b'38 SPECIAL STUDIES 2022 REGISTER NOW AT learn.chq.orgMUSIC 39 HAND DRUMMING FOR FUN HARMONICA QUICK STARTRichard Schuler Dean Johnson Master Class: Have a fun, stress-free time playing AfricanThe peoples instrument thats hand drums. You will learn world rhythmsfun to learn. You can carry it in yourHandbells A to Zin this high-energy, hands-on class that willpocket, you dont have to tune it up, and provide immediate joy and results whileyou dont need to read music to play it.The Raleigh Ringersencouraging self-expression. You will feelGet an overview of the standard 10-holeThis class covers every one-bell the power of rhythm and quickly learn todiatonic harmonica in the key of C, and wetechnique we know, starting with the play beautiful music together even if youvewill start playing tunes right away! Bring aproper ringing stroke. It is a good never played before. You will leave with a10 hole diatonic harmonica in the key ofclass for beginning ringers or ringers smile on your face. Drums provided.C. A Hohner Marine Band Harmonica is awho may not know many different Ages 12+. good choice, or you may purchase a lesstechniques. Ages 18+.Week 1, 6/276/30 / Week 3, 7/117/14expensive harmonica at the ChautauquaWeek 3, 7/13 / W / 45 p.m.Week 5, 7/257/28 / Week 7, 8/88/11 book store, or a $5 plastic harmonica fromAmphitheater StageM, Tu, W, Th / 12:301:45 p.m. the teacher. Ages 14+. Fees: 1 session$49Heinz Beach Fitness Studio 2 Week 4, 7/187/22 / Week 5, 7/257/29Fees: 4 sessions$89 M, Tu, W, Th, F / 9:1510:15 a.m. / Turner 208 This internationally acclaimed concert Fees: 5 sessions$89 handbell choir dazzles audiences with UKULELE AND YOU unique interpretations of sacred, secular Suzanne Shull JOY OF UKULELE! and popular music. Under the direction of Learn basic chording and strumming on theDean Johnson David M. Harris, The Raleigh Ringers have performed in 39 U.S. states, the District of instrument that is loved by all ages. OurUkulele is more popular than ever. Today,Columbia, as well as throughout France and repertoire will be folk and popular ukuleleits simple to learn and easy to tune using aCanada.songs from the past, as well as currentbattery-operated digital tuner, or even an popular tunes written especially for the ukeapp on your cell phone. The ukulele is an like Izzys Over the Rainbow. If youveideal accompaniment instrument for singing tried to learn in a private setting, you mayand playing hundreds of songs using as fewMusicfind that the group setting can help youa two or three chords. In this class, youll learn quickly and build confidence. You maylearn the basics and be able to share inAppreciationborrow a Chautauqua uke for the week orthe joy of playing right away! Ukuleles are bring your own to class. Ages 10+. provided, or bring your own. Ages 14+.Week 2, 7/47/8 / Week 6, 8/18/5Week 4, 7/187/22 / Week 5, 7/257/29Week 7, 8/88/12 / Week 8, 8/158/19 M, Tu, W, Th, F / 89 a.m. / Turner 208 GUIDED CONSCIOUS LISTENING: M, Tu, W, Th, F / 910:15 a.m. / Turner 208 Fees: 5 sessions$89 PIANO QUINTETS OF THE Fees: 5 sessions$99 ROMANTIC ERACONTINUING MOUNTAINHsing-ay HsuPLAY THE 4-HOLE OCARINA: THEDULCIMER How do chamber musicians dialogue with JUBO METHOD Beth Lassi each other? How do performance elements Wayne Hankin This class is for those who havecommunicate a composers inner world? Have you wanted to play music but feltcompleted the beginning mountainSteinway Artist and former university faculty instruments or the process of learningdulcimer course at Chautauqua or whoHsing-ay Hsu developed her Conscious too intimidating? The Jubo Method ishave obtained equivalent knowledge atListening method to guide real-time created to knock down the barriers whicha dulcimer festival or through self study.listening for this session on the genre of keep people from playing. The Jubo fluteStudents will expand their repertoire andRomantic piano quintets (string quartet is the simplest instrument to learn. Onlynew material will be presented. Topics willplus piano). With discussions and keyboard four holes to cover, easy to make a soundinclude: strumming and rhythm, playingdemos, learn the concepts behind each encompassing 11 notes and an easy-to- smoothly and expressively, playing bycomposers language, share perspectives, learn method that gets you reading andear and hearing chord changes, alternatelisten for the interplay of elements, and composing your own tunes quickly. Itstunings, playing with others, beginningcreate connections. Schumann, Dvok Op. never too late to become a music maker.to perform, and jamming. Previous year81, Brahms, Elgar, Dohnnyi Op. 1. For The course includes the Jubo instrumentstudents are welcome and dulcimers maythose who regularly listen to concert music. and Jubo Method, stage 1. Ages 7+. be borrowed for the week. Ages 10+. Questions? TheNutmegStudio@gmail.com Week 3, 7/117/15 / Week 8, 8/158/19 Week 9, 8/228/26 / M, Tu, W, Th, F Ages 14+.M, Tu, W, Th, F / 3:304:30 p.m. / Turner 208 910:15 a.m. / Turner 208 Week 2, 7/47/8 / M, Tu, W, Th, FFees: 5 sessions$89 / Materials fee$28 Fees: 5 sessions$99 910 a.m. / Hultquist 101Fees: 5 sessions$89= Visit learn.chq.org for required materials = Youth under 18 may attend = Materials fee applies'