b'12 SPECIAL STUDIES 2022 REGISTER NOW AT learn.chq.orgART 13 Art HistoryOTHER VIEWS, OTHER VOICES: THE 19TH CENTURY ART WORLDElaine WertheimIndividuals such as Courbet, Manet, Monet and Cassatt dominate our appreciation of the artistic world of 19th century Europe. We will expand the narrative of this period by exploring the creativity of lesser known artists such as Puvis de Chavannes, Paul Serusier, Gwen John and Giovanni Fattori. Their contributions to modern expression will enrich our understanding of the energy and the legacy of dynamic century. Ages 14+.Week 1, 6/277/1 / M, Tu, W, Th, F910:15 a.m. / Hultquist 101Fees: 5 sessions$99 Watercolor classes are available for beginning and experienced artists (pages 1314)SHE PAINTS LIKE A MAN: DISCOVERINGArt Instruction ACRYLIC PAINTING WORKSHOPWOMEN ARTISTS Samantha NollothMimi Gallo Are you looking for a little painting Western civilization has tended to rank andCREATE THE MOSAICS OF THEfun? Want to keep your mind fresh valve women artists below men. WomenMEDITERRANEAN with a new adventure? Feel young again well known in their day have been lostGeorge Woideck and create something new? Then this is through history, their works attributedIn this hands-on course well journeythe acrylic painting class for you! This class to male artists, fathers and husbands:through the sunny Mediterraneanworks great for all adults with beginner to Anguissola, Fontana and Leyster. Therefrom west to east to design and re-createmid-level painting skills, but there is no prior were women geniuses: Merian, Ruysch andthe broken tile mosaics of Antoni Gaudispainting experience needed! Ages 14+.Carriera. Women artists were famous andBarcelona, the Roman mosaics of IsraelWeek 3, 7/117/14 / Week 4, 7/187/21infamous: Kauffman and Vigee-Lebrun.and the Byzantine glass tile mosaics ofM, Tu, W, Th / 1:303:30 p.m.Silversmiths, photographers and sculptorsConstantinople. Experience this enduringPier Building Classroomall fought for success in the art world:art form while learning the history of theFees: 4 sessions$119Lange, Savage and Ringgold. These 25cultures that created it. Participants, who women artists will entertain and astonishneed no prior experience, will not onlyONE-A-DAY WATERCOLOR you. Ages 15+. complete three hands-on mosaic projects,WORKSHOPWeek 6, 8/18/5 / M, Tu, W, Th, F but also learn the techniques of mosaicLynn LeFauve910:15 a.m. / Hultquist 201A installation and grouting. Ages 14+. From novices to beyond, experience Fees: 5 sessions$99 Week 2, 7/47/8 / M, Tu, W, Th, F this exciting course in watercolor 1:304:00 p.m. / Turner 106 painting. This one-a-day workshop Fees: 5 sessions$135 / Materials fee$35 will cover a short intro to the basics of watercolor painting and explore many of its POCKETSKETCHING FOR FUN ANDvaried techniques and approaches. Color, TRAVEL design and composition will be covered. Susan Merila The goal here is to create one painting This workshop presents a fun and easyper day based on three unique lessons way to learn watercolor painting using adeveloped by the instructor. Students will special water-soluble pen and a compactfind their own comfort level as regards watercolor paint set. Learn to quickly capturerealism vs abstraction vs representational what you see, anytime and anyplace, evenart. All will be discussed. Some watercolor in public, while fearlessly working withinexperience is helpful. Bring your own your personal space. Seize the moment andsupplies or purchase from instructor. Email: put your own spin on all that lies beforelrlefauve@gmail.com. Ages 16+.you! These personal paintingswith yourWeek 3, 7/127/14 / Week 6, 8/28/4imaginative touch result in a diary ofTu, W, Th / 810:30 a.m.special moments at home and from yourPier Building Classroomtravels. Ages 14+. Fees: 3 sessions$125 / Materials fee$7Week 2, 7/47/7 / M, Tu, W, Th1:304:30 p.m. / Pier Building ClassroomFees: 4 sessions$135 / Materials fee$50= Visit learn.chq.org for required materials = Youth under 18 may attend = Materials fee applies'