b'30 HEALTH & FITNESS SPECIAL STUDIES 2022LIVING THE RESILIENT LIFE POSTURE CAMP FOR ACTIVEMOVE INTO LIFE WITH THE Naomi Baum ADULTS FELDENKRAIS METHODWhat is resilience? How can I increase myLaura Coombs Maxine Davisown personal resilience? We will exploreIts not just about standing up straight!The Feldenkrais Method provides a way the concept of resilience and how we canGood posture means moving well andto increase your awareness of how you do encourage and increase our own resilienceadapting to any activity (even sitting!) withwhat you do, so you can do what you want. using mind-body skills for living the bestless stiffness and joint pain. Posture CampThis body/mind approach offers a means of life we can. Life often serves us curvewill teach you a method that will make yourself-education and self-exploration through balls: stress, illness, losses of all kinds.active lifestyle even more enjoyable. Themovement that is useful for people in pain Mind-body skills are evidence-basedexercises can be done at home with minimal(arthritis, back pain, etc.). It is invaluable for techniques that have shown effectiveness inequipment and space, and the exerciseperformers, athletes and people interested increasing resilience and improving qualityinstructions and videos are downloadablein experiencing increased vitality in their of life. Classes will include units of psycho- so you can continue the method year-round.lives. Students should bring a towel or mat education, discussion and experientialImproving your posture will make you moreto class and wear loose clothing. Ages 18+.exercises. Ages 16+. flexible and more athletic, all while keepingWeek 6, 8/18/5 / Week 7, 8/88/12Week 1, 6/286/30 / Tu, W, Th typical aches and pains away. Ages 25+. M, Tu, W, Th, F / 1:303:30 p.m.8:4510:15 a.m. / Turner 103 Week 2, 7/47/7 / Week 3, 7/117/14 Hurlbut Marion Lawrance RoomFees: 3 sessions$85 Week 4, 7/187/21 / Week 5, 7/257/28 Fees: 5 sessions$99M, Tu, W, Th / 3:304:30 p.m.INTRO TO QIGONG FOR GOODHeinz Beach Fitness Studio 2 MINDFULNESS IN WELLNESS AND HEALTH Fees: 4 sessions$79 ILLNESSNaomi Baum Jayashree RaoWhat is Qigong? Why do millionsTHE ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE:Participants will learn to develop of people worldwide practice it? LearnMAPPING ACTIVITIES mindfulness through guided meditation all about this centuries-old system ofBarbara Hois and brief exercises that will help them movement, meditation and breathing thatAching muscles? Sore joints? Are yourexperience the present moment during can do wonders for your health. Reducingeveryday activities painful? Well find theeveryday activities. Although no specific stress, lowering blood pressure, improvingjoints and muscles you need to use andoutcome is promised, participants typically flexibility, stamina and stability are onlybe sure youre engaging them correctly.report feeling more alive and more in-a few of the things Qigong can bring toBy discovering the anatomy behind thetune with themselves and others. In your life. In this introductory course wemovement and sensing yourself fully, theaddition, research has shown significant will learn the basics of Qigong. Studentsteachers light touch will help you movebeneficial effects in dealing with stress, will learn the Five Elements Practice andmore easily. Whether youre sitting at theanxiety, high blood pressure, depression, the Eight Pieces of Brocade. This course iscomputer, walking, dancing, playing pianochronic pain and diabetes. Ages 16+.suitable for people with all levels of physicalor tennis, lets get the aches and pains out,Week 8, 8/158/19 / M, Tu, W, Th, Fability, including those who are physicallybring in ease and freedom. Ages 12+. 910:30 a.m. / Hultquist 201Bchallenged. Ages 14+. Week 3, 7/117/15 / Week 9, 8/228/26 Fees: 5 sessions$115Week 2, 7/47/8 / M, Tu, W, Th, F M, Tu, W, Th, F / 910 a.m.7:458:45 a.m. / Heinz Beach Fitness Studio 1 Heinz Beach Fitness Studio 1 PLAYFUL POSTURE PRACTICE: Fees: 5 sessions$75 Fees: 5 sessions$75 PREVENTING FORWARD HEAD POSTUREEVERYDAY BLUE ZONESCHI GONG FOR HEALTH ANDMartha LambSOLUTIONS RELAXATION So many influences in our lifestyles activate Laura Coombs Rick Gridley gravity to curve our thoracic spine and lead From food to movement to mindset, theLooking for an activity instead of or toour heads heavily forward. It has been said Blue Zones lifestyle has been proven tocomplement yoga or Western exercises? that we are only as young as our spines are reduce the risk of dementia, curb disease,Use this moving meditation to calm yourflexible. We must insert actions other than and help its followers live better, longermind, relax your body and energize yourlooking down at our computers, cellular lives. In this course, learn everyday solutionssystem. This ancient Chinese practicedevices, books, crafts, etc. into our days to and simple, actionable steps to expand andis a cousin to Tai Chi, combining gentledevelop proper posture. Therefore, in this extend your health span like they do in themovement, mental focus and coordinatedyoga class, well invite in lightness, joy, and Blue Zones! Ages 14+. breathing, which leads to feeling bothflotation as we playfully stretch our muscles Week 2, 7/57/8 / Tu, W, Th, F relaxed and energized. Chi Gong willto become more like taffy, incrementally 12:301:30 p.m. / Hultquist 201B increase your mindfulness, body awareness,building strength and preventing forward Fees: 4 sessions$75 flexibility and energy level. It is a way tohead posture. Ages 14+.refresh and strengthen the body fromWeek 9, 8/228/25 / M, Tu, W, Ththe inside out. No previous experience3:304:30 p.m. / Heinz Beach Fitness Studio 2necessary. Wear loose-fitting clothing.Fees: 4 sessions$69Ages 14+.Week 3, 7/117/15 / M, Tu, W, Th, F12:15 p.m. / Turner 203Fees: 5 sessions$85Additional classes may be added. For current class listings, visit learn.chq.org'