b'14 ART SPECIAL STUDIES 2022FANTASTIC FLORALS IN WATERCOLORJerome ChesleyEnjoy this watercolor painting experience as we take multiple approaches to painting florals, including still life, outdoor garden scene and abstraction techniques approach, using elements and principles of art. Multiple-level class for beginners, intermediate and advanced. Demonstrations and individual guidance, followed by a positive group critique, will help one develop as a painter in any subject matter. Ages 14+.Week 4, 7/197/21 / Tu, W, Th9 a.m.12:15 p.m. / Pier Building ClassroomFees: 3 sessions$129COLORED PENCILS ARE CAPABLE OF MAGIC!Tami HritzayOver the last few years colored pencils have made their mark in the art world. Useful techniques and knowledge will be taught. If you are a beginner, intermediate, or curious artist, this class will challenge you inside and outside the box. My goal is to encourage you to become more confident with colored pencils, or even use them in mixed media. Your creativity is open andDraw inspiration from Chautauquas historic grounds in Sketching Chautauquas Architecture (left)the sky is the limit! Ages 14+.Week 6, 8/18/5 / M, Tu, W, Th, F DRAWING FOR BEGINNERS WATERCOLORS FOR BEGINNERS8:3010:30 a.m. / Turner 106 Kim Kloecker Kim KloeckerWeek 7, 8/88/12 / M, Tu, W, Th, F This course introduces the art elementsThis course introduces the art elements 24 p.m. / Turner 106 and principles of design, basic drawingand principles of design, foundational Fees: 5 sessions$119 / Materials fee$15 techniques and concepts, step-by-steptechniques in watercolor, understanding instructions, and drawing simple objects/ color, step-by-step instructions, and SKETCHING CHAUTAUQUASlandscapes. We will discuss paper, drawingpainting simple objects/landscapes. ARCHITECTURE pencils, colored pencils, and how to useWell discuss paper, paint and brushes, Sally Levine them. Well explore drawing-what-you- applications, dos and donts, and how to Learn to recognize architectural stylessee-not-what-you-think, perception filters,do secrets. Each class includes teaching by sketching examples of Chautauquasshading, perspective and composition. Thisand studio time. This introductory class is buildings, and improve your sketching skillsintroductory class is designed for studentsdesigned for students who have had no by looking at Chautauquas architecture.who have had no previous art experienceprevious art experience and always wanted This course is open to everyone, whetherand always wanted to learn to draw. Itto paint watercolors. It is also suitable for youre a beginning or advanced drawingis also suitable for beginners/advancedbeginners/advanced beginners who would student. We will focus on the elements,beginners who would like to take theirlike to take their watercolor painting to the details, materials and technologies thatdrawing to the next level. Ages 13+. next level. Ages 15+.define various architectural styles and thatWeek 8, 8/158/19 / M, Tu, W, Th, F Week 8, 8/158/19 / M, Tu, W, Th, Fgive your drawings unique character.13 p.m. / Pier Building Classroom 8:3010:30 a.m. / Pier Building ClassroomAges 14+. Fees: 5 sessions$129 / Materials fee$10 Fees: 5 sessions$129 / Materials fee$15Week 7, 8/88/12 / M, Tu, W, Th, F8:3010:30 a.m. / Pier Building ClassroomFees: 5 sessions$129NOTE: IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR STUDENTS REGISTERED FOR ART CLASSES IN THE PIER BUILDING TO BRING A CONTAINER FOR WATER ALONG WITH PORTABLE EASEL.Additional classes may be added. For current class listings, visit learn.chq.org'