b'46 GENERAL INTEREST SPECIAL STUDIES 2022General Master Class with Ariel EkblawInterest SPACE FOR ALL: DESIGNING AN OFF-WORLD HOMEIn an age dominated by dystopian fiction, and THE NATURE OF GENOCIDE amid a heated race to explore and privatize the Tim Horner cosmos, how can we shift our collective mindset This course treats genocide as a humanto consider what positive communal living in phenomenon perpetrated by people,space canand shouldlook like? Building not monsters. It explores how genocideupon her 2021 Amphitheater lecture, space has become thinkable at certain points inarchitect Ariel Ekblaw returns to Chautauqua to human history, but especially in the 19thlead a multi-generational conversation on how and 20th centuries. The course analyzes thewe can ensure the democratization of space, historical, sociological, psychological andaddressing access, governance, economics and religious factors that create the conditionssustainability, while also integrating into this for genocide. The study of atrocity can leadwork our commitment to protecting the Earth. to a greater understanding of ourselves,Participate in a brainstorming session to design our world, and what connects us. It invitesa Chautauqua-like outpost to orbit the moon 50 students to scrutinize and deepen theiryears from now. Ages 14+.understanding of the human condition.Week 2, 7/5 / 910:30 a.m. / Smith Wilkes HallAges 16+. Fees: 1 session$49Week 1, 6/276/30 / M, Tu, W, Th910:15 a.m. / Hultquist 201BFees: 4 sessions$89 ESPIONAGE: WHAT WE CAN LEARNHUMAN RIGHTS SUCCESSESFROM SPY FILMS Sarita Cargas & Erica HigbieTHE HEROS JOURNEY THROUGHIra Cooperman & Robert Hopper This course will provide a deeper POPULAR CULTURE The spy film genre portrays espionageunderstanding of the international human Jason K. Bussman realistically via John le Carre or fancifully viarights movement emphasizing its many This course will take a deep dive intoJames Bond. Perhaps the forever war erasuccesses. We will focus on current trends Joseph Campbells monomyth narrativeis ending, but new and traditional nationaland how the actions of the major actors theory through the lens of the popularsecurity threats will cause nations to keepin human rights, i.e., those who affect culture. The cyclical pattern of The Herosespionage alive. Join Chautauquas spyhuman rights the most, such as civil society Journey is as old as Theseus and theguys, Ira Cooperman and Bob Hopper,organizations, individual activists, the Minotaur and shared over multiple cultures.with C.I.A., military intelligence andUN, and multinational corporations, have The objectives of this course are to studydiplomatic backgrounds, to seek lessonscontributed to important advancements in the concept of a hero and the history andvia clips from classic spy films such asrights. We will review recognized authors evolution of the monomyth plot structure inTinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Traitor, Theincluding: Kristof and WuDunn, Alison storytelling. We will apply this knowledgeManchurian Candidate, Enemy of theBrysk, Hans Rosling, Kathryn Sikkink. to either an analysis paper or an originalState, plus daily surprises. Ages 17+. Ages 16+.creative writing piece of fiction. TextsWeek 2, 7/47/8 / M, Tu, W, Th, F Week 3, 7/117/15 / M, Tu, W, Th, Fstudied: Harry Potter, Star Wars, The Lion3:305 p.m. / Hultquist 101 910:30 a.m. / Hultquist 101King, and select Marvel films. Ages 14+. Fees: 5 sessions$105 Fees: 5 sessions$115Week 1, 6/277/1 / Week 7, 8/88/12M, Tu, W, Th, F / 910:15 a.m. / Hultquist 201A STORIES: MIRRORS FOR SELFMEDIA IN CRISIS: CAUSES AND Fees: 5 sessions$99 REFLECTION CONSEQUENCESKaye Lindauer Jim HeaneyREBECCA: A BRIDE FOR ISAAC Myths, fairy tales, parables, wisdom talesJournalism is in crisis, and with it, Kaye Lindauer and excerpts from both classic and literarydemocracy. Well examine the economic, A close reading of the most beautiful shortstories will be shared with commentarysocial, political and technological forces story in the Bible. Ages 16+. influenced by Jungian psychology.that have undermined mainstream media Week 1 / 6/277/1 / M, Tu, W, Th, F Ages 16+. outlets at both the local and national level, 12:301:30 p.m. / Hultquist 101 Week 2, 7/57/8 / Tu, W, Th, F and explain the ramifications on civil society. Fees: 5 sessions$95 12:301:30 p.m. / Hultquist 101 Well also examine the rise of nonprofit Fees: 4 sessions$85 news outlets and their growing reach and influence. Instructor Jim Heaney draws on his experience as a founder of a nonprofit news organization, Investigative Post, and his time as an investigative reporter and labor negotiator at The Buffalo News. Ages 16+.Week 3, 7/127/14 / Tu, W, Th3:305 p.m. / Hultquist 201AFees: 3 sessions$85Additional classes may be added. For current class listings, visit learn.chq.org'