b'14 SPECIAL STUDIES 2022 REGISTER NOW AT learn.chq.orgBUSINESS & FINANCE 15 Business & THE FUTURE OF TECHNOLOGY:INVESTING IN 2022 AND BEYONDINNOVATION AND DISRUPTIVEAlan GreenbergFinance TECHNOLOGIES Investors are continuously searching for Alan Greenberg road maps to navigate financial markets Were still in the early innings of afollowing the recent pandemic. In this technology-driven investment cycleclass well identify emerging investment WHERE TO INVEST TODAY centered on data and digitalization thatthemes that shape our new economy Liz Miller allows businesses to improve outcomesand will continue to do so. Examples Summer is a great time to review yourand drive productivity. Advancementsinclude genomics, e-commerce, space portfolio as markets generally slow. Inin areas like artificial intelligence, cloudexploration, blockchain, augmented reality this class we will look at where marketscomputing, cybersecurity, digital wallets,and sustainable investing. How will these are and assess different U.S. asset classesvideo conferencing, and connectivity notinvestment themes shape the market in the and sectors of the market for investingonly affect us, but companies we invest in tofuture? We will discuss the impacts of these opportunities. Whether individual securitiesoperate efficiently and deliver results. Wellshifts and how investing fundamentals are or funds, each day we will look at how todiscuss how portfolios should be refreshedchanged for years to come. Ages 16+.analyze investments and suggest ones thatto keep pace with the times and participateWeek 6, 8/28/4 / Tu, W, Thlook attractive today. We will concludein this next wave of growth. Ages 16+. 3:154:45 p.m. / Smith Library Classroomwith how to use these to build the mostWeek 4, 7/197/21 / Tu, W, Th Fees: 3 sessions$85successful investment portfolio. Ages 21+. 3:154:45 p.m. / Smith Library ClassroomWeek 3, 7/117/15 / M, Tu, W, Th, F Fees: 3 sessions$85 SUSTAINABLE INVESTING AND 910:30 a.m. / Hultquist 201A YOUR PORTFOLIOFees: 5 sessions$115 AVOIDING FINANCIAL LANDMINES Alan GreenbergCarol Clark Interest in sustainable investing has INNOVATION ANDRoughly 90% of Baby Boomers aregrown as companies try to improve their ENTREPRENEURSHIP: DISCOVERexpected to outlive their assets, but itpositive impacts on society. This includes HOW TO CREATE, TEST AND SCALEis often not due to a lack of planning.focus on environmental initiatives, social NEW IDEAS What are secret traps that can sabotageresponsibility and strong ethical values. Joe Tannery investment performance and rob you ofInvestment opportunities emerge from Have an idea for a new business or wantportfolio growth? Well use case studies tothese themes and can align with investing to try your hand at entrepreneurship?identify hidden drags on return, illustratein the greater good. Does your portfolio Discover how to create new ideas thatthe startling impact of fees, and discusssupport Environmental Social Governance meet customer needs, validate those ideas,strategies for building financial security.initiatives? Well discuss how ESG themes and scale them into successful businessesAges 14+. can be integrated into a portfolio and using the principles of design thinking, leanWeek 5, 7/257/26 / M, Tu can create a bridge between investing startup and agile development. Ages 13+. 910:15 a.m. / Hultquist 201A in positive change and reaching financial Week 4, 7/187/21 / M, Tu, W, Th Fees: 2 sessions$49 goals. Ages 16+.13 p.m. / Hultquist 201B Week 7, 8/98/11 / Tu, W, ThFees: 4 sessions$119 / Materials fee$20 MARKET OUTLOOK IN POST- 3:154:45 p.m. / Smith Library ClassroomCOVID-19 ERA Fees: 3 sessions$85Carol ClarkThe bull market was the longest onHEIR CONDITIONING: MAKING AN record until interrupted by the COVID-19INHERITANCE MEAN SOMETHINGpandemic. The crash in March 2020Jack Alpernprecipitated record levels of monetaryAn inheritance can launch your family to and fiscal stimulus that catalyzed rapidachieve greater accomplishmentsor escalation of stock prices, but whichit can destroy their lives. Learn how to will have residual impact on markets forminimize friction among your children after years. With the economy rebounding, theyou are gone; how to create incentive protective Fed policies unwinding andtrusts to keep heirs productive and looming inflationary fears, what lies ahead?specific techniques to give meaning and Is there an expected hurricane on thesignificance to what you leave behind. horizon or more smooth sailing? DiscoverCreate a legacy that will go on for how economic fundamentals, Federalgenerationsnot used up in a year or Reserve actions and tax policy changesless by using activities now that will might influence the market. Ages 14+. further bond your family together. Make it Week 5, 7/277/28 / W, Th mean something! Ages 45+.910:15 a.m. / Hultquist 201A Week 8, 8/158/18 / M, Tu, W, ThFees: 2 sessions$49 8:4510:15 a.m. / Turner 105Fees: 4 sessions$99= Visit learn.chq.org for required materials = Youth under 18 may attend = Materials fee applies'