b'REGISTER NOW AT learn.chq.orgINSTRUCTOR BIOGRAPHIES 61 SANDY SHELENBERGER BARUCH SIENNA EVA STERNEasy Shibori Dyeing with Indigo (p. 25); StitchedIntroduction to Hebrew Letters: Learn to ReadPilates for Balance (p. 28); Pilates for Daily Living Shibori Dyeing with Indigo (p. 25) the Hebrew Alphabet (p. 32) (p. 28)A.D., Nursing, KSU Ashtabula Campus, 1981.Baruch Sienna is a master Jewish educator whoB.F.A., SUNY Purchase; Master of Music Shelenberger has made quilts and textiles forhas worked as a teacher, curriculum developerPerformance, Eastman School of Music; over 35 years, having studied with well-knownand director of education, teaching children andComprehensive Pilates training, Balanced Body. fiber artists. She has taught numerous workshopsadults. He has taught calligraphy workshops and isOver 20 years experience as a professional in fabric dyeing, Shibori, indigo dyeing andalso an artist. He has designed logos, websites andperformer and teacher of viola. Member of the surface design on fabric. She also teachesJewish wedding contracts (ketubot) for couples asChautauqua Symphony Orchestra. Currently workshops in Encaustic techniques. Recipient ofwell as for ketubah.com. He currently serves as theteaches Pilates in Norfolk, Virginia. Presenter of Award of Excellence, Best of Ohio, 2014, Ohiodirector of Aleph Technology and typesets qualitymovement workshops for music students and Craft Museum. www.sandyshelenbergerstudio.com Hebrew documents such as prayerbooks. professional musicians. evasternpilates.comNEIL SHEPARD JAN SILVANO TWriting about the Natural World (p. 33) Gentle Yoga Tools (p. 27)Neil Shepards most recent book, How It Is:95 RCYS, 300 RYT, 200 RYT, Yoga instructor, Selected Poems, was published in 2018 by2014-present. MLS, BMus (Hons), LRAM. MusicJOE TANNERYSalmon Poetry (Ireland), and in 2019, he editedteacher; school librarian: The Langley SchoolInnovation and Entrepreneurship: Discover How Vermont Poets & Their Craft (Green Writers2002-2020. to Create, Test and Scale New Ideas (p. 15)Press). His new collection, The Book of Failures,SEAN SINGER B.S, Business Management, North Carolina State is due out in 2023. His poems appear in suchCreative Reading (p. 34) Univ.; J.D./M.B.A., Univ. of Richmond; M.S., magazines as the Harvard Review, New EnglandSean Singer is the author of Discography (YaleNatural Resources, Virginia Tech; Innovation & Review, The Paris Review, Ploughshares, SewaneeUniversity Press, 2002), winner of the Yale SeriesEntrepreneurship Cert., Stanford Univ. Leads the Review, Southern Review, and online at Poetryof Younger Poets Prize, selected by W.S. Merwin,development of innovation mindsets, skills, and Daily, Verse Daily and Poem-a-Day. He foundedand the Norma Farber First Book Award fromcapabilities at a Fortune 200 company.and edited for a quarter century the Greenthe Poetry Society of America; Honey & SmokeBRETT TAYLORMountains Review, and he currently edits the(Eyewear Publishing, 2015); and Today in thePrintmaking (p. 1112)new literary magazine Plant-Human Quarterly. HeTaxi (Tupelo Press, 2022). He runs a manuscriptBrett J. Taylor is an artist and art educator from teaches workshops at Poets House in New Yorkconsultation service at seansingerpoetry.com. South Florida. They earned their Bachelor of Fine City. www.neilxshepard.com Arts in Drawing from the University of Florida and EVA SHERMAN JOANNE SPENCE their Master of Studio Art in Printmaking from Intermediate Soldered Rings (p. 22); SimpleRestorative and Gentle Yoga (p. 27) The Ohio State University. Brett has shown work Soldered Rings (p. 22) Joanne Spence, MA, ERYT 500, is a recoveringin galleries and museums both nationally and Eva Sherman began beading as a way to spendsocial worker and yoga therapist. She is theinternationally, worked in multiple print shops, time with her daughters but soon becameexecutive director of Yoga in Schools. Spenceand attended residencies including Chautauqua hopelessly addicted. In 2008 she traded in hertrains and teaches all sorts of amazing people,Visual Arts in 2019.architectural career for the opportunity to spendnationally and internationally. She has taught all her time among beads, and opened Grandyoga in prisons, hospitals, schools, churches,LAWRENCE TERKELRiver Bead Studio in Cleveland, Ohio. She hasand sometimes on street corners. She specializesYoga for Your Life: Experience the Joy (p. 27)authored two books on jewelry design: Organicin working with adults and children who areB.S., MBA, Cornell Univ.: M.A. philosophy/Wire & Metal Jewelry and Cool Copper Cuffs.experiencing chronic pain, trauma, depression,religion, Kent State. E-RYT500 and one of www.evashermandesigns.com anxiety, ADHD and insomnia. Americas most experienced yoga/meditation PAMELA SPREMULLI teachers: 20-year student of BKS Iyengar. FRANCIS SHOR Kids Create Chautauqua (p. 7) Founded Spiritual Life Society Yoga Center Utopianism in U.S. History (p. 31) B.S., Marketing, Minor Fine Arts, Niagara(oldest in Midwest) in 1978. Bestselling author B.A., University of Pittsburgh; M.A., Ph.D.,University. Continued Studies, School of theof Small Change (Penguin 2004) and How American Studies, University of Minnesota. NearlyMuseum of Fine Arts Boston. Over a decadeto Meditate (Carrot Seed 2011). Professor of 50 years of teaching experience at the universityof experience in advertising, education & thereligion, Kent State, Senior Olympic swimming level. Many awards for scholarship and teaching. creative arts. Adjunct Professor at the Clevelandchampion.SUZANNE SHULL Institute of Art. Award-winning graphic illustrator,SUE ELLEN THOMPSONUkulele and You (p. 39) exhibiting artist, published illustrator of threePoetry as Autobiography (p. 33)M.M.Ed., Georgia State University; 30 yearschildrens books, muralist and featured ClevelandSue Ellen Thompsons sixth book of poetry, Sea teaching experience teaching general and choralartist in several publications, including The heARTNettles, was published in 2022. Her work has music grades K-12 in public schools in metroof Cleveland. www.PamSpremulli.com been included in the Best American Poetry series, Atlanta. Teaching associate for NAfME sponsoredREBECCA STEINBACK read on National Public Radio more than a dozen Teaching Guitar Workshops for 19 years. GeorgiaTai Chi for Health (p. 29) times by Garrison Keillor, and recently won a Music Educators Distinguished Career AwardB.A., Biology, Austin College; M.S., SciencePushcart Prize. A two-time Pulitzer nominee, she 2000. Consultant for music education andEducation, Univ. of Wisconsin. Thirty-four yearsteaches poetry workshops at The Writers Center advocacy. Promoter of life-long learning in theexperience teaching biology and chemistry at ain Bethesda, Maryland, and lives on the Eastern area of active music making. private girls boarding school. Recipient of manyShore of the Chesapeake. She received the teaching awards and commendations during2010 Maryland Author Award from the Maryland my tenure as a high school teacher. CurrentlyLibrary Association. sueellenthompson.comstudying and teaching Tai Chi using Paul Lams teaching method.Additional classes may be added. For current class listings, visit learn.chq.org'