b'10 ART SPECIAL STUDIES 2022Chautauqua Visual Arts School of ArtSharon Louden, Sydelle Sonkin and Herb Siegel Artistic Director of Chautauqua Visual ArtsSchool of Art Office: 716-357-6301The School of Art has a nationally recognized faculty of established professional artists and a curriculum for students at beginner through advanced levels. Special Studies classes are offered for adults, high-school students and children beginning at age 6. Students must be 18 years or older to enroll in adult classes. Materials in ceramics and sculpture will be billed as used. The Chautauqua Bookstore carries a variety of art supplies.Important Ceramics InformationFor safety reasons, no one under the age of 18 is permitted in the ceramics studio. Participants may be asked to provide proof of age. Wear clothes and shoes that you dont mind getting dirty (bringing an apron and old towel are a good idea). Clay will not always wash out of clothing. Tool kits may be purchased at the School of Art office for approximately $20.CERAMICS EXPERIENCE (AM)Raoul Pacheco, Adilene Rosales, LukaCVA Facilities PassCarter, Leslie Gomez-GonzalezBeginner and Intermediate students areThis one-week facilities pass will grant access to the CVA print shop, ceramics studio, introduced to the fundamentals of workingand outdoor sculpture pad for independent personal projects. The passholder will with clay as an art medium. Depending onbe able to use these spaces outside of listed CVA class times between 9 a.m. and the students and their specific interests,8 p.m. Monday through Friday.Passholders are not allowed to access CVA facilities this course focuses on wheel working withduring posted class times unless authorized by the supervising CVA staff member. This hand-building aspects and a variety ofpass does not grant access to instructor guidance or assistance on personal projects. glazing and firing techniques. InstructionPassholders are expected to bring their own materials and supplies. Clay and tools are will be tailored to the individual skill level ofavailable for purchase through CVA. Ages 18+.each student in an atmosphere that fostersWeeks 1 to 7 / 6/278/12 / M, Tu, W, Th, F / 9 a.m.8 p.m. / CVA Arts Quadcreativity and exploration. A pottery tool kitFees: 1 week$99 / Materials fee$5 per piece for bisque firing; $5 per piece for glaze and an apron or towel are recommended.firing.Tool kits may be purchased for $20 on first day of class. Ages 18+.Weeks 1 to 7 / 6/278/12 / M, Tu, W, Th, F PORTRAIT PAINTING911 a.m. / CVA Arts Quad Ceramics Studio Instructor TBAFees: 5 sessions$150 In this class students will be given a crash Materials fee$5 per piece for bisque firing;course in the basics of portraiture. Topics $5 per piece for glaze firing. will include proportioning the head, mixing skin tones, as well as brush and CERAMICS EXPERIENCE (PM) paint application techniques. Value, form Raoul Pacheco, Adilene Rosales, Lukaand color theory will form the basis of Carter, Leslie Gomez-Gonzalez instruction. Ages 18+.Beginner and Intermediate students areWeek 1, 6/277/1 / Week 3, 7/117/15 introduced to the fundamentals of workingWeek 5, 7/257/29with clay as an art medium. Depending onM, Tu, W, Th, F / 13 p.m.the students and their specific interests,CVA Arts Quad Annex 2Fees: 5 sessions$129 / Materials fee$35this course focuses on wheel working with hand-building aspects and a variety of glazing and firing techniques. InstructionFIGURE PAINTINGwill be tailored to the individual skill level ofInstructor TBAeach student in an atmosphere that fostersFIGURE DRAWING In this weeklong figurative painting class, creativity and exploration. A pottery tool kitInstructor TBA students will have the opportunity to and an apron or towel are recommended.In this weeklong figurative drawing classexplore paint while working directly from a Tool kits may be purchased for $20 on firststudents will have the opportunity tolive model. Class topics will include gesture, day of class. Ages 18+. explore and hone their drawing skills whileform, light, proportion and rendering as Weeks 1 to 7 / 6/278/12 / M, Tu, W, Th, F working directly from a live model. Classwell as understanding basic elements of 24 p.m. / CVA Arts Quad Ceramics Studio topics will include gesture, form, light,painting. Time will also be spent learning Fees: 5 sessions$150 proportion and rendering. Time will also behow to engage in meaningful dialogue and Materials fee$5 per piece for bisque firing;spent learning how to engage in meaningfulcritique. Ages 18+.$5 per piece for glaze firing. dialogue and critique. Ages 18+. Week 2, 7/47/8 / Week 4, 7/187/22Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5 M, Tu, W, Th, F / 13 p.m. / 6/277/29 / M, Tu, W, Th, F CVA Arts Quad Annex 28:3010:30 a.m. / CVA Arts Quad Annex 2 Fees: 5 sessions$129 / Materials fee$35Fees: 5 sessions$129 / Materials fee$35Additional classes may be added. For current class listings, visit learn.chq.org'