b'46 SPECIAL STUDIES 2022 REGISTER NOW AT learn.chq.orgGENERAL INTEREST 47 FOOD ETHICSConsent Decision Making:Peter S. WenzWill climate change cause food shortages? For a Deeper Democracy If so, what should we do now as individuals and as a society? Should we encourage John Buck more genetically modified foods, or more Experience a more cooperative system for decision making! Our U.S. Declaration oforganic agriculture? Is vegetarianism Independence asserts that governments deriv[e] their just powers from the consent ofmorally better than eating meat? Should the governed. Roberts Rules of Order (common parliamentary procedure) mentionscountries with food abundance feed consent but doesnt follow through. The weeks theme, The Vote and Democracy,the worlds starving poor? Can the earth seems to imply that democracy depends on a system based on majority vote. But,support increased meat consumption what if that was not so? Consent decision-making procedures emerging from thearound the world as poor countries become Netherlands in the 1990s are used by companies and communities on every continent.more affluent? The class explores these Under an Erasmus grant, nine European countries are experimenting with consent- questions and others through presentation based, bottom-up governance for society (www.SONEC.org). You will learn the basicand discussion. Ages 14+.principles of consent decision making in several interactive exercises. Youll directlyWeek 6, 8/18/5 / M, Tu, W, Th, Fexperience it through opportunities to tackle real decisions drawn from your daily life.910:15 a.m. / Turner 103Once back home, youll be able to experiment with and use those basics! Ages 12+. Fees: 5 sessions$99Week 5, 7/257/29 / M, Tu, W, Th, F / 910:15 a.m. / Hultquist 201BFees: 5 sessions$115 FILM NOIR: HOLLYWOOD AFTER DARKTerry MeehanTHE THREE FEATHERS: JUNGIANDUMBOCRACY IN AMERICA: HOWFilm Noir (literally translated as black INTERPRETATION OF FAIRY TALES POLITICAL TRIBALISM THREATENSfilm, more closely translated as dark Kaye Lindauer OUR REPUBLICAND WHAT WE CANfilm) emerged as a cinematic style in the Commentary based on Jungian psychologyDO ABOUT IT 40s, partly as a result of war-time angst encourages participants to bring aTimothy J. Redmond and partly because filmmakers wanted to metaphoric understanding to the story thatWe will examine how our party attachmentstake their cameras into the streets where allows for making personal connections.can derail our ability to objectively acquire,existential anti-heroes and scheming femme Each character is understood to be theperceive and evaluate political information,fatales lurked in the shadows. But what personification of one aspect of theand why that poses a significant threat toexactly is Film Noir? To bring us closer to a individual personality. Ages 16+. American democracy. You will acquire thedefinition five classic noirs will be screened Week 3, 7/117/15 / M, Tu, W, Th, F tools you need to determine whetheraand studied: Double Indemnity, The 12:301:30 p.m. / Hultquist 101 political news source is biased, a videoKillers, Out of the Past, Gun Crazy and Fees: 5 sessions$95 of a presidential candidate is a deep- Pickup on South Street. Each film will be fake, a graph on Fox News or MSNBC isintroduced with an original video, followed THE JUNGIAN PATH TOWARDSmisleading, or an argument made in anby audience reaction and discussion. SOUL editorial is valid or strong. In a word, theAges 14+.objective of this course is to make ourselvesWeek 6, 8/18/5 / M, Tu, W, Th, FKaye Lindauer better critical political thinkers so we can35:30 p.m. / Hultquist 101Jungian psychology is a spiritual psychologybecome better citizens. Ages 14+. Fees: 5 sessions$115and strongly recognizes soul as part of the human psyche. Multiple approaches will beWeek 5, 7/257/29 / M, Tu, W, Th, Fused in exploring the question: What is a910 a.m. / Turner 103 EMILY DICKINSON: MY BUSINESS soulful life?Participants will gain an ever- Fees: 5 sessions$89 IS CIRCUMFERENCEdeepening awareness of their own depth ofKaye Lindauerbeing. Ages 16+. THE ELDERS YEARS: FULFILLINGThe ever-expanding wisdom of Dickinsons Week 4, 7/187/22 / M, Tu, W, Th, F A LIFE poetry that we experience with every 12:301:30 p.m. / Hultquist 101 Kaye Lindauer encounter, reading and rereading her words Fees: 5 sessions$95 Stories, poetry, film clips, and ideas fromand contemplating her ideas and poetic Jungian psychology will all be used toimages, never cease to fascinate while JUNGIAN PSYCHOLOGY: THEexplore the aging process in creativeenlarging our self-understanding. Ages 16+.ways. This course is not about eating yourWeek 7, 8/88/12 / M, Tu, W, Th, FCOMPLEXITY OF THE HUMAN12:301:30 p.m. / Hultquist 101PSYCHE vegetables and getting exercise, but ratherFees: 5 sessions$95Kaye Lindauer about the psycho-spiritual-emotional Core Jungian ideas (complexes, archetypes,aspects of being an elder. Ages 16+.dream interpretation, etc.) will be exploredWeek 6, 8/18/5 / M, Tu, W, Th, Fthrough multiple approaches including film,12:301:30 p.m. / Hultquist 101short story, poetry, and lecture material.Fees: 5 sessions$95Ages 16+.Week 5, 7/257/29 / M, Tu, W, Th, F12:301:30 p.m. / Hultquist 101Fees: 5 sessions$95= Visit learn.chq.org for required materials = Youth under 18 may attend = Materials fee applies'