b'44 RELIGION & PHILOSOPHY SPECIAL STUDIES 2022Religion &BIBLICAL ORIGINS: FROM GENESISTHE HUMANIST CHOICE: CELEBRATE TO REVELATION WITHOUT GODPhilosophy Harry Cole Anita PetersNo book in all of human history has hadWith over 25% of the population the revolutionary influence, the effect onidentifying as unaffiliated, more people western thought or the depth of religiousare choosing secular ceremonies to WITCHES, WIVES, AND WHORES:insight as the Bible, the sacred scripturescommemorate universal life milestones. (IN)FAMOUS WOMEN OF THE BIBLE of the Judeo/Christian tradition. You willMany religious holidays have been Rabbi Elyse Goldstein learn how our English Bible came to be inassimilated into popular culture and are Explore the exotic women of the Bibleits present form(s)from its beginningscelebrated as secular events. The humanist that you once thought you kneworin ancient myth and folklore, to the storychoice to celebrate without God has never learned about at all. From Jezebel toof Israel, the lives of Jesus and Paul, tobecome mainstream. Beyond this, what Rahab to the most ideal woman of Proverbs,the apocalyptic visions of John. We willdo humanists celebrate? This course will discover these ancient women and theirpursue questions of authorship, dates ofdefine the humanist choice, describe scandals and see what wisdom we cancomposition, and the original intent of thehumanist celebrants and ceremonies and glean from them for our modern lives. TextBiblical writers in their own place and time.explore humanist celebrations, which faith study and discussion will open the BibleAges 16+. communities and humanists can endorse wider for us. Not for women only!Week 8, 8/158/19 / M, Tu, W, Th, F together without prejudice. Ages 14+.Ages 16+. 3:305 p.m. / Turner 105 Week 9, 8/228/25 / M, Tu, W, ThWeek 2, 7/57/7 / Tu, W, Th Fees: 5 sessions$115 910:15 a.m. / Hultquist 201B3:305 p.m. / Hultquist 201A Fees: 4 sessions$89Fees: 3 sessions$85 EXPLORE THE NATIVE AMERICAN MEDICINE WHEEL COME TO YOUR SENSES: THE HERE I AM, LORD Diane Clark SENSUAL AS SACREDMary Urban Keary Do you feel a kinship with the NativeDavid BakerWhile many of us have experiencedAmerican culture? Exploring the SenecaThe five senses are the primary the presence of God in congregationalMedicine Wheel will enable you to gain aopenings through which all stimuli and worship and prayer, immense richness andlarger perspective of Indian thinking, valuesinformation arrives at the brain. In an connection can also be found in individualand philosophy. You may be surprised tooverstimulated world we often withdraw our spiritual practice. In this workshop we willdiscover how closely they are aligned withsenses in order to cope, or they become learn about and experience four solitaryyour own. You may feel totally at home withdull from lack of use. In this course, the spiritual practices: centering prayer, prayingthe teachings of a culture that has survivedpowerful psychological and spiritual effects the labyrinth, prayer writing and Lectiomany ferrous attacks from the westernof touch, aroma, flavor, color, light and Divina. While writing materials will beworld. You may become appreciative andsound are illuminated for the sacred gifts supplied, participants are encouraged toinspired by your own dynamic role in livingthey are, then re-visioned as a means to a bring their personal journals. Ages 16+. with the wisdom of the Medicine Wheel.life-giving relationship between sensuality Week 3, 7/117/14 / M, Tu, W, Th Ages 14+. and spirituality. Ages 16+.3:305:30 p.m. / Turner Conference Room Week 9, 8/228/26 / M, Tu, W, Th, F Week 9, 8/238/25 / Tu, W, ThFees: 4 sessions$99 910:15 a.m. / Turner 106 3:305 p.m. / Hultquist 201AFees: 5 sessions$99 Fees: 3 sessions$75 / Materials fee$1LISTEN TO HER VOICE: WOMEN OF THE HEBREW BIBLEKohenet Miki RaverEnjoy the vividly dramatic stories of our Biblical foremothers in a lively interactive lecture series, illustrated by Chagall, Rubens, Tintoretto, Blake and other great artists. Celebrate the positive messages about womens spirituality, sexuality and strength that has lived on in Jewish culture from ancient days to the present. Delve into what these stories mean for your life today. Discover with the presence of the Shekinah, the Divine Feminine Presence embedded in these eternal tales. Ages 16+.Week 6, 8/18/5 / M, Tu, W, Th, F3:305 p.m. / Hultquist 201BFees: 5 sessions$115Additional classes may be added. For current class listings, visit learn.chq.org'