b'32 HISTORY, GOVERNMENT & POLITICS; LANGUAGE SPECIAL STUDIES 2022GENOCIDE IN THE MODERNGREAT TRIALS IN HISTORY INTRODUCTION TO FRENCH WORLD: 1900 TO TODAY Sheldon Seligsohn LANGUAGE AND CIVILIZATIONGeorge Dalbo In this class, we will analyze great trialsLiza RiveraThe legacy of genocide in the 20th andsuch as Socrates, Jesus of Nazareth,This beginner course will allow you to 21st centuries is often seen in stark contrastGalileo, the Scopes Monkey Trial,develop the basic skills to be able to to the social progress and technologicalNuremberg War Trials and others. We willcommunicate in French in simple situations. advancements made over the last 100explore how these trials have affected ourYou will learn grammar, vocabulary and years. By examining historical andway of life and Western culture. Ages 14+. phonetics through a wide variety of contemporary examples from Armenia, theWeek 9, 8/228/26 / M, Tu, W, Th, F activities and exercises (oral and written). Holocaust, Cambodia, Rwanda and Burma,910:15 a.m. / Hultquist 101 Each day we will explore different aspects this course will explore the social and legalFees: 5 sessions$89 of the French culture: history, gastronomy, concept of genocide, as well as the nationaltourism, arts, family and friends, fashion and and international attempts to prevent andluxury. Ages 12+.end genocides and bring those responsibleLanguage Week 4, 7/187/21 / M, Tu, W, Thto justice. Ages 14+. 8:3010:30 a.m. / Turner 103Week 6, 8/18/5 / M, Tu, W, Th, F Fees: 4 sessions$119 / Materials fee$1212:301:30 p.m. / Hultquist 201AFees: 5 sessions$89 PARLONS FRANAIS! ITS ALL GREEK TO ME: ANCIENT Kate Junker LANGUAGE 101HISTORY OF NATIVE AMERICANSome instruction, a little role-play, somePhilip BarnesGENOCIDE music, a bit of poetry, some culture, lots ofIn just five sessions you will meet George Dalbo practice, plenty of fun. Come once, or comethe major building blocks of the oldest How did we come to own these Unitedevery week. Each week will be different. AllEuropean language in continual use. From States? From first encounters withlevels welcome. Reluctant to speak? Yourethe alphabet to grammar and vocabulary, Europeans to modern-day Native resistancealways welcome to just listen. Ages 14+. Greek behaves in a succinct and logical movements, we will examine the historyWeeks 1 to 9 / 6/28, 7/5, 7/12, 7/19, 7/26, 8/2,manner, which this course reveals. The of Native Americans in the United States8/9, 8/16, 8/23 class demystifies the language and from 1600 to the present and explore theTu / 12:452 p.m. / Smith Library Classroom provides a foundation for further study legacies of colonization, forced removal,Fees: 1 session$29 thanks to a streamlined but comprehensive assimilation and genocide. We will exploreintroduction. Ages 14+.cases of genocide from California, the TrailINTRODUCTION TO HEBREWWeek 4, 7/187/22 / M, Tu, W, Th, Fof Tears and New York State, as well asLETTERS: LEARN TO READ THE9:1510:15 a.m. / Smith Library Classroomhistorical and contemporary narratives ofHEBREW ALPHABET Fees: 5 sessions$89Native resistance and survival. Ages 14+. Baruch SiennaWeek 6, 8/18/5 / M, Tu, W, Th, F It is fascinating and rewarding to be able toWIE, BITTE? GERMAN 23 p.m. / Hultquist 201A read Hebrew, one of the worlds oldest andCONVERSATIONFees: 5 sessions$89 original alphabets. Whether you travel toJenna Cushing-LeubnerIsrael and want to read signs, are interestedDo you (hope to) travel to a German-PHOTOGRAPHY AND THEin being able to decode the Bibles originalspeaking country? Or just want to PRESIDENCY script, or would be interested in being ablecommunicate with a German-speaking Betsy Jones to follow along in a Hebrew service, thisfriend or colleague? Do you want to dust What impact do the photographs of ourcourse will gently introduce participantsoff and practice the German you learned presidents have on how we view theirto the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabetin the past? Each day, well use a variety triumphs and their foibles? Who was theand the rules and strategies for decodingof conversation techniques to learn and first president to be photographed? WhoHebrew accurately and easily. No previouspractice German. Topics will include was the first First Lady to pose for a photo?Hebrew skill is required. Open and welcomegetting to know people better, navigating Well learn a bit about the early history ofto all. Ages 16+. destinations, and areas of interest. Well photography and how it quickly becameWeek 2, 7/57/7 / Tu, W, Th have basic conversations and discuss a tool for documenting our lives. How did3:305 p.m. / Smith Library Classroom language and culture questions you are one family preserve almost all the photos ofFees: 3 sessions$85 curious about. If you already know some one president which otherwise might haveGerman, youll be paired with other been lost? And how did one photographermore advanced speakers to explore and take perhaps the most famous photo of achallenge yourself. Ages 12+.president simply because he hadnt chosenWeek 6, 8/18/5 / M, Tu, W, Th, Fto move to digital photography? Ages 14+. 3:304:45 p.m. / Turner 103Week 8, 8/158/19 / M, Tu, W, Th, F Fees: 5 sessions$993:304:45 p.m. / Turner 103Fees: 5 sessions$89Additional classes may be added. For current class listings, visit learn.chq.org'