b'42 PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIAL STUDIES 2022REAL-WORLD COACHING CONVERSATIONS Master Class with Kelly CarlinTracy FullerHow can you have conversations thatYOUR NEXT CHAPTER: ACTIVATING A MORE AUTHENTIC LIFEempower others to increase theirKelly Carlinperformance and potential? Using aWhether one is coming out of the pandemic and feeling a deep need to shed and coaching approach can provide longershift things; or theyre on the verge of empty nesting, retirement, or a career change; lasting results than giving advice oror feeling the confusion and aridity that can come from a personal loss, health scare or lecturing. Come learn the skills thatloss of meaning, there is a way to find a new and more authentic path forward again. leadership coaches use to help peopleThrough her Go Deep to Take the Leap Process, developed by Kelly for her many get unstuck, get going and achieve more.coaching courses and programs, youll learn what it takes to claim a more authentic, Identify situations in which a coachingfulfilling and self-caring next chapter in your life. Through lectures, writing prompts and approach can be effective, practice havingexperiential exercises, you will walk away with a new way of looking at your own life conversations using a coaching frameworkpath, gain new perspectives, and potentially free yourself from old patterns that keep you can apply at work or home, andyou stuck and small. Ages 18+.sharpen communication skills that supportWeek 5, 7/257/29 / M, Tu, W, Th, F / 3:305 p.m. / Alumni Hall Ballroomyour effectiveness with using a coachingFees: 5 sessions$139approach. Ages 16+.Week 7, 8/98/11 / Tu, W, Th Kelly Carlin, M.A., uses the Heroines Journey in her own creative 13 p.m. / Turner 103 work as a writer and storyteller, and as an essential resource in Fees: 3 sessions$99 her Women on the Verge program. She received her Masters in Counseling Psychology with an emphasis on Jungian Psychology AMBITION IGNITION: IGNITE YOURfrom Pacifica Graduate Institute, and her coaching certification, PURPOSE CPCC, through the Coaches Training Institute. She is on the Industry Stephanie Reh Advisory board of the National Comedy Center. This is her fifth year Are you living a life with purpose? Areteaching at Chautauqua.you taking daily actions that align with your core values and move you forward? In a group coaching environment focused on accountability, growth mindset, and service, you will learn and apply the following steps: (1) ignite your desire to pursue your dreams by creating clarity about what you want; (2) design a robust personalized plan; and (3) identify the resources you need to stay motivated on your journey. Ages 14+.Week 9, 8/228/24 / M, Tu, W13 p.m. / Hultquist 201BFees: 3 sessions$99INTRODUCTION TO RESTORATIVE PRACTICESAndrew PrinzingRestorative Practices are a tiered-set of interventions that teach social/emotional skills, promote positive relationships among youth and adults, and repair harm when conflict or misbehavior occurs. In schools, Restorative Practices have been used to promote a positive school culture, reduce office discipline referrals and suspensions, and improve school attendance. In communities, these practices are used to facilitate difficult conversations, strengthen relationships in organizations and communities, and to repair harm. Ages 14+.Week 9, 8/228/24 / M, Tu, W1:304:30 p.m. / Turner 103Fees: 3 sessions$125The Chautauqua grounds provide a unique backdrop for improving your photography (right)Additional classes may be added. For current class listings, visit learn.chq.org'