b'16 CULINARY ARTS SPECIAL STUDIES 2022Culinary Arts LIGHTER THAN AIR: THE ART OFWHISKEY TOUR OF THE WORLDMAKING FRESH PASTA Frank T. Becker Vicki Gillette Whiskey, the amber spirit that is the pride VIBRANT VEGETABLES Three sequential hands-on lessonsof Scotland, Ireland, Japan, Canada and Erin Holt guaranteed to eliminate the intimidationthe United States, will be the focus of this Theres no need to disguise vegetablesfactor (of that pasta machine hiding incourse. This two-hour experience will be or smother them with heavy saucesyour closet) via cumulative skill-building.an interactive (and tasty!) way to explore let them shine! Learn simple cookingInstructor is an experienced coach andthese intriguing beverages, including how techniques, complementary flavors, andtrainer with more than 45 years laythey are made, and the differences among a selection of recipes for side dishes thatexperience making pasta of all types inthe various types. A little history, such as feature seasonal produce. Even the pickiesther home kitchen. She will be sharing hermoonshining and the affect of prohibition in eater might be inspired to take a bite!Italian grandmothers authentic recipes andthe USA, will also be discussed. Of course, Instructor is an accomplished home cooktechniques. All equipment will be provided.no whiskey lesson is complete without with more than 20 years experience, bothYou will have access to pasta reference anda wee dram, so the course will include behind her own stove and in catering andcookbooks and receive printed recipes,a tasting of selected fine whiskeys from professional baking. Ages 16+. instructions and resource lists. Bring youraround the world. Cheers! Ages 21+.Week 1, 6/286/30 / Tu, W, Th fork! Ages 16+. Week 6, 8/2 / Tu / 3:305:30 p.m. / Turner 2053:305 p.m. / Turner 205 Week 4, 7/187/20 / M, Tu, W Week 6, 8/3 / W / 3:305:30 p.m. / Turner 205Fees: 3 sessions$85 46 p.m. / Turner 205 Week 7, 8/9 / Tu / 3:305:30 p.m. / Turner 205Materials fee$10/day Fees: 3 sessions$99 / Materials fee$10 Week 7, 8/10 / W / 3:305:30 p.m. / Turner 205Fees: 1 session$35 / Materials fee$15FARMERS MARKET MEALS CHOCOLATE TASTING AROUNDErin Holt THE WORLD SEAFOOD MADE SIMPLEMeals made with fresh, local productsBeverly Humbert Erin Holtare one of the best things aboutYour will discover and define yourPreparing seafood can be intimidating summer in Western New York. In thisfavorite chocolate quality, flavors andfor even a trained chef, but with quality class, Bestor Fresh Market finds willtextures by tasting a variety of chocolateingredients and uncomplicated techniques, inspire flavorful, easy-to-make dinnerssamples from around the world. Uncoverthe ocean can inspire quick and delicious that highlight ingredients at their peak.your chocolate preferences as we discussmeals perfect for a busy weeknight. Well Instructor is an accomplished home cookthe history of chocolate, cacao cultivation,create simple, composed dishes that take with more than 20 years experience, bothchocolate manufacturers and their chocolate- the scary out of the sea! Instructor is an behind her own stove and in catering andprocessing techniques. Well conclude theaccomplished home cook with more than professional baking. This class will inspireclass with a discussion about health issues20 years experience, both behind her own students to make the best of the seasonsand the consumption of chocolate and itsstove and in catering and professional offerings. Ages 16+. future in our society. Possibility of nut andbaking. Ages 16+.gluten allergy. Ages 14+. Week 8, 8/168/18 / Tu, W, ThWeek 2, 7/57/7 / Week 9, 8/238/25 Week 5, 7/257/26 / M, Tu 3:305 p.m. / Turner 205Tu, W, Th / 3:305 p.m. / Turner 205 24 p.m. / Turner 205 Fees: 3 sessions$85Fees: 3 sessions$85 Fees: 2 sessions$59 / Materials fee$7 Materials fee$10/dayMaterials fee$10/dayINTRO TO COOKIE DECORATING WITH ROYAL ICINGMegan RadakJoin us for a fun few hours as we decorate Chautauqua-inspired cookies. You will: practice piping skills and learn all about Royal Icing; gain experience with various applications such as outlining, flooding, wet on wet, marbling, etc.; decorate a half- dozen cookies to take home after class; enjoy hands-on practice and instruction, learn about tools, supplies and materials needed to begin crafting custom cookies. Students will leave with a half dozen decorated cookies. Check out @cookie_fun_101 on Instagram to see more. Ages 14+.Week 4, 7/21 / Th / 24 p.m. / Turner 205Week 4, 7/22 / F / 8:3010:30 a.m. / Turner 205Week 5, 7/27 / W / 24 p.m. / Turner 205Week 5, 7/28 / Th / 8:3010:30 a.m. / Turner 205Fees: 1 session$29 / Materials fee$30Explore chocolate far and wide in Chocolate Tasting Around the World (above)Additional classes may be added. For current class listings, visit learn.chq.org'