b'56 INSTRUCTOR BIOGRAPHIES SPECIAL STUDIES 2022SALLY HOOTNICK I KIntroduction to Encaustic Painting (p. 11)Sally Hootnick is a professional artist and long time Chautauquan working predominately inAPRICOT IRVING JANE KERSCHNERencaustics and mixed media. She is active in thePoint of View in Memoir (p. 34) At the Intersection of Retirement and Purpose: International Encaustic Organization and showsApricot Irving, raised in Haiti and the U.S., hasWhats Next? (p. 41)her work both regionally and nationally. Sallystaught writing across three continents. SheB.S., Education, Northwestern Univ; M.A., Human paintings can be found in private collectionsreported from Haiti on post-earthquake recoveryGrowth and Development, George Washington in the US, Canada, and Sweden, and in theefforts for the radio program This AmericanUniv.; Villanova Executive Coaching and permanent collections of Upstate Medical CancerLife and her first book, The Gospel of Trees,Leadership Program; holds coach certifications Center, and the Pompey Museum.received the Sarah Winnemucca Award forin Newfield; International Coach Federation, www.sallyhootnick.com Creative Nonfiction. She is the founder andRetirement Options Coaching. Over 40 years ROBERT HOPPER director of a renowned oral history project inexperience in education as teacher, trainer, Espionage: What We Can Learn from (p. 46) Portland, Oregon, and the recipient of a Ronafacilitator. Generates conversations for wise Bob spends his summers at Chautauqua. He isJaffe Foundation Writers Award. Her work haselders to explore issues of retirement, aging and President CLSC Science Circle, helps Chautauquasappeared in Granta, On Being, and Bestwell being.Archives and is a leader of the internationalAmerican Science & Nature Writing. She currentlyVI KHI NAOManuscript Society. For over ten years Bob haslives in rural Oregon with her partner and twoThe Redux Fairytale (p. 35)taught classes on inventions, diplomacy andsplendidly imaginative teenage sons.Vi Khi Nao is the author of six poetry collections, intelligence. In his earlier life he was in the USwww.apricotirving.com the short story collection, A Brief Alphabet Foreign Service where he worked on East-WestJ of Torture (winner of the 2016 FC2s Ronald Security, Congressional relations, managementSukenick Innovative Fiction Prize) and the novel, and training for the U.S. State Department. Fish in Exile (Coffee House Press, 2016). Her DEAN JOHNSON work includes poetry, fiction, film and cross-genre DR. TIM HORNER, M.DIV., D.PHIL. Harmonica Quick Start (p. 39); Joy of Ukulele!collaboration. Her first play, Waiting for God, is The Nature of Genocide (p. 46) (p. 39) out of Apocalypse Party in January 2022. She Tim Horner earned his D.Phil. from OxfordDean Johnson holds an M.A. in Theatre Artswas the Fall 2019 fellow at the Black Mountain University where his doctoral work focused earlyfrom Illinois State University. He has worked as anInstitute. www.vikhinao.comJewish/Christian relations. He has been a facultyactor, stand-up comedian, and musician traveling member at Villanova University since 2001.the United States and Canada and appearing inKIM KLOECKERAfter 9/11, he began to focus on the religiousmany venues including TV and radio, theaters,Drawing for Beginners (p. 14); Watercolors for justifications for atrocity. Since 2009 he has taughtand comedy clubs. For several years, he hasBeginners (p. 14)a course called The Nature of Genocide. Hetaught community classes. Since 2014, JohnsonBS., Art Education K-12, Edinboro State College. also teaches on social justice and the Hebrewhas taught classes for Chautauqua Special Studies. Professional artist and teacher for 35 years with prophets. His current research is focusing on early40 years in a variety of educational platforms for Christian identity. BETSY JONES all ages and abilities. Numerous Best of Show TAMI HRITZAY Photography and the Presidency (p. 32) honors and top art awards; noteworthy watercolor Art in the Round (p. 25); Colored Pencils (p. 14);B.A., History/Political Science, UNC at Chapelartist in northwestern Pennsylvania. Currently Paper Sculpture and Origami (p. 7) Hill; M.P.A., University of Georgia. Retired fromhosting watercolor workshops for beginner and B.S., Art Education, Edinboro University. Thirtythe Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta in 2019advanced students.years of teaching experience from the Navajoto pursue my passions of early American history,KRISTIN KOVACICreservation to Pennsylvania. Ages range fromphotography, and studying/collecting SouthernBetween Sentiment and Scorn: Writing Truthfully kindergarten to adults. Art is my passion. I loveFolk Art. Have enjoyed sharing these my personaland Ethically about Family (p. 35)to encourage the timid and bold to achieve theircollections and my extensive research of eachKristin Kovacic was born and lives in Pittsburgh, very best in art!I teach a variety of art forms. Ithese with the Senior Enriched Living communityPennsylvania. Her essays have won the Pushcart am a cancer survivor of 52 years. I am thankful to(www.sel.org) as an on-going instructor. Prize and the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts be alivemy teaching and art reflect that. JEN JONES DONATELLI Fellowship, among other awards, and have HSING-AY HSU Rise Above The Inner Criticand Shine (p. 41) appeared in Brain, Child, Full Grown People, Guided Conscious Listening: Piano Quintets ofB.S., Journalism, Ohio University. 14 yearsTable, and other publications. She is the co-editor the Romantic Era (p. 39) teaching experience for organizations andof Birth: A Literary Companion, the author of B.M. Juilliard; M.M. Yale; Steinway Artist, Williamuniversities including Loyola Marymountthe poetry chapbook, House of Women, and Kapell Intl Competition Silver Medal, JuilliardUniversity, Ohio University, StoryStudio Chicago,the essay collection History of My Breath. She Petschek Debut Award, P&D Soros Fellow, GilmoreMediaBistro, Literary Cleveland, and more.has taught nonfiction writing in the graduate Young Artist. Creator/host of Conscious ListeningOwner of Creative Groove, which offers classes,programs of Carlow University, Chatham Seminars & Online Cafs. Artistic director,coaching and community around the topicsUniversity, and for many years at the Writers Pendulum New Music, Univ. of Colorado; Rockyof writing, creativity, freelance success, andCenter at Chautauqua Institution.Ridge Adult Piano Seminar. Intl Odyssiad Festivalthe Artists Way. Trained Co-Active coach andJUDITH KRUMMECKclinician. Creative consultant. hsingayhsu.com experienced group facilitator. Synergy of the Arts Across Ages (p. 49)KATE JUNKER Judith Krummeck holds an M.F.A. in Creative BEVERLY HUMBERT Gentle Yoga (p. 27); Parlons Franais! (p. 32) Writing and Publishing Arts from the University Chocolate Tasting Around the World (p. 16) B.A., French, Ohio University. Thirty yearsof Baltimore; a B.A. from the University of Cape B.S., Art Education, Frostburg State University;experience teaching French. Has taught adultTown; and a Teachers Licentiate from Trinity M.E., Goucher College. Twenty-five yearseducation classes, seminars and workshops inCollege, London. She has lectured for the experience teaching art. Traveled to England,yoga. Odyssey and Osher programs at Johns Hopkins Scotland, Ireland and Italy and visited nearly everyUniversity, and is an on-air host for Marylands chocolate shop available. Studied chocolateclassical music station, WBJC. tasting with Special Studies Instructor Karenwww.judithkrummeck.comKoch. Provided chocolate tasting opportunities for church women, military wives, tea parties and Chautauqua Institution. Chautauquan, 32 years.Visit learn.chq.org for complete course descriptions, instructor biographies and to register.'