b'40 MUSIC SPECIAL STUDIES 2022STEPHEN SONDHEIM: A STUDY OF SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITHMaster Classes with Rossen MilanovGEORGERuth Powell THE ART OF LISTENINGSunday in the Park with George wasBack by popular demand! Maestro Rossen Milanov, music director of the Chautauqua considered one of the more cerebralSymphony Orchestra, will teach participants to develop an understanding of how to offerings from Stephen Sondheim. It wentactively listen to music and answer important musical questions. Join Maestro Milanov from being a show that people walked outon this musical journey, exploring works from the CSOs repertoireno prior musical on in droves to being a Pulitzer Prize winner.knowledge required. Ages 14+.This class will offer a behind-the-scenes lookWeek 5, 7/25 / M / 23:30 p.m. / Hultquist 101 / Fees: 1 session$49at the development and production of thisWeek 8, 8/15 / M / 23:30 p.m. / Hultquist 101 / Fees: 1 session$49show, as well as to offer a guided tour for the music and dialogue. Sunday remains one of the most profound expressions of the musical theater. We will look at the lifeOVERVIEW OF 19TH AND 20THFIVE GREAT SYMPHONIES NOT BY and works of Sondheim, and will pay tributeCENTURY BLACK WOMEN OPERABEETHOVEN OR MOZART!to his genius. Sunday In the Park withSINGERS Douglas BlackstoneGeorge will be viewed in its entirety.Calebria Webb Rachmaninov 2 creates a climax by raising Ages 14+. This course is designed to acquaint andthe pitch little by little and your adrenaline Week 3, 7/117/15 / Week 9, 8/228/26 empower students with the knowledge ofalong with it! Brahms 3 plants the finale M, Tu, W, Th, F / 12:30 p.m. / Hultquist 201A pioneering black women in opera and thetheme subtly in the second movement Fees: 5 sessions$115 climate of 19th- and 20th-century Americaso you can begin to get acquainted with in regards to operatic repertoire throughoutit. Tchaikovsky 5 jumps from one key to HALLELUJAH, LEONARD COHEN! the diaspora. Students will have an overviewanotherand it works magnificently. These Philip Lerman of 19th- and 20th-century Black femaleare some of the tricks that make these This popular course returns! We exploreopera singers and their contributionssymphonies great. Add Franck and Dvok the life, times, and fascinating works ofthrough class lectures, in-class listening7, and we know why orchestras continue to enigmatic poet/songwriter Leonard Cohen,assignments, actively engaging in classplay them! Ages 16+.from the sixties to today, with a specialdiscussions, and presentations relevant toWeek 7, 8/88/12 / M, Tu, W, Th, Ffocus on Hallelujah, one of the mostthe course material. Ages 18+. 12:301:45 p.m. / Hultquist 201Abeloved (and least understood) songs ofWeek 5, 7/257/29 / M, Tu, W, Th, F Fees: 5 sessions$99the last 50 years. Well see how the many12:301:45 p.m. / Hultquist 201Acover versions of this darkly mysteriousFees: 5 sessions$115 MASTERS OF THE AMERICAN SONGsong, all with different lyrics, unveil thePhillip Atteberrycomplex themes that permeate his worksMELODIES AND MALADIES: THENothing represents American culture asespecially the interplay between religion,MUSIC, LIVES, AND ILLNESSES OFwell as its popular songsIrving Caesar.sexuality, longing and love. Ages 16+. GREAT COMPOSERS With extensive film and musical excerpts, Week 4, 7/197/21 / Tu, W, Th Benjamin Lebwohl & Rami Vamos we will explore the American popular song 910:30 a.m. / Hultquist 101 The great composers often seem larger- and its relationship to American culture.Fees: 3 sessions$89 than-life, casting long shadows on musicalArtists include Irving Berlin, Jerome Kern, history. The contrast between theseGeorge Gershwin, Cole Porter and Richard ENSEMBLE MUSIC IN THE BAROQUElegendary figures and their frail bodiesRodgers. Ages 14+.ERA has long been an area of fascination toWeek 8, 8/158/19 / M, Tu, W, Th, FMichael Barndt musical biographers. Pairing the study910:15 a.m. / Hultquist 201AFollowing the Renaissance, composersof composers works with study of theirFees: 5 sessions$99appealed to the emotions. The energymedical illnesses allows the listener to of the Baroque era (1600-1750) addedfind connections between the experience new instruments, dance rhythms, oftenof illness and the wider context of that explosive content, and virtuoso playing.patients creative life. The medical-New structures for organizing music plantedmusical biography can serve as a basis seeds for standard Western Classicalfor deepening ones appreciation of great formats. Some of the most exciting, free- music while also placing into context the wheeling music of the period is rarely heardhealth struggles faced by the artist. today. Five basic themes explore highlightsAges 14+.of this period. Musical selections illustrateWeek 6, 8/28/4 / Tu, W, Ththe evolution of styles from Monteverdi and3:305 p.m. / Turner Conference RoomGabrielli to Vivaldi and Bach. Ages 14+. Fees: 3 sessions$85Week 5, 7/257/29 / M, Tu, W, Th, F910:15 a.m. / Turner 105Fees: 5 sessions$89Additional classes may be added. For current class listings, visit learn.chq.org'