b'REGISTER NOW AT learn.chq.orgINSTRUCTOR BIOGRAPHIES 55 MAUREEN RYAN GRIFFIN WAYNE HANKIN ERICA HIGBIEThe Nurturing Nature of Words (p. 37); WritingPlay the 4-hole Ocarina: The Jubo Method (p. 39) Human Rights Successes (p. 46)Our Own Profiles in Courage (p. 37) Wayne Hankin- B.M. Hartt College of Music; M.M.B.A., Colgate University; M.B.A., Univ of B.S., Indiana Univ. of PA, education. TwentyNew England Conservatory. Forty years teachingPittsburgh; M.I.H., Curtain University (Australia). years experience teaching writing/creativity.experience. Taught/lectured at Interlochen ArtsCivil Society Representative to the United Nations Award-winning author of Spinning Words intoAcademy, Berea College, Julliard, Manhattanin New York for 10 years; served as NGO CSW Gold and Ten Thousand Cicadas Cant Be Wrong.School of Music, NYU, New York, MannesTreasurer, Advocacy Research Group Co-chair and Recipient, CHQ Writers Centers Mary JeanCollege of Music, The New School, De JudeskeCoordinator Womens Human Rights Resource; Irion Award, 1998; first place in CHQ ReadersConservatory, Arhus, Denmark, Societa del FlatDirector on the UN NGO Dept of Public Info & Writers Poetry Contest, 2007; Irene BlairDolce, Urbino, Italy. Over 25 awards and grants,Board; Institutional Relations and Advocacy Co-Honeycutt Legacy Award, 2018.National Endowment of the Arts, ASCAP, MeetChair Working Group on Girls.www.wordplaynow.com the Composer. www.jubomusic.net KATIE HOFFMANSUSAN GROVER MICHAEL HARITAN Be Here Now: Mindfulness, Meditation, and Yoga for Every Body (p. 27) The Art of Crystal Ball Photography (p. 43); TheYoga for Tweens and Teens (p. 8)Susan has practiced yoga for 29 years and hasArt of Nature Photography (p. 43) BFA, Slipper Rock University; MA, Fashion been a licensed yoga instructor since 2009. SheA.A. & A.S. Community College of AlleghenyInstitute of Technology; 200 HR Yoga, Teacher provides a gentle, student-centered class thatCounty, B.A. University of Pittsburgh, M.M.Chicago Yoga Center; 300 HR, Yoga Teacher is easy to follow. Designed to bring ease andDuquesne University, FEMA Certified. TeacherSurya Chandra Healing Yoga School; Yoga opening to all of the joints and muscles of theand commercial photographer for thirty-sevenTherapist in Training, Surya Chandra Healing body, the class is particularly popular with adultsyears with HaritanPhotography.com and for PAYoga School; Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra Instructor, over forty, with weight lifters and other athletesUrban Search and Rescue Strike Team One. PhotoJennifer Reis Yoga. Twenty plus years teaching and with those who want to de-stress or to easesafari leader of nature and architecture in USAexperience in the arts and seven years in teaching particular body issues. and photo documentaries of folk culture, history,yoga to children and adults. Active member of GAIL GRUNDSTROM, CHILDRENSarchitecture and geography of Bulgaria, TurkeyYoga Alliance and IAYT. MUSIC STUDIO and Ukraine. https://katiehoffman.substack.com/Music for Babies and Toddlers (p. 6) EMILY HARRIS ROY HOFFMANKodaly certified levels 1-3, Master of Music, SilverSpirited Fun Through Improv (p. 45) From Inspiration to Page: Our Creative Journeys Lake College, Wisconsin, Certified in all levelsDuring 21 years as an improviser, storyteller, and(p. 74)of Musikgarten early childhood curriculum, B.S.arts educator, Emily recognizes that when we areRoy Hoffman is author of the new novel The from Wheaton College. Nineteen years teachingin an improvised state of play, its natural to listen,Promise of the Pelican, an intergenerational, experience with early childhood music atvalidate, and support each other. When we blendliterary crime novel of todays multicultural South, Childrens Music Studio, Jamestown, NY. Privateour stories together we create something greaterthe novels Come