b'58 INSTRUCTOR BIOGRAPHIES SPECIAL STUDIES 2022JASON MAYNARD ROSSEN MILANOV ELISE MORRISONJust Keep Singing: The Joy of Singing (p. 38) The Art of Listening (p. 40) Improvisation for Teens (p. 7); The Theater of A native of Erie, Pennsylvania, Jason MaynardRossen Milanov is currently the music director ofYou (p. 7)lives in Atlanta, Georgia, where he teachesthe Columbus Symphony Orchestra (CSO), Chau- B.A., University of Oregon; Ph.D., Theater and Upper School Choral Music at The Westminstertauqua Symphony Orchestra, Princeton SymphonyPerformance Studies, Brown University; Mellon Schools. He holds degrees from Baldwin Wallace,Orchestra and newly appointed chief conductor ofPostdoctoral Fellowship in Performance Studies, Cleveland State, and Georgia State universities.the Slovenian RTV Orchestra in Ljubljana. MilanovYale University; recipient of Award for Teaching Jason sings baritone with the Atlanta Symphonyhas established himself as a conductor with con- Excellence, Harvard University (2012). Fifteen Orchestra Chorus and Chamber Chorus, andsiderable national and international presence. Heyears of experience teaching acting, theater, has been a member of The Cecilia Ensemble,recently completed a seven-year tenure as musicand public speaking courses to children, teens, Uncommon Practice, and Coro Vocati. director of the Orquesta Sinfnica del Principadocollege students, and adults. Currently assistant MOLLIE MCCLELLAND MORRIS de Asturias (OSPA) in Spain. Milanov has collabo- professor of Theater Studies at Yale University.rated with some of the worlds preeminent artists, Gentle Yoga for Back Healing (p. 27) including Yo-Yo Ma, Itzhak Perlman, Joshua Bell,NB.A., Hampshire College; M.A., Royal CentralMidori, Christian Tetzlaff, and Andr Watts. During School of Speech and Drama, London. Twentyhis 11-year tenure with The Philadelphia Orchestra, years experience teaching yoga and dance.Milanov conducted more than 200 performanc- JESSICA NAGYMorris owned a yoga studio, taught students fromes. In 2015, he completed 15 years of tenure asFabric Wreath (p. 22); Mixed Media: Creating beginners to athletes and dancers, mentored andmusic director of the nationally recognized trainingwith Paper and Books (p. 22)trained teachers, taught locally, internationallyorchestra Symphony in C in New Jersey and inEd.S., M.Ed.,School Psychology, Kent State and online. Her classes weave together unique2013, 17 years of tenure with the New SymphonyUniversity; B.A., Psychology, California State choreography, detailed biomechanical concepts,Orchestra in his native city of Sofia, Bulgaria. University of Fresno; Nationally Certified School yogic wisdom and embodied self-reflection toPsychologist, Ohio Board of Psychology private navigate the challenges of daily life. LIZ MILLER, CFP CFA independent practice school psychologist. LAURA MCDONALD Where to Invest Today (p. 15) Practicing school psychologist for nine years for Chair Yoga (p. 27); Vinyasa Yoga Flow (p. 27) President, Summit Place Financial Advisors, LLC,children ages 3 through 22. Member of National RYT200 yoga instructor and certified MELTproviding investment management to familiesAssociation of School Psychologists and Ohio instructor. Fifteen years practicing yoga, seventhat have outgrown a mass-market approach.School Psychologist Association.years practicing MELT, began teaching in 2021.Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and CertifiedLINNEA NELSONSpecial interest in mindfulness, alignment, painFinancial Planner (CFP). B.S., The WhartonExplore Spiritual Practices (p. 41)reduction, and making therapeutic movementSchool; M.A., Columbia Univ. Past board ofB.A., Education, Moorhead Statue University; accessible to all populations. governors of the New York Society of SecurityM.A., School Psychology, Connecticut State Analysts. Editorial advisor for Trusts & EstateUniversity. Thirty-five years of leadership in TERRY MEEHAN Magazine. Regular guest in the media, includingeducation: elementary and ESOL teacher; Film Noir: Hollywood After Dark (p. 47) MarketWatch, Reuters