case Western Reserve minds and hearts of the participants. Queen Street Calligraphy, Alexandria, Virginia;University. Member, State Bar of California. TIMOTHY J. REDMOND member of the Washington Calligraphers Guild,Faculty member, California State University, Dumbocracy in America (p. 47) member of IAMPTH. Los Angeles; formerly, University of California, Timothy J. Redmond, a graduate of CanisiusIrvine (Lecturer of the Year, 2013). Judicial law College, received his M.A. and Ph.D. in politicalS clerk, U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit. science from SUNY at Buffalo. Redmond is anDistinguished Lecturer, Organization of American award-winning high school teacher, an adjunctAISHA SABATINI SLOAN Historians.professor, and a prolific writer. He is also anCuration and the Essay (p. 35) RICHARD SCHULERassociate director for the Academy of HumanAisha Sabatini Sloan is an essayist and multimediaHand Drumming for Fun (p. 39)Rights and the director for the Holocaustartist. She is the author of three essay collections,B.S. Waynesburg University. Lifelong Resource Centers annual conference forBorealis, The Fluency of Light: Coming of Agepercussionist. Currently a teacher of hand educators. Redmonds teaching and writing focusin a Theater of Black and White and Dreamingdrumming and drum set. Facilitator and founder on critical thinking and American politics. of Ramadi in Detroit. The latter was nominatedof Jamestown Thunder Drum and Dance circle. STEPHANIE REH for an Iowa Essay Prize and won the 1913 PressHe has 20 years experience leading drumming Ambition Ignition: Ignite Your Purpose (p. 42) Open Prose book contest as well as the CLMPworkshops and rhythm events. He has worked B.A., Psychology, Univ. of Rochester; M.S.,Firecracker award for nonfiction. Her book-lengthat St. Bonaventure University, Jamestown Strategic Leadership, Roberts Wesleyan College.essay, Borealis, was published in 2021 byCommunity College, Lilydale Assembly, Aspire Several years experience designing andCoffee House Press. Her essays have been widelyof Western NY and many festivals throughout delivering leadership development programs,anthologized, and appear in publications suchChautauqua County.individual and group coaching as Accountabilityas the Offing, Guernica, The Paris Review, andSHELDON SELIGSOHNEvangelist. Entrepreneur and executive on aObsidian. She is the Helen Zell Visiting ProfessorGreat Trials in History (p. 32)mission to help more people to serve moreof Creative Nonfiction at the University ofB.S., Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania; people. Active community volunteer andMichigan Writers Program. aishasloan.com J.D., Temple University School of Law. More than champion. https://accountabilityevangelist.com SHARON SANTILLO 35 years of teaching and lecturing at various JOHN REPP Using Your Photos to Write Family Stories (p. 37) colleges and universities including, Temple The Ode: Poetry of Celebration, Reverence, andSharon Santillo uses family photos to lead writingLaw School, Penn State University and Arcadia Surprise (p. 34) workshops and preserve family stories. She is aUniversity. Road Scholar lecturer.A poet, fiction writer, essayist, and book critic,certified art and writing trainer for the University John Repp grew up along the Blackwater Branchof New Hampshire and a Massachusetts Art of the Maurice River in southern New Jersey andTeacher of the Year (2011). She has led family has lived for many years in Erie, Pennsylvania.story workshops for adults since 2004.His most recent book is The Soul of Rock & Roll:www.familystoriesthroughart.comPoems Acoustic, Electric & Remixed, 1980-2020, published by Broadstone Books. johnreppwriter.comVisit learn.chq.org for complete course descriptions, instructor biographies and to register.'