b'34 LITERATURE & WRITING SPECIAL STUDIES 2022WRITING LIVES, WRITING POEMS CREATIVE READING POINT OF VIEW IN MEMOIR: PLAYING Jim Daniels Sean Singer WITH PERSPECTIVEPoets at all levels sometimes struggle toThe reader is the stunt double for the writer.Apricot Irvingmake their poems clear, to translate theirThe reader tries to understand the writersThe slow work of untangling our own stories lived experiences to the page in waysintention and find openings to enter thecan be an invitation to compassion and that are accessible to general readers,poem. The writer is the stunt double for theplayfulness. In this workshop, well hold a particularly when they are writing about veryreader. The writer tries to anticipate howscene up to the light and examine it from personal, emotional subjects. This workshopa possible reader will encounter the poemas many angles as possible. Memoirs are will focus on helping you achieve a greatersometime in the future. Practicing the skillsoften written from a first-person point of degree of clarity while writing aboutof the reader while writing, and those of theview; what happens when we step back and personal topics without losing the precisionwriter while reading, reinforces both readingobserve from a different vantage point? of poetic expression. Writing assignmentsand writing. The poem is an inflection pointWhat new truths can be discovered about a will involve looking at and responding tobetween critique and celebration. Readingmoment we thought we understood? Well poems that deal with autobiographicalwith the intention of bringing the self toexplore together how approaching an old material. Flexible. Ages 18+. that inflection point, recognizing the portalnarrative from a new perspective creates Week 6, 8/18/5 / M, Tu, W, Th, F there, and stepping throughthat is thespace for humility, nuance and complexity. 8:3010:30 a.m. / Alumni Hall Poetry Room writers job. Flexible. Ages 18+. Flexible. Ages 18+.Fees: 5 sessions$135 Week 9, 8/228/26 / M, Tu, W, Th, F Week 2, 7/47/8 / M, Tu, W, Th, F8:3010:30 a.m. / Alumni Hall Poetry Room 1:153:15 p.m. / Alumni Hall Prose RoomPOETRY OF TRANSFORMATION Fees: 5 sessions$135 Fees: 5 sessions$135Todd DavisIn this workshop, participants will engageWriters Center ProseFROM INSPIRATION TO PAGE: OUR with and examine poetry of transformation:CREATIVE JOURNEYSpoems of magical change, of mythicalWorkshops Roy Hoffmanrenovation, of everyday conversions andWhere does inspiration come from, and once-in-a-lifetime revolutions. We will writehow do we seek it out? From the far corners our own poems of transformation, learningFIVE DAYS, FIVE APPROACHES TOof the globe, or just down the block? From to use the tension and friction such changePROSE transformational events in our lives, or the inevitably requires. We will discover howJimin Han magic of our senses? And how can we conversion leads to both joy and grief,Whether youre mulling around an ideatranslate that uplift, those insights, into to the writing of ode as well as elegy.for a story, essay, novel or memoir, oressays and stories? In this prose workshop, Generative. Ages 18+. looking for traction on a work that seemsfor writers of all levels, we discuss the Week 7, 8/88/12 / M, Tu, W, Th, F to be missing something, engaging insource of own inspirations, and set out8:3010:30 a.m. / Alumni Hall Poetry Room varied narrative writing strategies maypen to page, or keystroke to screento Fees: 5 sessions$135 help you reach your goals. Each day wellcompose images, narratives, and tales. Over consider contemporary pieces of fictionthe course of our week well try our hand THE ODE: POETRY OF CELEBRATION,or nonfiction, try our hand at a craft-basedat generative writing, using images, the REVERENCE, AND SURPRISE writing exercise inspired by our readings,senses, memories, music, as take-offs for John Repp and discuss how your piece might develop.creative writing, either fiction or nonfiction, Originating in a Greek root meaning toThis will be a generative, supportive writingsharing with the group, for those who wish. chant or to sing and first performedenvironment in which youll write and shareWell also look closely at stories or essays 2,500 years ago during the earliest Olympicwith other writers. If you have work inparticipants offer for more focused critique, Games, odes celebrated the god-like featsprogress, we will also find time to provideup to eight pages, one per participant. of Greeces finest athletes. They werentyou with feedback from the group if youdCome prepared to enjoy a no-pressure, just poems, but productions that fusedlike. Flexible. Ages 18+. supportive, and, yes, inspiring writers circle, dance, the pluck and strum of stringedWeek 1, 6/277/1 / M, Tu, W, Th, F spurred on by that ancient wisdom, mighty instruments, choral chants and singing. In1:153:15 p.m. / Alumni Hall Prose Room oaks from little acorns grow. Stories, too. this workshop, participants will infuse theirFees: 5 sessions$135 Flexible. Ages 18+.poems-in-progressor poems composedWeek 3, 7/117/15 / M, Tu, W, Th, Fduring the workshopwith athletic1:153:15 p.m. / Alumni Hall Prose Roomintensity, playful rhythms, and memorableFees: 5 sessions$135song. We will read (and read aloud) from our own work, as well as from the odes and anti-odes of poets such as Pindar, Lucille Clifton, Walt Whitman, John Keats, Pablo Neruda, Horace, Ross Gay, Sharon Olds and Frank OHara. We will conjure a home for praise, reverence for the hidden as well as the awe-full, and the surprise of authentic insight. Flexible. Ages 18+.Week 8, 8/158/19 / M, Tu, W, Th, F8:3010:30 a.m. / Alumni Hall Poetry RoomFees: 5 sessions$135Additional classes may be added. For current class listings, visit learn.chq.org'