b'REGISTER NOW AT learn.chq.orgINSTRUCTOR BIOGRAPHIES 57 L LYNN LEFAUVE LEE LOWENFISHOne-a-Day Watercolor Workshop (p. 13) Reel Baseball and Real Baseball: Myth and Real-BS, MS Art Education, Buffalo State College.ity (p. 19)MARTHA LAMB Over 35 years teaching experience, high schoolPioneer in sports culture teaching in 1970s. Playful Posture Practice: Preventing Forwardadvanced courses in the Visual Arts. Teacher ofAuthored four books on baseball including Head Posture (p. 30) the Year, Sweet Home HS, 1999. Chautauquaaward-winning biography Branch Rickey: Obtained training and teaches yoga and Pilates inInstitution Special Studies Faculty art instructorBaseballs Ferocious Gentleman, three editions of retirement; she leads students through mindfulover 20 years till present. Represented in publiclabor history of baseball, The Imperfect Diamond, long breaths to lower blood pressure, developand private collections: Buffalo, Chautauqua,and Tom Seavers The Art of Pitching. more flexibility and openness, and access calmerFlorida, NYC, Italy, Washington DC. Memberwww.leelowenfish.comgrounding in life; she seeks to inspire withBuffalo Society of Artists, over 15 years. VACI imagery that motivates. Students may release toExhibiting member. Mmore timeless state of ease and options. PATRICIA S. LEMERSUSAN M. LARSON Beginning Beading: Make Earrings, NecklacesJOHN M. MARAZITA, PH.D.Embracing Change and Transition: A Toolkit forand Bracelets, Too! (p. 24) Psychological Detectives (p. 45)55+ (p. 41) Self-taught lifetime craft hobbyist. Love to makeB.A., University of Akron; M.A., Ph.D., Kent M.Ed., NCC, Transition/Life Planning Coachthings. Learning to bead is fast, portable and fun;State University. Twenty-eight years experience based in Plymouth, Massachusetts, and Sarasota,it became Lemers newest favorite hobby aboutin research and teaching cognitive psychology, Florida. Specialize in customized life planning15 years ago. Necklaces, bracelets and earringsincluding programming for gifted/talented to provide a framework, process, steps andare so easy that they are the go-to idea formiddle and high school students. Currently sounding board for thriving in midlife andgifts, a night out or to match a new outfit. professor of psychology, chair, Social Behavioral beyond. Work with individuals, couples andMARY M. LEOPOLD, PH.D. Sciences, and Director of Honors at Ohio groups, drawing on over 25 years of career,Universe, Earth, Humanity: Past and Future (p.Dominican University. 2015 Conley Award for coaching and training experience. Facilitate45) Teaching Excellence recipient.numerous interactive, content-packed workshopsB.S., Physics, Florida State University; M.S.,MISA MARTINand active in the Life Planning Network.Physics, University of Virginia; Ph.D., Physics,Agility Jump Start (p. 19); My Dog Can Do That! www.open the door-future.com Washington University. Ten years teaching(p. 19)BETH LASSI experience in high school, ten years teachingB.A., Photography, Rochester Institute of Beginning Mountain Dulcimer (p. 38); Continuingexperience in college, two years researchTechnology. HudsonValleyDogTrainer.comMountain Dulcimer (p. 39) scientist experience in industry, eight yearsCHARLOTTE MATTHEWSM.B.A., Union College. Varied musicalengineer experience in industry. Currently retired. Sight and Insight (p. 33)background including dulcimer, concertina andPHILIP LERMAN Charlotte Matthews is author of four poetry piano. Has led workshops at Chautauqua and atHallelujah, Leonard Cohen! (p. 40) collections, a novel, and a memoir, Comes with numerous dulcimer festivals over the last decade.Philip Lerman is a writer/producer fromFurniture and People (finalist for Indie Book Teaches privately and has coauthored fourWashington D.C. He produced Americas MostAward). Associate professor at The University of dulcimer books. Wanted on Fox and Made in Spain on PBS,Virginia, has been teaching non-traditional adult DAVID LAZAR and was national editor of USA TODAY. Lermanlearners for the past 17 years. Her work recently Essaying Essays (p. 35) wrote Where Have All The Flowers Gone, aboutappeared in Rattle, The American Poetry Review, David Lazar is the author of 13 books, mostthe Woodstock Generation, and lectured inCave Wall, The Virginia Quarterly Review, and recently Celeste Hom Syndrome: On CharacterChautauqua in 2008 about his book Dadditude. Ecotone. She lives outside of Charlottesville and Actors from Hollywoods Golden Age and theSALLY LEVINE enjoys raising chickens, walking dogs, and knitting.anthology Dont Look Now: Writers on What TheyGraphic Novels and Comics (p. 8); SketchingWILLIAM MATUSZESKIWish They Hadnt Seen. He is also the author ofChautauquas Architecture (p. 14) Ikebana: The Art of Japanese Flower-Arranging the essay collections Ill Be Your Mirror: EssaysA.B., Washington University; M.Arch., University(p. 24)and Aphorisms, Occasional Desire, The Body ofof Illinois, Chicago. Principal, Levine ArchitectureTrained in Kyoto, Japan, and Washington, Brooklyn, and the prose poem collections Whos& Design, Ltd. Twenty-five-plus years teachingD.C. to lecture on Ikebana and hold classes. In Afraid of Helen of Troy and Powder Town. Tenuniversity-level art, architecture and design;Chautauqua each session includes a lecture on of his essays have been named Notable Essayschaired Visual Studies at the Boston Architecturala particular type of arrangement, preparation of the Year by Best American Essays. Lazar wasCollege; taught at the School of the Art Instituteof that arrangement before the students with awarded a Guggenheim Foundation Fellowshipof Chicago; currently teaches architectural studiosongoing lecturing, then providing materials for in Nonfiction in 2016. He has taught for over 30at Case Western Reserve University. each student to prepare their own version. Finally, years at Ohio University and Columbia Collegeeach student arrangement is critiqued while the Chicago. www.lazar.org KAYE LINDAUER entire class listens and modifications made as BENJAMIN LEBWOHL Alchemical Medieval Manuscripts (p. 49); Emilyneeded.Melodies and Maladies: The Music, Lives, andDickinson (p. 47); Gilgamesh (p. 49); Jungian Psy-Illnesses of Great Composers (p. 40) chology (p. 47); Rebecca (p. 46); Stories: Mirrors B.A., Harvard College (music); M.D., M.S.,for Self Reflection (p. 46); The Elders Years (p. Columbia University. Gastroenterologist and47); The Jungian Path Towards Soul (p. 47); The Epidemiologist at the Celiac Disease CenterThree Feathers (p. 47)at Columbia University, where he is DirectorM.S., M.L.S., M.Div. Studied and taught of Clinical Research. Director of Qualitypsychology, literature and theology over last 45 Improvement in Digestive and Liver Diseases,years. Combines these disciplines to bring new Columbia University Medical Center. dimensions of understanding to the worlds great stories (mythology, fairy tales, bible stories). Taught at Syracuse Univ. for 30 years. Continues to study the writing of Carl Jung, leads retreats, teaches for Road Scholar and for Oasis (Syracuse, New York) and frequently lectures for various organizations. This marks her 30th year with Special Studies.Additional classes may be added. For current class listings, visit learn.chq.org'