b'40 SPECIAL STUDIES 2022 REGISTER NOW AT learn.chq.orgPERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 41 Personal &RISE ABOVE THE INNER CRITIC FORGIVENESS: ONCE AND FOR ALL, AND SHINE LETS MOVE ONProfessionalJen Jones Donatelli Sharon FerrettForget the glass ceilingwe are often ourActively practicing forgiveness can own biggest barrier to success. Up to 80%help you transform your life whether Development of people experience impostor syndrome,youre dealing with large issues or small fueled by the harsh and/or prohibitiveannoyances. This class presents a simple messages of the inner critic. Learningand effective process to help you take how to succeed not in spite ofbut ina little less offense, blame a little less, AT THE INTERSECTION OFtandem withthe inner critic is key toand take things a little less personally. RETIREMENT AND PURPOSE:standing strong in success. Through guidedExplore the physical, emotional and WHATS NEXT? visualization, interactive exercises andspiritual benefits of forgiveness. Through Jane Kerschner discussion, this empowering workshop givesmindfulness, this class helps you to awaken The act of retiring is more than bringingparticipants helpful tools for identifying andto the life force within you and allow peace your lifes work to a close. It is recognizingmoving past negative self-talk holding themand joy to flow. You will leave the class that you have this one and only preciousback. Redefine your relationship with therefreshed, with a calm mind and grateful life and a yearning to seek greaterinner critic and transform it into an advocateheart. Letting the past go really is the key to fulfillment and purpose. This interactiveand ally! Ages 18+. happiness and joy. Ages 14+.exploration is designed for those inWeek 4, 7/197/20 / Tu, W Week 6, 8/18/4 / M, Tu, W, Thsome phase of career/life transition to25 p.m. / Turner 105 12:30 p.m. / Turner 103engage in serious conversations aboutFees: 2 sessions$99 Fees: 4 sessions$99who you are and what you want to do. Through discussions and exercises, you willEMBRACING CHANGE ANDCONSCIOUSNESS OF WHOLENESSexamine and challenge attitudes, deepenTRANSITION: A TOOLKIT FOR 55+ Edwin E. Olsonunderstanding of lifes possibilities, findSusan M. Larson During our isolation in the COVID-19 greater confidence, and develop newUsing Bruce Feilers new bestseller, Life is inpandemic, we have experienced the strategies and practices for moving forwardthe Transitions: Mastering Change at Anysilent world of wholeness. Expanding this in life. Ages 50+. Age, we will equip you to more confidentlyconsciousness can transcend our tribal, Week 2, 7/47/8 / M, Tu, W, Th, F navigate planned and unplanned transitions.philosophical, and religious differences. The 8:4510:15 a.m. / Turner 103 We will utilize the updated Transitionperil to our biosphere and other human-Fees: 5 sessions$129 Process, Cycle of Renewal and Transitionmade crises will be reduced if we develop Toolkit in our interactive discussions. To zeroa global consciousness of the fundamental THE SOUL OF AGING: CLAIMINGin on where you are currently and explorewisdom and love in the universe. This THE GIFTS OF OLD AGE options, key topics will be covered including:course presents multiple scientific, spiritual, Georgia Noble & Suzanne Schmidt Triggers For Change, Preparation Forpsychological, and mystical perspectives This four-session interactive course providesDisruptors, Lifequakes, ABCs of Meaning,about consciousness that we will discuss to an opportunity to consider the many soulfulShapeshifting and Setting Intentions. Thisexplore our essential wholeness. Ages 16+.invitations and gifts our maturing years offerclass includes exercises, resources and aWeek 7, 8/88/11 / M, Tu, W, Thus. We will explore the spiritual aspectsTransition Bibliography. Ages 50+. 910:15 a.m. / Turner 105of this season of our lives including: ourWeek 6, 8/28/4 / Tu, W, Th Fees: 4 sessions$89visions of aging, living our un-lived lives,910:30 a.m. / Hultquist 201Bcompletion and forgiveness, and how toFees: 3 sessions$85 EXPLORE SPIRITUAL PRACTICESnurture our mystical nature. We will useLinnea Nelsonpoetry, story, music and art to exploreSTORY OF YOUR LIFE: JOURNALINGFind peace. Feel deeply. Free yourself these topics, all within the company of aTHROUGH TIMES OF CHANGE ANDfrom busyness by discovering spiritual trustworthy community, a Circle of Trust,CRISIS practices that arise from your daily based on the work of Parker J. Palmer, toRobin Payes activities. Make your life more beautiful and create a safe, confidential space to supportThis workshop is designed to guidemeaningful by exploring spiritual practices and access our inner lives. Ages 50+. participants into building a journalingthat feed your soul. Bring a journal and an Week 3, 7/117/14 / M, Tu, W, Th practice to turn to during moments ofopen mind to explore your inner life in ways 3:305:30 p.m. / Hultquist 201B overwhelm, change and crisis. Become anthat might surprise you. Ages 14+.Fees: 4 sessions$119 / Materials fee$5 archeologist of the self to uncover yourWeek 7, 8/98/11 / Tu, W, Thstrengths and better understand, process910:30 a.m. / Hultquist 201Band move through challenging times. UsingFees: 3 sessions$89writing prompts, exercises and guided meditations, we build self-awareness and unleash your creativity; embrace the relationship between story, health and well-being; and build a sustainable and nurturing journaling practice. Ages 14+.Week 6, 8/18/4 / M, Tu, W, Th3:305 p.m. / Turner 105Fees: 4 sessions$99= Visit learn.chq.org for required materials = Youth under 18 may attend = Materials fee applies'