b'24 SPECIAL STUDIES 2022 REGISTER NOW AT learn.chq.orgHANDCRAFTS & HOBBIES 25 T-SHIRT MEMORY QUILT ETERNITY KNOT QUILT BLOCK EASY SHIBORI DYEING WITH Aimee Doershuk Aimee Doershuk INDIGOTheyve been in your closet for yearsThis fascinating endless knot patternSandy Shelenbergerthose beloved T-shirts. Gather up 12is known by several other names,Create patterns on fabric and scarf using to 15 T-shirts and create a beautifulincluding Infinity Knot, Endless Knot,the ancient technique of Shibori. The memory quilt! You will prep and stabilizeand Buddhist Knot. Variations of it appearcloth will be dyed in an Indigo vat, creating the T-shirts, measure and cut to size, thenin decorative arts around the world. Twothe traditional blue coloring. Shibori is a sew them into a quilt top. Well discusstechniques are offered in this class to makeJapanese word used to describe a variety finishing options in class. Instructor hasa 12 block. One is Rotary Cut and Piecedof manual resist techniques such as binding, sewing machines to use, or bring yourand the other is Paper Pieced. Well talktwisting, stitching or clamping that create own. See Material List for necessary fabricabout design and color possibilities, too.patterns on the fabric before putting in requirements and other supplies needed.It makes a wonderful central medallion indye bath. You will learn how to do Arashi Materials fee due to instructor coversa wall-hanging, a table runner or weddingShibori, which is a wrapping technique stabilizer and miscellaneous supplies.quilt. Ages 16+. using a cylinder or rope. You will also learn Ages 16+. Week 7, 8/88/11 / M, Tu, W, Th Itijime Shibori, clamping and binding. Learn Week 6, 8/18/5 / M, Tu, W, Th, F 1:304:30 p.m. / Turner 104 the traditional methods of Shibori, then 1:304:30 p.m. / Turner 104 Fees: 4 sessions$119 / Materials fee$15 make it your own! Ages 14+.Fees: 5 sessions$129 / Materials fee$35 Week 8, 8/16 / TuFANCY FELTED BEADS 1:304:30 p.m. / Turner 106SIT AND SEW SATURDAY Lyn Harris Fees: 1 session$59 / Materials fee$30Aimee Doershuk Lets make beautiful felted beads! Felted Have a quilting project you need abeads can stand alone in creatingSTITCHED SHIBORI DYEING WITH little help with? A UFO you want tounique jewelry and are also the perfectINDIGOfinish? Want a day to sew withoutcomplement to many other types of bead.Sandy Shelenbergerinterruptions? Come to Sit and SewYou will learn how to felt round, tubular andShibori is an ancient technique that is Saturday! Aimee will be available to offerflat-felted beads. You will then embellishused to create patterning on cloth. In help and advice all day. Classroom sewingyour beads with decorative threads,this class, beautiful patterns can be made machines, irons and cutting mats will beseed beads, and felt locks using sewingby using a simple running stitch or overcast available but bring all your project supplies.and needle felting techniques. Writtenstitch. These stitches can then be sewn Materials fee of $5 due to instructor. Pack ainstructions will also be provided. Studentsin rows or fill in shapes to make unique lunch and snack. Ages 16+. are encouraged to bring any particularpatterning of their own. These stitches are Week 6, 8/6 / Week 7, 8/13 / Week 8, 8/20 embellishments they wish to use. Ages 14+. then pulled up and gathered to form a Sat / 9 a.m.4 p.m. / Turner 104 Week 8, 8/15 / M resist. The gathered cloth is then dyed in Fees: 1 session$49 / Materials fee$5 1:303 p.m. / Turner 106 Indigo, the traditional magical blue color Fees: 1 session$35 / Materials fee$12 used in Shibori. Ages 14+.ART IN THE ROUND Week 8, 8/178/18 / W, ThTami Hritzay OODLES AND BOODLES OF BEADS 1:304:30 p.m. / Turner 106Learn to create beach glass jewelryLyn Harris Fees: 2 sessions$99 / Materials fee$30using wrapping and drilling techniques.Lets get together and make bags full After two days of jewelry making, wellof one-of-a-kind paper beads! UsingFAST AND FUN THREE-YARD QUILTSspend the rest of the week working withunique papers, adhesives and additionalAimee Doershukacrylic paints. We will create artwork usingembellishments, you will have fun makingGrab three yards of fabric and come to old 100-year-old pieces of slate. Letteringtubular, pandora, pillow and saucer typeclass. Then pick a pattern and see how as well as landscape subject matter will bepaper beads. We will also embellish thequick it is to make a quilt. This is a great added to the vintage art pieces. Ages 14+. beads with ribbons, decorative threads andway to use up your fabric stash and these Week 7, 8/88/12 / M, Tu, W, Th, F wire. Your beads can then be glazed andfun patterns make a great lap quilt, baby 8:3010:30 a.m. / Turner 106 taken home to combine them with felted,quilt or charity quilt! They even do all the Fees: 5 sessions$119 / Materials fee$20 metal or ceramic beads to create trulymath and give you the fabric yardage and unique pieces of wearable art. A no-faildirections if you want to make a bed-sized class! Ages 14+. quilt! Ages 14+.Week 8, 8/15 / M Week 8, 8/158/18 / M, Tu, W, Th3:305 p.m. / Turner 106 1:304:30 p.m. / Turner 104Fees: 1 session$35 / Materials fee$10 Fees: 4 sessions$119 / Materials fee$20= Visit learn.chq.org for required materials = Youth under 18 may attend = Materials fee applies'