b'20 GAMES, RECREATION & SPORTS SPECIAL STUDIES 2022DOG PROBLEMS? NO PROBLEM!Skye AndersonTwo hours of delightful dogs a day! Become a better friend to your BFF. Solve problems, have fun teaching tricks and massaging your best friend. Monday: how dogs learn, clicker training, equipment (a collar is a collar is a collaror is it?), ask-the-trainer. Tuesday: come, sit down, and stay awhile. Wednesday: polite greetings, automatic sits, plop, settle. Thursday: tricks, canine massage. Friday: loose-leash walking and stroll around the grounds for a fabulous finish! Ages 12+.Week 6, 8/18/5 / M, Tu, W, Th, F8:3010:30 a.m. / Turner Conference RoomFees: 5 sessions$119 / Materials fee$20HOW TO DEFEND A BRIDGE HANDHugh ButlerYou defend fully half the time at the bridge table. Review the basics. Mastery of the art of defense is not only useful but fun. Bring your favorite partner or come alone. We will play, review and analyze, plan and execute. Ages 14+.Week 6, 8/18/4 / Week 7, 8/88/11M, Tu, W, Th / 3:304:45 p.m.Sheldon Hall of Ed. 201Fees: 4 sessions$85 Learn to play mah jongg or build upon existing skills (page19)Sailing classes are available for all skill levels (next page; photo: Greg Funka)Additional classes may be added. For current class listings, visit learn.chq.org'