b'34 SPECIAL STUDIES 2022 REGISTER NOW AT learn.chq.orgLITERATURE & WRITING 35 THE REDUX FAIRYTALE BETWEEN SENTIMENT AND SCORN:CURATION AND THE ESSAYVi Khi Nao WRITING TRUTHFULLY AND ETHICALLYAisha Sabatini SloanTo create a new story is to remake an oldABOUT FAMILY This generative workshop will be based on story new. In that essence, this generativeKristin Kovacic the idea of curation. How can we orient fiction workshop will renovate, refurbish,Much of our hard-earned knowledge is forgedtoward research and pre-writing in a way modernize, remodel, and possibly upgradein the cauldron of family life. But examiningthat opens up plenty of space for playful the old fairy tales (such as Cinderella,and writing truthfully about people we loverevision? We will think about the curation Hansel & Gretel, Snow White,is fraught with complications we canof essays through objects, sounds, images Beauty and the Beast, etc.) into theirpointlessly romanticize; we can do real harm.and experiences. We will consider structure potential timeless 21st century, with a newThis workshop will explore ways to approachand flow the way we might talk about an art set of literary wardrobe and boundary,nonfiction writing about family so that it isexhibit. By preparing an installation through vernacular attires, and coeval, technologicalaccurate, sensitive, ethical and meaningful tovisuals and objects, we will have the conditions, and circumstances. The rewritea larger audience. We will explore many fineopportunity to walk through and modify the will alter the fiction writers motivationessays that generously model the challengesliterary experience we are trying to create from originality to novelty, fashioning aand rewards of this difficult work, and weon the page. Generative. Ages 18+.mythological universe that defies traditionalwill make several attempts of our own toWeek 7, 8/88/12 / M, Tu, W, Th, Fapproaches to storytelling, paving a daringmake purposeful art from our most intimate1:153:15 p.m. / Alumni Hall Prose Roompath toward emblematic compulsions.relationships. No experience necessary.Fees: 5 sessions$135Writers will unexpectedly, through theGenerative. Ages 18+.compelling practice of playfulness andWeek 6, 8/18/5 / M, Tu, W, Th, F WRITING IS A FORM OF CARElightheartedness, form their adaptable1:153:15 p.m. / Alumni Hall Prose Room Hilary Plumnarration into a labor of fiction that invitesFees: 5 sessions$135 Can writing help us care more? Care better? authentically impulsive exploration and anHow can writing create new opportunities intensely invigorating engagement for theirJOURNEY THROUGH FICTIONAL FORMS for readers and writers, for people, to care readers. Generative. Ages 18+. Rion Amilcar Scott for one another? In this workshop, well Week 4, 7/187/22 / M, Tu, W, Th, F Depicting our busy and noisy world throughconsider writing as a form of care, and well 1:153:15 p.m. / Alumni Hall Prose Room fiction often requires taking on differentexplore how care takes form in writing. Often Fees: 5 sessions$135 forms, sometimes in the same work, likewere inspired to write something because slipping on new disguises, and personalities.of how deeply we care about a loved one ESSAYING ESSAYS In this generative workshop, we will look past(or sometimes a stranger), a cause, an David Lazar traditional narration and try on differing cloaks:event in history and those it continues to In this workshop, well explore the essencefor example, the flash, the epistolary, theaffect, a past or future version of oneself, an of nonfictions most vibrant and elasticsatiric, found forms, etc. We will read worksinjustice, a moment or a person who was form. The essay has been at the heart ofthat play with form and then create new piecesignored or forgotten, a community, a place nonfiction writing since Montaigne firstduring meditative free writes. Participants willthats vulnerable or changing, a way weve published his in the 16th century, and isbe encouraged to re-think their free-writtenstruggled when we cared about something having what some call a golden age inpieces through the lens of form. By the end ofbut didnt know what to do. Well explore the United States now, a swell of interestthe week, participants will have explored andthese experiences together and consider that goes beyond what weve seen beforediscovered new approaches for their narrativewhat caring writing might be like and what and is creating new forms of the essay, whatexperiments. Generative. Ages 18+. effects it can have. Flexible. Ages 18+.some call lyrical, graphic essays, epistolary,Week 8, 8/158/19 / M, Tu, W, Th, F Week 9, 8/228/26 / M, Tu, W, Th, Fshort forms, long forms, fractured forms1:153:15 p.m. / Alumni Hall Prose Room 1:153:15 p.m. / Alumni Hall Prose Roomall of them though somehow tied to theFees: 5 sessions$135 Fees: 5 sessions$135thrilling desire at the heart of the essay: to speak intimately, to ask difficult questions, to stumble upon coincidences and theRewriting the Climate Storyfortuities of language that take us places weDerek Gladwin & Naoko Ellis had no idea wed end up when we sat downThroughout human existence, storytelling has shaped societies, influencing personal, urgently needing to write something insociocultural, educational, and public conversations that impact how we currently prose. Well read some varied examples oflive and imagine our futures. Creating and communicating the language of stories to the form (Charles Lamb, Virginia Woolf, C.K.ourselves and others enhance our innate voices and can empower us to engage in Chesterton, Nancy Mairs, Hanif Abdurraqi,greater empathy, compassion and possibility. Its not a far stretch, then, to propose Lia Purpura) do some exercises, and the lastthat storytelling might hold a powerful sway in addressing one of the most significant two to three days workshop the varied workchallenges of our lifetime: the climate emergency. This workshop invites participants produced by workshop members. Flexible.to explore our own relationships to the climate emergency and the roles our personal Ages 18+. and social stories play in this process. Over three days, participants will self-reflect on Week 5, 7/257/29 / M, Tu, W, Th, F the stories of climate justice, creating and rewriting some of those narratives, while also 1:153:15 p.m. / Alumni Hall Prose Room considering some of the social and environmental challenges impeding action. By the Fees: 5 sessions$135 end of this workshop, participants will develop and write their own climate story that can then be applied to their personal and professional lives. Ages 18+.Week 8, 8/178/19 / W, Th, F / 1:153:15 p.m. / Alumni Hall Poetry RoomFees: 3 sessions$99= Visit learn.chq.org for required materials = Youth under 18 may attend = Materials fee applies'