and CNBC. educational editor for Addison-Wesley and other B.B.A., Cleveland State Univ.; M.A., Film &PAUL MOCKOVAK national and international publishers; training Literature, Kent State Univ. Thirty years experienceZumba Gold with Paul! (p. 28) facilitator for the Great Books Foundation; teaching and training in academic and corporateB.M., M.M., SUNY Fredonia; M.F.A., Univ. ofindependent school administrator, liberal settings. Currently teaches humanities classesMiami, Personal Fitness Trainer & Group Fitness,religious educator; and Executive Director for UU at Lorain Community College and continuingcertified Zumba and Zumba Gold instructor;Wellspring, a spiritual deepening program. education classes at Case Western Univ. and25 years university teaching, and 27 yearswww.twinflowerpress.comBaldwin-Wallace Univ. Curates and presentsperforming experience. Teaching: University monthly film series at Lakewood Public Library. of Miami, Northern Colorado University, SUNYGEORGIA NOBLE, ED.D.SUSAN MERILA Fredonia. Performing: Dance Miami, MomentumThe Soul of Aging: Claiming the Gifts of Old Age PocketSketching For Fun and Travel (p. 13) Dance Company, Ballet Oklahoma, Ballet(p. 41)B.A., Emory and Henry College. Twenty-threeRandolph, Neglia Ballet, Chautauqua RegionalEd.D., MFT, Doctorate in education; marriage years experience as a Military Intelligence Officer,Ballet, Shakespeare on the Lake. Facebook:and family therapist for 25 years; spiritual director Counterintelligence with assignments all overpaul4fitness. and lay staff within the Episcopal Church 10 the world. Since 2001, Merila has studied withyears. Currently facilitator with the Center for numerous artists at their individual studios, as wellDAVID MIGUEL MOLINA Courage & Renewal helping communities of faith as through The Drawing Studio in Tucson, Arizona.Speech, Freedom, and Democratic Life (p. 49) realize their potential as agents of personal and Her most recent study was with Kath Macaulay inB.A., English, Amherst College; M.A., Curriculumsocial transformation. Co-creator Soul of Aging Tucson, where she became a Certified Instructorand Instruction, University of Mississippi; Ph.D.,Curriculum.of PocketSketching in March 2018. CommunicationRhetoric and Public Culture,SAMANTHA NOLLOTHNorthwestern University. Fifteen years teachingAcrylic Painting Workshop (p. 13); Kids Acrylic FRANK MEUSCHKE experience undergraduate and high school;Painting (p. 7); Teen Acrylic Painting (p. 7); Tween Landscape Painting (p. 11) currently Lecturer and Undergraduate AdvisorAcrylic Painting (p. 7)Frank James Meuschke maintains ain Department of Communication at UniversityChautauqua native; B.S., International Studies, multidisciplinary, landscape-focused practice out ofof Pittsburgh. Recent courses: Public Speaking,minors in French and Visual Arts, SUNY Fredonia. his Minnesota studio. Member of the MinneapolisTheories of Rhetoric, African American Rhetoric,Nolloth has taught thousands of students cooperative Rosalux, and has showed with MillsFreedom of Speech and Press. acrylic painting from 2012 to 2019 through her Gallery, Boston, Museum of the City of New York,DAVID MORIAH Nashville, Tennessee-based business, Coffee and VCU Fine Arts Gallery, Portland Museum of Art,Baseball Pairs (p. 19) Canvas. She currently lives, paints and teaches in among others. Residencies attended includeDavid Moriahs baseball career began as a NewRome, Italy.MacDowell, Skowhegan School of Painting andYork Mets batboy in 1963. Today he writes Sculpture, and Henry Street Settlement. Meuschkeabout baseball with articles appearing in several is a recipient of a 2018, 2021, and 2022 Minnesotamagazines including publications of Major State Arts Board grants, Stobart Foundation Grant,League Baseball and the Baseball Hall of Fame. and Socrates Emerging Artist Fellowship. He willHis interview with Ken Burns at Chautauqua exhibit new work at Rosalux in November.appeared in the 2014 World Series program.www.frankmeuschke.comVisit learn.chq.org for complete course descriptions, instructor biographies and to register.'