Landfall, Chicken Dreaming piano teacher. than ourselves. An innovative presenter, EmilyCorn, praised by Harper Lee, and Almost Family, now offers Spirited Fun Through Improvaand the nonfiction Alabama Afternoons and H safe and lively class where seniors stay curious,Back Home. His essays have appeared in the build friendships, and lighten up. New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall JIMIN HAN LYN HARRIS Street Journal, and he was a journalist and Five Days, Five Approaches to Prose (p. 34) Fancy Felted Beads (p. 25); Oodles and Boodlesspeechwriter in New York before returning south Jimin Han was born in Seoul, South Korea andof Beads (p. 25) to reside in Fairhope, Ala., near his hometown, grew up in Providence, Rhode Island, Dayton,B.A., Psychology, University of Illinois Urbana;Mobile. Roy has received awards in both fiction Ohio, and Jamestown, New York. She receivedM.S.W. Loyola University of Chicago; 30 yearsand nonfiction, is on the faculty of Spalding her MFA from Sarah Lawrence College and a BAteaching experience at the college level, ZontaUniversitys Naslund-Mann Graduate School of from Cornell. Her writing can be found at NPRsWoman of Achievement, Owner Lyn HarrisWriting and is a returning Chautauqua prose Weekend America, Catapult Magazine, PoetsDesigns focusing on innovative and uniquewriter-in-residence.www.royhoffmanwriter.com& Writers Magazine, and elsewhere. A Smallwearable art. BARBARA HOISRevolution, her first novel, was among EntropyROBIN HARTMANN The Alexander Technique: Mapping Activities (p. Magazines Best Fiction of 2017, Pleiades EditorsMake Your Mark: Kids Mixed Media Art (p. 6);30); The Alexander Technique: Movement with Choice 2017, Buzzfeeds 6 Binge-Worthy LiteraryPuppets Are Fun! (p. 6) Grace (p. 29)Books of May, CNNs Summer Beach Reads, andAfter graduating Prat Institute in 1978, RobinB.M.E. Arizona State University; M.M. Cincinnati Electric Literatures Ten Galvanizing Books Aboutfound herself working among pigs, bears andConservatory; Alexander Technique Certification, Political Protest. The Apology, her new novel, isfrogs at Jim Hensons Muppets. Robin was aThe Alexander Foundation; instructor at the forthcoming from Little, Brown and Co. in 2023.puppet/costume designer/builder. Some projectsUniversity of Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh School of www.jiminhan.net she worked on included Sesame Street,Massage Therapy; 35 years of experience with BEN HANDEN Fraggle Rock and many Muppet movies. UponThe Alexander Technique.Beginner Swing and Salsa for Fun (p. 18) leaving Muppets, Robin worked as a wardrobeERIN HOLTB.A, Johns Hopkins Univ.; Ph.D., clinicalassistant for a season of Saturday Night LiveFarmers Market Meals (p. 16); Seafood Made psychology, Univ. Of Mass., Amherst. Thirty- (1985). She moved to Cincinnati to design toysSimple (p. 16); Vibrant Vegetables (p. 16)three years on faculty of University of Pittsburgh.and worked on many feature films. B.A., English Literature & French Language, Twenty-five years training and experience inJIM HEANEY M.A., English Literature, SUNY Fredonia. More ballroom dancing. Chautauqua Special StudiesMedia in Crisis: Causes and Consequences (p. 46) than twenty years experience as a skilled home swing/cha-cha/salsa instructor since 2011. B.A., Medaille College. Founder and editorcook, catering prep cook, and professional of Investigative Post, a nonprofit investigativebaker. Previously employed in higher education reporting center based in Buffalo. Previouslyadministration and event ticket management, investigative reporter with The Buffalo News andnow part of the office and food service team at reporter and editor with The Orlando Sentinel.Johnson Estate Winery.Former Pulitzer Prize finalist for investigative reporting.Additional classes may be added. For current class listings, visit learn.chq.org'