b'26 SPECIAL STUDIES 2022 REGISTER NOW AT learn.chq.orgHEALTH & FITNESS 27 Health &KUNDALINI YOGA ANDYOGA FOR YOUR LIFE: EXPERIENCE MEDITATION THE JOYFitness Jennifer Gantenbein Lawrence TerkelOften called the Yoga of AwarenessExplore the physical, emotional and spiritual Kundalini Yoga is a unique and powerfulbenefits of yoga from a teacher with more practice which uses a dynamic blend ofthan 50 years of experience. Emphasis will breath exercises, specific movements, deepbe on alignment, understanding, protection Yoga relaxation, meditation and mantra. Thisand ways to incorporate yoga into your life class provides students of all skill levelswith joy and confidence. All levels welcome. an experience in using this transformativeBring your own exercise mat. Ages 15+.GENTLE YOGA technology to access their inherent creativeWeek 7, 8/88/12 / Week 8, 8/158/19Kate Junker potential for the purposes of generatingM, Tu, W, Th, F / 8:4510:15 a.m.Learn basic yoga breathing anda state of energized calm, elevatingHeinz Beach Fitness Studio 1stretching. Yoga is a non-competitive, non- consciousness, expanding self-radiance andFees: 5 sessions$85strenuous exercise which helps you relaxlearning self-mastery. Bring a yoga mat. A while toning and lengthening muscles.blanket and meditation cushion are helpful,GENTLE YOGA FOR BACK HEALINGEmphasis will be on building strength,but not required. Ages 14+. Mollie McClelland Morrisimproving flexibility, improving balance andWeek 1, 6/277/1 / Week 3, 7/117/15This class series approaches back pain reducing stress. Individuals move at theirWeek 5, 7/257/29 / Week 7, 8/88/12 as a beginning of a journey of discovery own pace. Please bring your own exerciseM, W, F / 3:305 p.m. about your body and movement potential. mat and any desired props. Ages 16+. Heinz Beach Fitness Studio 1 Learn about and work with your body to Weeks 1 to 9 / 6/278/26 Fees: 3 sessions$65 help you cultivate ease in movement with M, Tu, W, Th, F / 7:308:45 a.m. strategies for strengthening, mobilizing and Hurlbut Marion Lawrance Room GENTLE YOGA TOOLS supporting your body to move intelligently Fees: 5 sessions$79 Jan Silvano and freely. Classes will be sequential, This class provides gentle yoga toolsreflective, and create space for students to RESTORATIVE AND GENTLE YOGA for participants who are interested inaccess the material at their current level, Joanne Spence establishing a regular home practice. Thesewhile offering opportunities to progress and If you have always wanted to try yoga ortools can supplement an existing wholegrow throughout the week. Bring your own mindful practice and you were too afraid toself-care plan that the participant mayexercise mat. Ages 14+.try, this class is for you. If you have two leftalready follow. Building on the idea of aWeek 8, 8/158/19 / M, Tu, W, Th, Ffeet you can do yoga. Uncoordinated? Findyoga practice that can be done on a routine3:304:45 p.m. / Turner 203it hard to balance? Self-conscious of yourbasis, anywhere, by anyone at any age,Fees: 5 sessions$79body? Not flexible? If you can breathe, youparticipants will engage in traditional gentle can do yoga. This is kind yoga, suitable foryoga asana (postures) sequences in orderCHAIR YOGAall body types. No experience necessary.to facilitate movement, stillness, breathing,Laura McDonaldYou will learn the practicalities of how tobalancing, stretching and strength building.Enjoy all the benefits of yoga while move your body in its pain-free range- Bring your own exercise mat. Ages 14+. seated in a chair. We will flow through a of-motion and why it is important to payWeek 3, 7/117/15 / M, Tu, W, Th, F series of seated yoga poses and stretches. attention to your breathing. Led by expert9:1510:30 a.m. Improve flexibility and alignment as we yoga teacher and author Joanne Spence.Hurlbut Marion Lawrance Room move together during this class. All levels Bring your own exercise mat. Ages 14+. Fees: 5 sessions$75 welcome. Ages 14+.Week 1, 6/277/1 / Week 2, 7/47/8 Week 8, 8/158/19 / Week 9, 8/228/26 / M, Tu, W, Th, F / 9:1510:15 a.m. YOGA FOR FLEXIBILITY M, W, F / 910 a.m.Heinz Beach Fitness Studio 1 Nancy Rosenberger Heinz Beach Fitness Studio 2Fees: 5 sessions$79 Gentle, slow-flow yoga builds flexibility,Fees: 3 sessions$45strength and inner calm. All bodies and YOGA FOR EVERY BODY levels welcome. Modifications are offeredVINYASA YOGA FLOWSusan Grover for more challenging poses. We doLaura McDonaldBeginner-friendly, gentle practice tobreathing, stretches, and poses that alignJoin us for an energizing vinyasa flow bring ease and opening to joints andand strengthen the body, ending withclass. Move through sun salutations and muscles. Ideal for those who feel inflexible,relaxation to integrate. Mindful movementyoga poses as you stretch, strengthen and who want stress relief and who want to easenurtures awareness of energy flow. Bringbalance. This class includes seated and particular body issues. Athletes and peopleyour own exercise mat. Ages 14+. standing postures, twists and forward folds. recovering from shoulder and back injuriesWeek 5, 7/257/29 / M, Tu, W, Th, F Leave feeling strong, flexible and centered. use this class to add stretching to their9:1510:15 a.m. Previous yoga experience helpful but not routines. Very easy, no-pressure class. BringHurlbut Marion Lawrance Room required. Bring your own exercise mat. your own exercise mat.Fees: 5 sessions$69 Ages 14+.Ages 12+. Week 8, 8/158/19 / Week 9, 8/228/26Week 2, 7/47/8 / M, Tu, W, Th, F M, Tu, W, Th, F / 7:308:30 a.m.9:1510:15 a.m. Heinz Beach Fitness Studio 2Hurlbut Marion Lawrance Room Fees: 5 sessions$69Fees: 5 sessions$69= Visit learn.chq.org for required materials = Youth under 18 may attend = Materials fee applies'