b'44 SPECIAL STUDIES 2022 REGISTER NOW AT learn.chq.orgSCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY; THEATER 45 Science &FUELING TRANSPORTATION MORETheaterSUSTAINABLYTechnology William Chamberlin BASICS OF STAGE COMBATConventional petroleum-based transportation fuels have undesirableDale Anthony Girardimpacts on health, the environment,If you are someone who is intrigued by ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY and geopolitics. Advances in fuels,thefact that actors enjoy performing the Len Sauers power/storage systems, and broadbandbrutal beatings, sword fights, battles and Is climate change real? Will the next warscapabilities could lead to more sustainablebrawls seen on stage,this class is for you! be fought over water? How much plasticalternatives. The course will summarizeGeared for the beginner, this class looks waste can our oceans tolerate? Climatewhere we are, analyze past failures, andspecifically at the theatrical illusion of change, water scarcity and poor solid wasteanalyze future options. Bill Chamberlin willunarmed fighting. An introduction to stage management are three major drivers ofdraw on his 30+ years of R&D experience incombat, this class explores the safe way of environmental sustainability today. Thisalternative fuels and engines to assess someexecuting basic techniques as well as the course will delve into each of these issuesof the obstacles to consider in pursuingfundamentals of how actors convincingly to include an understanding of the sciencemore environmentally sustainable land, airsell theirfights to the audience. Ages behind them, reasons for public discourse,and sea transportation. Ages 14+. 6+. Participants 10 and under must be global efforts needed to get on a pathWeek 7, 8/88/12 / M, Tu, W, Th, F accompanied by an enrolled adult.to resolution, and thoughts on what our45 p.m. / Turner 103 Week 2, 7/67/8 / W, Th, Finaction today will mean for our childrenFees: 5 sessions$85 12:451:45 p.m. / Heinz Beach Fitness Studio 1and grandchildren. Ages 16+. Fees: 3 sessions$75Week 2, 7/47/7 / M, Tu, W, Th UNIVERSE, EARTH, HUMANITY: 910 a.m. / Hultquist 201B PAST AND FUTURE SPIRITED FUN THROUGH IMPROVFees: 4 sessions$75 Mary M. Leopold Emily HarrisThis general-interest science courseImprov games invite you to come out PSYCHOLOGICAL DETECTIVES summarizes what current science tells usand play. No scripts. No wrong answers. John M. Marazita about the place of humanity within ourNothing to remember. Just fun. Games and Play the role of a psychological scientist asuniverse. We begin by examining howscenes are inspired by your rich collection we use experiments and creative projects tothe universe began and the five possibleof life experiences and stories. Yes, explore how the mind works. Activities andscenarios for its future. Next, we zoom in toand. means you agree with what your demonstrations will allow you to test yourexplore the earth: how it first formed andscene partner suggests and add something thinking and memory skills, and to sharpenhow the expansion of the sun will bringof your own. You both look brilliant. your scientific critical thinking ability.about earths end. Last, we look specificallyConfidence, social skills, and friendships Topics include visual and auditory illusions,at humans. When did the first humansgrow. And, at the end of the day, theres sensory perception, memory, and thinking.appear on the earth, and what may happennothing better than the sound of your own Connecting to the Week Two theme, we willto humanity in the future? Ages 14+. laughter. Ages 55+.explore how human cognition is embeddedWeek 8, 8/168/18 / Tu, W, Th Week 8, 8/158/19 / M, Tu, W, Th, Fin the natural world, and what this means12:302 p.m. / Hultquist 201B 3:305 p.m. / Sheldon Hall of Ed. 201for thought and action. Ages 12+. Fees: 3 sessions$85 Fees: 5 sessions$115Week 2, 7/47/7 / M, Tu, W, Th3:304:45 p.m. / Hultquist 201BFees: 4 sessions$89 Master Class with CLIMATE SALON: TURNING ANGST INTO ACTION Cori EllisonBrynn Fuller-BeckerHow can we turn the worryDRAMATURGYsurrounding the climate crisis into joy inCori Ellisonour communities? In this course, you willJoin us for an in-depth exploration of opera through identify and develop practical solutionsthe lens of an acclaimed dramaturg. In this class you to a climate-related issue thats importantwill learn how the dramaturg helps the director gain to you. Come with curiosity about theperspective about an operatic work, how their role climate crisis, openness to a wide range ofsupports the librettist to understand musical form, and solutions, and hope for better communitieshow a dramaturg assists the composer in discovering to come. No prior knowledge of climatehow to engage the text. Ages 16+science is requiredjust a desire to makeWeek 7, 8/98/11 / Tu, W, Tha meaningful difference in your community.910 a.m. / Hultquist 101Ages 14+. Fees:3 sessions$79Week 7, 8/98/11 / Tu, W, Th12:302:30 p.m. / Hultquist 201BFees: 3 sessions$89= Visit learn.chq.org for required materials = Youth under 18 may attend = Materials fee applies'