b'30 SPECIAL STUDIES 2022 REGISTER NOW AT learn.chq.orgHISTORY, GOVERNMENT & POLITICS 31 History,THE FUTURE OF THE SUPREMECORPORATE POLITICAL POWER: COURT CITIZENS UNITED AND BEYONDGovernment &Jeffrey Wood Maria PattersonThe U.S. Supreme Court has been underThis course will address an empirical fire throughout American history, butreality: Corporate executives are political Politics dissatisfaction has escalated recentlyactors whose decisions in the service of due to the highly politicized process ofthe corporation and its shareholders have appointment, close 5-4 decisions onfar-reaching effects for society. We will controversial issues, and increased use ofexplore the political tools that the American APPALACHIAN HISTORY ANDthe shadow docket to handle sensitivelegal system has put in the hands of the CULTURE matters. Well consider the current problemscorporation, with an emphasis on election Paul Rader and debate proposals to reform the Courtspending. We will consider the history What is Appalachia? And where is it? Howwithin its historical context. How can webehind Citizens United, how the corporation did its history shape its values and what has itachieve consensus on the best way todecides how to use its political power, the contributedand continues to contributeresolve hard-fought legal issues in America?use and misuse of that power, and the risks to our countrys larger history? For yearsAges 14+. and rewards for corporations in exercising Appalachia was the most independent andWeek 4, 7/187/21 / M, Tu, W, Th that power. Ages 16+.prosperous region of our country. Today it910:15 a.m. / Turner Conference Room Week 5, 7/257/28 / M, Tu, W, This the most dependent, and arguably theFees: 4 sessions$89 12:301:45 p.m. / Hultquist 201Bpoorest. Yet its language, literature, craftsFees: 4 sessions$89and values are disproportionately influential.UTOPIANISM IN U.S. HISTORYIn this class, your appetite will be whetted forFrancis Shor HOW SHOULD WE ELECT THE all things Appalachian. Ages 12+. Utopianism, the willed belief in and practicePRESIDENT?Week 3, 7/117/14 / M, Tu, W, Th of the good life, has been a constant threadJeffrey Wood910 a.m. / Turner 103 throughout the history of the United States.The way we elect our president is complex Fees: 4 sessions$75 However, as a consequence of certainand controversial. Countless proposals moments of crises, utopianism has gainedhave been drafted to change the Electoral HOW FREE IS FREEDOM OFprominence in particular eras, e.g. theCollege, yet all have failed and some RELIGION? 1840s, the end of the 19th and beginninghave serious drawbacks. Well dig deep to Jeffrey Wood of the 20th centuries, the 1930s and theunderstand our current presidential election When we think about universal human1960s. This special course will examine thesystem and examine alternative proposals, rights, freedom of religion is consideredliterary expressions, communal experiments,along with their likelihood of adoption. paramount. It is enshrined first in the Billand political thought of reformist andHow should the third-largest country in the of Rights. What does freedom of religionradical utopianism in these eras. Ages 18+. world elect its leader? How can we move to mean? Why is it considered a universalWeek 4, 7/187/22 / M, Tu, W, Th, F a sensible, widely accepted, and foolproof human right? What happens if religious8:4510:15 a.m. / Turner 105 process for electing our president? liberty conflicts with other constitutionalFees: 5 sessions$115 Ages 14+.values? Well examine U.S. Supreme CourtWeek 5, 7/257/28 / M, Tu, W, Thdecisions on religious freedom and debateCHILE: FROM DEMOCRACY TO910:15 a.m. / Turner Conference Roomhow an enlightened society should dealDICTATORSHIP AND BACK AGAIN Fees: 4 sessions$89with a citizenry with widely divergentKrissy Dietrich Gallagherreligious beliefs and practices. Ages 14+. How did Latin Americas most stableRELIGION AND THE CONSTITUTIONWeek 3, 7/117/14 / M, Tu, W, Th democracy plunge into a brutal 17-yearAlan Gershenson910:15 a.m. / Hultquist 201B dictatorship? This course studies late 20th- We will learn about the provisions in the Fees: 4 sessions$89 century Chile: the presidential election ofFirst Amendment to the Constitution that socialist Salvador Allende; the oppositionbar laws that either establish religion or THE BATTLE OVER THE BALLOT:of the wealthy, corporations and foreignprohibit the free exercise of religion. We PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE governments; and the subsequent militarywill discuss what happens when those Donna Schuele coup of Sept. 11, 1973. Testimonies of theprovisions come into conflict with other Fights over who may vote and whose votedetained, tortured, and exiled will reveallaws, such as laws regarding drugs, laws counts are nothing new in the United States.Pinochets brutality and oppression. Parallelsprecluding gender identity discrimination or This course examines the 19th-centurywill be drawn to current events, specificallylaws providing funding, directly or indirectly, expansion of the male enfranchisement, theimmigration, U.S. intervention, globalfor religious schools or for monuments fight for womens suffrage, Jim Crow-eratyranny, and the current push in Chile toembodying religious language or symbols. voter intimidation, the 20th-century civilrewrite the constitution. Ages 14+. Ages 16+.rights movement culminating in the VotingWeek 5, 7/257/28 / M, Tu, W, Th Week 5, 7/257/29 / M, Tu, W, Th, FRights Act of 1965, one man, one vote3:305 p.m. / Turner 103 3:304:30 p.m. / Hultquist 201Aand gerrymandering, and recent efforts toFees: 4 sessions$99 Fees: 5 sessions$89suppress the vote and subvert elections in the name of election integrity. Ages 14+.Week 4, 7/187/22 / M, Tu, W, Th, F3:305 p.m. / Hultquist 101Fees: 5 sessions$119= Visit learn.chq.org for required materials = Youth under 18 may attend = Materials fee applies'