b'28 HEALTH & FITNESS SPECIAL STUDIES 2022Pilates Fitness: Other LETS GET MOVIN AND GROOVINMarcia BarrHas it been decades since youve seen the PILATES FOR BALANCE ZUMBA GOLD WITH PAUL! inside of a gym? Does climbing stairs leave Eva Stern Paul Mockovak you short of breath? Then its time to get Whatever were doing in life, balance isThe dance party workout using Latinmoving and grooving! This class defies the an essential part of movement. In this class,and international rhythms with the olderadage No Pain No Gain. Ball and chair we will not only consider upright balance (orparticipant or de-conditioned in mind.exercises as well as dance will improve your avoidance of falling), but how our musclesDitch the workout, join the party withoverall strength, balance and flexibility. In can work together in a balanced way toPauls social and theater dance-centeredaddition, you will have fun and improve facilitate strength and equilibrium. You willmoves designed for the Golds. Goldyour memory while learning to tap and learn what muscles to target to improvemeans visual and auditory cues! Older orperform a variety of ballroom dances to physical balance, bringing a greater sensenew to Zumba? Give this a try, rest whenOldies music. Mature adults with special of lightness and ease to your daily activities.desired and join when readyalways workneeds will be accommodated. Ages 40+.Ages 16+. at your own level. All you need is workoutWeek 4, 7/187/21 / Week 5, 7/257/28Week 1, 6/277/1 / M, Tu, W, Th, F wear, sneakers, and a smilebring it! (AndM, Tu, W, Th / 910 a.m.7:458:45 a.m. / Heinz Beach Fitness Studio 1 a water bottle, too!) Golds rock and weHeinz Beach Fitness Studio 1Fees: 5 sessions$69 always have a blast! Ages 18+. Fees: 4 sessions$59Weeks 1 to 8 / 6/278/19 / M, W, F / 910 PILATES FOR DAILY LIVING a.m. / Turner Gym BARRE FITNESS CLASSEva Stern Fees: 3 sessions$45 Amy de SWhy do we exercise, anyway? This classA full body workout! Change your is based on the idea that exercise enhancesPOUND ROCKOUT WORKOUT bodytone, sculpt, burn fat and build our experience of activities of daily living.Kelly Bates a lean physique. Barre classes combine We will use Pilates exercises and principlesPound is an exhilarating full-bodydance, Pilates and yoga fused with cardio to feel strong and coordinated in activitiesworkout. It combines cardio, conditioningand fitness elements for the most effective such as reaching high and low shelves,and strength training with yoga andresults. The classes are set to music and pushing and pulling doors and gettingPilates-inspired movements. It is a workoututilize the ballet barre (or chair). A fun, high in and out of cars, to name a few. Learndesigned for all ages and abilities. The classenergy and challenging class that will bring to move and feel better in this fun anduses weighted Rip-Stix designed specificallyyou results. Ages 12+.engaging class. Ages 16+. for the workout. It transforms drumming intoWeek 6, 8/18/5 / M, Tu, W, Th, FWeek 2, 7/47/8 / M, Tu, W, Th, F a workout. Every move is modifiable and89 a.m. / Heinz Beach Fitness Studio 17:458:45 a.m. / Heinz Beach Fitness Studio 2 everyone is welcome to participate. Turn upFees: 5 sessions$69Fees: 5 sessions$69 the music and join the fun! Ages 14+.Week 1, 6/277/1 / M, W, F AIKI/KARATE SKILLS AND SELF PILATES MAT CLASS 7:458:45 a.m. / Turner Gym DEFENSEAmy de S Fees: 3 sessions$45 James WohlerEnhance your body and mind! ThisThis class is a basic introduction to the class is an excellent total body workoutRUSH HOUR MID MORNING CRUNCH martial arts. You will learn some easy-to-that improves ones core strength, spinalStephanie Bukowski apply self-defense techniques along with stability, flexibility, mobility, control,A high-intensity workout that includes cardio,exercises to improve your mind, body and coordination, balance, breath, posturestrength and core movements using a varietyspirit. If you are interested in the history of and body awareness. The mat work isof different training styles. Ages 18+. the martial arts there will be something for the essence and foundation of the PilatesWeek 2, 7/47/8 / Week 3, 7/117/15you. We will look at both the physical and method of body conditioning. StudentsWeek 4, 7/187/22 / Week 5, 7/257/29metaphysical side of self-defense. will learn and perform the specialized floorWeek 6, 8/18/5 / Week 7, 8/88/12 Ages 12+.Pilates exercises on a mat. Please join usM, W, F / 9:1510:15 a.m. Week 7, 8/88/12 / M, Tu, W, Th, Fto rejuvenate your body and enhance yourHeinz Beach Fitness Studio 2 3:304:45 p.m. / Turner Gymoverall well-being! Ages 14+. Fees: 3 sessions$45 Fees: 5 sessions$79Week 6, 8/18/5 / M, Tu, W, Th, F9:1510:15 a.m. / Heinz Beach Fitness Studio 1 SENIOR CHAIR AND BALANCE Fees: 5 sessions$69 EXERCISESPeg BarrettA combination of balance, light weights, stretching, and cardio exercises done in a MANY FITNESS COURSES REACHchair or while standing using Pilates and CAPACITY ENROLLMENT.yoga principles. Ages 18+.PRE-SEASON REGISTRATION ISWeeks 2 to 9 / 7/57/7, 7/127/14, 7/197/21, STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. 7/267/28, 8/28/4, 8/98/11, 8/168/18, 8/238/25 / Tu, Th / 910 a.m.Heinz Beach Fitness Studio 2Fees: 2 sessions$35Additional classes may be added. For current class listings, visit learn.chq.org'