b'62 INSTRUCTOR BIOGRAPHIES SPECIAL STUDIES 2022U ELAINE WERTHEIM ZOther Views, Other Voices: The 19th Century Art World (p. 13)MARY URBAN KEARY B.A., Art History, The George WashingtonPEGGY ZORNHere I Am, Lord (p. 44) University; M.A., George Washington University.Baking 101: Kids in the Kitchen (p. 9); Sewing for MRE and MSW, Boston University; director ofAssistant professor of art history, NorthernBeginners (p. 9)Religious Education in United Methodist andVirginia Community College. Currently teachingContinental School of Beauty Culture and Lutheran churches; member, Daughters of theart history and film classes, Mt. LebanonWilton Cake Decorating. Making the world a King, an international order of women who vowContinuing Education; Writer, Mt. Lebanonbeautiful place with clothing, hair styles and to daily prayer and to serve; author of PrayersMagazine; 2001 winner of Golden Quill forconfections. Costumer for 10 schools and owner/of the People; All Saints Parish (Episcopal),outstanding magazine feature article. stylist at Lockeworks Salon. Teaching students Brookline, Massachusetts, lead workshops inNANCY WILKINSON how to design and build costumes for theatre prayer writing, member Centering Prayer group. Art Journaling as Meditation (p. 24) productions and fashion shows. Baker for private V Masters degree in Arts Education. Art educator,individuals.traveler (over 20 countries), photographer and illustrator for childrens books. Co-taught at RAMI VAMOS Chautauqua in 2017 the Trees of Life workshop. Melodies and Maladies: The Music, Lives, andTaught for 42 years in the public and private Illnesses of Great Composers (p. 40) schools: art, theater, and English. For eight Combining his talents as a guitarist, educator,years she taught yoga in studios. Her Fulbright writer, and composer, Rami Vamos has created ascholarships to India and South Africa have wide array of original musical events ranging fromprovided many speaking engagements. childrens theater to concert music. His showsquietmoonphotos.comencourage people of all ages to explore classicalDORIA WOHLERmusic. Vamos works closely with the ChamberFlash Fiction Workshop (p. 8)Music Society of Lincoln Center as a curriculumB.A., Hunter College; M.F.A, Fiction, Temple planner, writer, composer, and host for both theirUniversity (due to graduate in 2022). Currently Chamber Music Beginnings concert series andenrolled in the Creative Writing M.F.A program CMS KIDS series. at Temple University, concentration in fiction. GRANT VANCE Graduated with Honors from Hunter College. Bridge: 2 Over 1 Game Force (p. 19) Reader for Tinge Magazine, Temples literary Grant Vance and his wife, Jessica, are Diamondmagazine. Previously held the position of literary Life Masters, with many top 10 finishes in Openmanager for Hunter Colleges Student-Run National Bridge Events. They have a passion forTheatre Company, as well as poetry editor for The teaching bridge in San Francisco/Oakland, whereOlivetree Review. Enthusiastic!they have taught dozens of bridge classes onJAMES WOHLERadvanced bidding and play topics. Aiki/Karate Skills and Self Defense (p. 28)W B.S., Finance, Pennsylvania State University. Twenty years teaching martial arts, Black Belt since 2004. Middle Office Manager, Intesa CALEBRIA WEBB Sanpaolo, New York City.Overview of 19th and 20th Century Black Wom-en Opera Singers (p. 40) GEORGE WOIDECKB.S. Music Education, Winston-Salem StateCreate the Mosaics of the Mediterranean (p. 13)University; M.M. Vocal Performance, Wayne StateOwner, Artisan Architectural Ceramics and University. Ten years teaching experience K-12Restoration creating installations in mosaic and music and chorus; currently teaching music atceramic tile for schools, hospitals, businesses, Schulze Academy, Detroit. Performing mezzo- public places and performing art centers. Long soprano and independent private voice studioterm artist-in-residence, Ohio Arts Council. owner. Member of National Association ofExhibitions in galleries and museums in Teachers of Singing (NATS). Cleveland, Chicago and New York. Keynote speaker, National Architectural Ceramics PETER S. WENZ Conference. artisanarchitecturalceramics.comFood Ethics (p. 47)B.A. Binghamton Univ.; Ph.D. Univ. of Wisconsin.JEFFREY WOODThirty-five years teaching at universities, includingHow Free is Freedom of Religion? (p. 31); How Univ. of Illinois, Oxford Univ. (England), andShould We Elect the President? (p. 31); The Canterbury Univ. (New Zealand). Eight booksFuture of the Supreme Court (p. 31)published by such presses as Oxford U. Press,B.A. with Honors, College of William and MIT Press, and McGraw-Hill. He has lectured inMary; J.D., Northwestern University School of England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Germany,Law. Over 30 years experience as a corporate China, Australia, and New Zealand, and is one ofattorney, specializing in banking and financial the people who simultaneously coined the termservices. Writes and practices law in Chicago, environment justice. peterswenz.com Illinois. Previously taught special studies courses at Chautauqua on the Electoral College and assisted suicide.Visit learn.chq.org for complete course descriptions, instructor biographies and to register.'