b'REGISTER NOW AT learn.chq.orgINSTRUCTOR BIOGRAPHIES 53 D AMY DE S EBarre Fitness Class (p. 28); Pilates Mat Class (p. 28)GEORGE DALBO Amy de Sa, began teaching Pilates in 1995.CORI ELLISONGenocide in the Modern World (p. 32); History ofB.A., Dance, B.A., Psychology, Hope College.Dramaturgy (p. 45)Native American Genocide (p. 32) Principal Faculty for BASI Pilates. TeachesCori Ellison, a leading creative figure in the Ph.D. Candidate, Social Studies Education andPilates Teacher Training courses and advancedopera world, has served as staff Dramaturg at Genocide Studies, University of Minnesota;education workshops internationally. NationallySanta Fe Opera, the Glyndebourne Festival, and M.A., History, University of Vienna; M.Ed., SocialCertified Pilates Teacher, NCPT and member ofNew York City Opera. She has been a sought-Studies Education, College of St. Scholastica;the Pilates Method Alliance (PMA). Presenter atafter developmental dramaturg to numerous B.A., History and German, University of Buffalo.annual Pilates and fitness conferences. Foundercomposers, librettists, and commissioners, Recipient of Fulbright Grant to Austria. 10+of Colorado Pilates Organization. Owner, Pilatesincluding Glyndebourne, Canadian Opera, Opera years experience teaching secondary andDenver Studio since 2001.Philadelphia, Chicago Opera Theater, Arizona post-secondary courses in history, German, andwww.PilatesDenverStudio.com Opera, Pittsburgh Opera, Beth Morrison Projects, education. JOHN DEDAKIS the Miller Theater, Opera Birmingham, On-Site JIM DANIELS From Novice to Novelist (p. 37) Opera, Indiana University, and Crane School of Writing Lives, Writing Poems (p. 34) B.A., Journalism, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison.Music. She has served as production dramaturg Jim Daniels latest book of poems, Gun/Shy,Former senior editor for CNNs The Situationat Cincinnati Opera, Washington National was published by Wayne State University PressRoom with Wolf Blitzer. Author of fiveOpera, Opera Boston, Salzburg Landestheater, in 2021. Overall, he has authored 30 collectionsmystery-suspense novels. Book four, Bullet inNational Sawdust, and Master Voices. She is of poetry, six collections of fiction (mostthe Chamber, won a Feathered Quill and twoa faculty member at the Ravinia Steans Music recently, The Perp Walk), edited or coedited sixother book awards. Taught journalism at Univ.Institute Program for Singers, founding faculty anthologies (most recently RESPECT: The Poetryof Maryland-College Park and regularly leadsmember at American Lyric Theaters Composer of Detroit Music), and written four producedwriting workshops at Politics & Prose Bookstore inLibrettist Development Program and leads the screenplays. His books have won four MichiganWashington, D.C. www.johndedakis.com Opera Lab at The Julliard School as a member Notable Book Awards, the Brittingham Prizeof the Vocal Arts faculty. She helped launch Met for Poetry, the Blue Lynx Prize for Poetry, twoAMY DIVIJAK Titles, the Mets simultaneous translation system. Tillie Olsen Creative Writing Awards, the MiltonToddler Time (p. 6) Her English singing translations include Hansel Kessler Award, and three Gold Medals in theM.A., Teaching and Teacher Education,and Gretel (NYCO), La vestale (English National Independent Publisher Book Awards, amongUniversity of Arizona, B.A., University of Arizona,Opera) and Shostakovichs Cherry Tree Towers others, and his films have won awards in filmAnthropology. Teacher in public and private(Bard Summerscape). She has often written for festivals around the world. A native of Detroit,schools since 1990; lifelong Chautauquan andthe New York Times and has contributed to books he currently teaches in the Alma College low- parent. including The New Grove Dictionary of Opera residency M.F.A program. and The Compleat Mozart.AIMEE DOERSHUK SUSAN EVANSMAXINE DAVIS Just a Few T-Shirt Quilt (p. 26); Eternity KnotMah Jongg For Beginners (p. 19)Move Into Life With The Feldenkrais Method (p.Quilt Block (p. 25); Fast and Fun Three-YardB.A., SUNY Fredonia, French major, Spanish 30) Quilts (p. 25); Sit and Sew Saturday (p. 25);minor.M.Ed., Texas A&M University, College B.A., Music Education, M.A., Performance,T-Shirt Memory Quilt (p. 25) Station, emphasis in linguistics. Retired from SUNY College at Fredonia; Fulbright Scholar inB.F.A. Graphic Design, Wittenberg University.30 years of teaching French, Spanish and ESOL Voice, Munich, Germany. Certified FeldenkraisOwner of Aimee Quilts LLC, a long arm quiltingto grades K-12, in Texas, Paris (France), and Practitioner since 1991. Teaches Feldenkraisand custom quilt business. Has taught quiltPittsburgh. The last 25 years were spent teaching privately including singers from the Lindemannclasses for 14+ years and has made over 200mostly French at the Pittsburgh High School Program at the Metropolitan Opera, ATM classesT-Shirt and Memory Quilts for customers worldFor The Creative And Performing Arts. Learned (92nd St. Y), workshops at universities (Duke,wide. Works with local elementary teachersto play Mah Jongg at Chautauqua in Special Greensboro, Fredonia) and conferences. and scout troops on beginning sewing, quiltingStudies.projects and badges. A lifelong Chautauquan.TODD DAVIS SUSAN DORAN FPoetry of Transformation (p. 34) Introduction to Book Binding (p. 26); Introduc-Todd Davis is the author of seven full-lengthtion to Paper Making and Paper Marbling (p. 26); collections of poetry, most recently CoffinSip and Print (p. 26) CARMEN FERRAROHoney and Native Species, both published byOswego State University and the RochesterKids Clay (p. 12)Michigan State University Press. His writing hasInstitute of Technology; Printing TechnologyCarmen was born and raised in Dayton, Ohio. won the Midwest Book Award, the GwendolynManagement Degree. Graphic design businessGrowing up in a very artistic household, she Brooks Poetry Prize, the Chautauqua Editors16 years, 16 years in school district building aalways had the support to follow her drive to Prize, the Bloomsburg University Book Prize, andrecycling service learning program. Regionalbecome a creative. She loves building and the Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Silverdirector and coordinator of the Odyssey of thedesigning with unconventional materials using and Bronze Awards. He teaches environmentalMind program. Multiple awards and recognitionunconventional methods- from a quick sketch or studies and creative writing at Pennsylvania Statein art galleries. www.type24ink.com detailed painting to a sculpture or photograph, Universitys Altoona College.she loves experimenting with all forms of art. She www.todddavispoet.com is drawn to the endless forms and possibilities clay and ceramics have to offer. Her favorite aspect of ceramics is the ability to bring people together to get muddy and make art!Additional classes may be added. For current class listings, visit learn.chq.org'