b'20 SPECIAL STUDIES 2022 REGISTER NOW AT learn.chq.orgGAMES, RECREATION & SPORTS 21 John R. Turney Sailing Center THE GUIDED SAIL EXPERIENCEGuided sails are offered to anyone who has always wanted to go sailing, but Chris Brady, Director of Sailing does not have time to learn. Enjoy an The Chautauqua Sailing Department (716-357-6392 after June 20) presents a summer-longafternoon on the lake with one of our U.S. curriculum of one-week sailing courses designed to advance the sailing skills of all agesSailing certified staff as they sail you on a and experience, from youth to adult and from novice to advanced racer. Lead staff has U.S.waterfront tour of Chautauqua Institution. Sailing Level I certification. Sailing courses are based on U.S. Sailing Associations SmallOffered twice a week, no instruction Boat Sailor Certification system. The course descriptions below offer a broad outline ofincluded. Ages 18+.each course. All sailing courses originate from the John R. Turney Sailing Center, located atWeeks 1 to 9 / 6/278/26 / Tu or Ththe far south end of the Chautauqua waterfront. Please contact the sailing department for12 p.m. / John R. Turney Sailing Centerany additional information or questions about individual student needs. Fees: 1 session$30YOUTH SAILING: BEGINNER TOADULT SAILING: BEGINNER TO INTERMEDIATE INTERMEDIATE What to bring to all sailing This course is for young sailors regardlessThis course is for adult sailors regardlesscourses:of sailing experience. Instructional sightsof sailing experience. Instructional sights include on-the-water, classroom, andinclude on-the-water, classroom, andwater shoesdockside. Each day starts with a briefdockside. Each day starts with a briefsunblocklecture on sailing theory, followed by sailinglecture on sailing theory, followed by sailingtowelrelated games and at least two hours on therelated games and at least two hours on the water. Education focuses on giving studentswater. Education focuses on giving studentssunglassesthe skills they need to operate a sailboat bythe skills they need to operate a sailboat bybathing suitthemselves, including sailing terminology,themselves, including sailing terminology,light jacketboat safety, sail trim, identifying wind andboat safety, sail trim, identifying wind andPFDs will be provided for all students. weather conditions, knots, capsize recovery,weather conditions, knots, capsize recovery,Dress for water and weather conditions. safe boat handling, and the rigging andsafe boat handling, and the rigging andBe prepared to get wet.derigging of Optimist or OPen BIC dingys.derigging of a Sunfish dingy. The course The course content is repeated weekly;content is repeated weekly; however, however, intermediate students have theintermediate students have the flexibility flexibility to deepen their skills with anto deepen their skills with an instructors instructors help. This course is perfect forhelp. This course is perfect for any studentPrivate Lessons and Rentalsany student who is looking to have funwho is looking to have fun adventures onWe offer a vast curriculum of private adventures on Chautauqua Lake and learn aChautauqua Lake and learn a new lifelonglessons for sailors of any level. new lifelong skill. Ages 712. skill. Ages 18+. Whether you are a beginner who Weeks 1 to 9 / 6/278/26 / M, Tu, W, Th, F Weeks 1 to 9 / 6/278/26 / M, Tu, W, Th, F wants one-on-one instruction, or an 9 a.m.12 p.m. / John R. Turney Sailing Center 14 p.m. / John R. Turney Sailing Center experienced sailor looking for an Fees: 5 sessions$190 Fees: 5 sessions$190 advanced curriculum tailored to your needs, this course offering can be TEEN SAILING: BEGINNER TOADVANCED SAILING adapted to any schedule. Take several INTERMEDIATE This course is for advanced sailors oflessons a week, or spread them out This course is for teen sailors regardlessall ages, or anyone looking to take theirover the course of the season.of sailing experience. Instructional sightssailing skills to the competitive level.Call the Sailing Department atinclude on-the-water, classroom, andEducation includes learning advanced716-357-6392 from June 20 to Aug. dockside. Each day starts with a briefterminology, racing strategies, race starts,26. Lessons and rentals are scheduled lecture on sailing theory, followed by sailinguse of a spinnaker, roll tacking, right of way,in one-hour time periods.related games and at least two hours on thesportsmanship, teamwork, and any other water. Education focuses on giving studentssailing skills that students want, as well as the skills they need to operate a sailboat bythe rigging and derigging of Lasers and themselves, including sailing terminology,420s. Students will be assigned to boats boat safety, sail trim, identifying wind andbased on their skill level, physical ability andRegistration Informationweather conditions, knots, capsize recovery,educational desires. Participants must be safe boat handling, and the rigging andable to: sail independently on all points ofPlease remember to mention your derigging of a Sunfish dingy. The coursesail, and perform basic tacking and jibingregistration for Boys and Girls Club content is repeated weekly; however,maneuvers. Ages 10+. during the registration process to intermediate students have the flexibilityWeeks 1 to 9 / 6/278/26 / M, Tu, W, Th, F receive your discount.to deepen their skills with an instructors14 p.m. / John R. Turney Sailing Centerhelp. This course is perfect for any studentFees: 5 sessions$190who is looking to have fun adventures on Chautauqua Lake and learn a new lifelong skill. Ages 1317.Weeks 1 to 9 / 6/278/26 / M, Tu, W, Th, F 9 a.m.12 p.m. / John R. Turney Sailing CenterFees: 5 sessions$190= Visit learn.chq.org for required materials = Youth under 18 may attend = Materials fee applies'