b'24 HANDCRAFTS & HOBBIES SPECIAL STUDIES 2022BIT BY BIT: INCREMENTAL COLLAGEIKEBANA: THE ART OF JAPANESELONG NEEDLE PINE BASKETRY ON STUDIO FLOWER ARRANGING A GOURDDenise Palguta William Matuszeski Michelle FifeNothing speaks to the journey as theYoull be introduced to the theory andCreate a beautiful and unique piece of destination quite like collage. Tap into thepractice of the ancient art of Japaneseart. This is a coiled basket worked on power of process art and immerse yourselfflower arranging. This class can also servethe top edge of a gourd which has been in painting, sgraffito, markmaking, and moreas a refresher for those who may have takencut and prepared for you. The instructor to create an impressive stash of collagelessons in the past and wish to renew theirwill bring all the supplies: clean, precut, fodder. Next, incorporate your elementsinterest. At the end of each session, you willdrilled gourds, alcohol inks, paints, alcohol into a unique variety of collage works.return home with an arrangement of yourmarkers, walnut slices, beads, artificial Learn how to mat frameable, wall-worthyown prepared with living materials suppliedsinew, sewing needles and the long needle art and how to use your creations in cardsby the instructor and individually critiquedpine straw collected by hand along the Gulf and art journals. This course will explorefor suggested improvements. Bring yourcoast of Alabama. Each basket will be a the wellness benefits of creativity andown bowl, shears and kenzan (pin frog) forunique creation. Your family and friends will emphasize discovering freedom in decisioneach session. Ages 16+. be amazed at your handiwork! Ages 14+.making and expression in both art and life.Week 4, 7/197/22 / Tu, W, Th, F Week 5, 7/257/29 / M, Tu, W, Th, FBit by bitwe can make it! Ages 16+. 24 p.m. / Turner 102 8:3010:30 a.m. / Pier Building ClassroomWeek 4, 7/187/22 / M, Tu, W, Th, F Fees: 4 sessions$119 Fees: 5 sessions$115 / Materials fee$403:305:30 p.m. / Turner 104Week 5, 7/257/29 / M, Tu, W, Th, F BEGINNING BEADING: MAKEART JOURNALING AS MEDITATION8:3010:30 a.m. / Turner 106 EARRINGS, NECKLACES ANDNancy WilkinsonFees: 5 sessions$129 / Materials fee$30 BRACELETS, TOO! Explore and reflect how the outer world Patricia S. Lemer impacts your inner world. Art journaling EXPLORING CREATIVITY ANDHave you ever wanted to make youris a way to calm the mind as one puts pen WELLNESS:THE POWER OFown jewelry? Discover how easy it is toand collage to paper. Meditation begins PROCESS combine glass beads and stones of differentand ends each session. Samples provided Denise Palguta sizes, shapes and colors to make beautifuland various techniques demonstrated. Bring Creativity can foster happiness, hope andnecklaces, bracelets and matching earrings.your own sketchbook; all other supplies will healing. Tap into the power of processLearn how to use tools, make loops, andbe provided. Ages 14+.art, where the journey of creating is alsofinish off pieces so they look professional.Week 6, 8/18/5 / M, Tu, W, Th, Fthe destination. This class will exploreBring your own beads or use those23:30 p.m. / Pier Building Classroomthe importance of including creativity inprovided. Perfect for gifts or your own use.Fees: 5 sessions$99 / Materials fee$10wellness strategy and will utilize process artAges 12+.techniques and journal making to teach andWeek 5, 7/267/28 / Tu, W, Thencourage creativity as a self-care endeavor.24 p.m. / Turner 104Mini-topics and art prompts will cover aFees: 3 sessions$85 / Materials fee$25variety of themes related to the impact of stress and avenues of encouragement and wellness through art. Delve into painting, textures, layers, markmaking, freedom, fun and more! Ages 16+.Week 4, 7/187/22 / M, Tu, W, Th, F8:3010:30 a.m. / Turner 104Week 5, 7/257/29 / M, Tu, W, Th, F3:305:30 p.m. / Turner 106Fees: 5 sessions$129 / Materials fee$30Create and take home a new arrangement each day in Ikebana (above)Additional classes may be added. For current class listings, visit learn.chq.org'